Sentences with phrase «deep questions about»

But so far the year has brought uncertainty for the world economy, including deep questions about the Chinese economy and a surprisingly bad U.S. jobs report.
If you have deep questions about your policy, you can be sure that your expert will be happy to take the time to dig into them and answer your questions.
Once again, this flub and its aftermath raises deep questions about how climate scientists respond to crises and scandal.
So, unsurprisingly, cycling advocates tend to ask some deep questions about our transportation priorities, such as: 12 BICYCLE FRIENDLY AMERICA Why can't we seem to make room on our roads to allow people who want to travel via an efficient, zero - carbon mode of transportation to do so safely?
In a recent Q&A, posted to the PlayStation Blog, game director Cory Barlog addressed deep questions about the game's character and world.
If you have deep questions about your policy, you can be sure that your expert will be happy to take the time to dig into them and answer your questions.
Nonetheless, we acknowledge that the referendum has raised deep questions about identity and belonging for many young people, for which an increasingly narrow academic curriculum has left them ill - equipped.
Design creates the innovative products and solutions that will propel our economy forward, and artists ask the deep questions about humanity that reveal which way forward actually is.
Later, the film takes a darker turn and deals with more serious issues such as group think and individuality, madness, and, and deep questions about right and wrong.
With unprecedented access, this character - driven film provokes deep questions about lawlessness, the breakdown of order, and whether it is just for citizens to take up arms to fight violence with violence.
With unprecedented access, this character - driven film provokes deep questions about lawlessness, the breakdown of order, and whether citizens should fight violence with violence.
With unprecedented access, this film brings forward deep questions about the breakdown of order and entanglement of modern - day vigilante movements at a time when the government can not provide basic security for its people.
The character - driven film provokes deep questions about lawlessness, the breakdown of order, and whether it is just for citizens to take up arms to fight violence with violence.
As a resource in designing your vision, go to: List of deep questions about dreams or vision of ideal life.
This prediction, dubbed Hawking radiation, is probably his most influential work, but Hawking spent his life probing many deep questions about the nature of space, time and the origins of the universe.
The race to grow the next «world's hottest pepper» has ignited a heated debate among chiliheads, one that raises deep questions about science, ethics, and honor.
Charles E. Curran reflected on how the discrepancy between official Catholic teaching and Catholic sexual practice has raised deep questions about the credibility of the church's teaching office.
After raising in a light way some deep questions about equality, democracy, and free speech, he concludes: «The ultimate failure of the United States will probably not derive from the problems we see or the conflicts we wage.
Like many endeavors that dig into deep questions about human relationships, the album has a natural spiritual undertone.
Now Twitter, which has 302 million active users, faces deep questions about the future of its messaging service, which is built around 140 - character snippets of text in a world that is increasingly about photos and video.
It can be difficult to answer all of the deep questions about your customer if you don't have access to a lot of marketing data, and many small business owners don't.
The incident prompted her to ask deeper questions about her life of 18 - hour workdays, seven days a week.
«And there were deeper questions about the theology that [Obama] had received,» Mansfield continues.
It provokes man's deepest questions about life to which the proclamation of the Church addresses itself.
This means we adopt an approach that not only asks how a candidate best helps our own families, but deeper questions about the common good.
There are deeper questions about the possibility of the application of ethical values to political and economic decisions and about how Christians should interpret the prayer «Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven».
The content of revelation must speak to our deepest questions about the universe.
This wise little book reached down into my heart to help me reconcile many of my deeper questions about work and finding God in mundane, daily details, in giving him glory when there isn't much about my life that looks «glorious» to others.
Fears and concerns over the threat of attacks from such extremists tend to overshadow the wider and deeper questions about how Christians, and Catholics in particular, should relate to Islam as a religion and to Muslim neighbours and acquaintances on a personal and practical level.
Rather he «inclines towards» John F. Haught's view that «that natural science achieves exact results by restricting itself to measurable phenomena, ignoring deeper questions about meaning and purpose.
The indications are that many of them came to theological study with a religion so sentimental or so narrowly Christ - centered that it had left them without answers to their deepest questions about the reason for their existence, about the meaning of human tragedy, and the significance of mankind's history.
Mixed messages from the Coalition government around schools policy are not only confusing, but also raise deeper questions about whether they have a firm position on schooling at all.
Continue reading «Ali Miraj: Straw's comments raise deeper questions about the place of Muslims in British Society»»
This will help us address the deepest questions about our place in the cosmos: How did it all begin?
The most important quality was... that he recognised that while building simple models is important... we can only answer the deeper questions about the complexity of the brain by modelling the complexity.»
Now that the public comprehends global warming and demands swift action, deeper questions about our legacy are being posed in living rooms and boardrooms around the world.
Recent questions about the validity of diagnostic criteria for mental illness have raised deeper questions about the current state of psychiatry
Turner argues that «both are exemplars of the kind of curiosity - driven science that gets scientists out of bed in the morning and inspires young people to careers in science by asking some of the deepest questions about how the universe began and the events that have shaped our existence,» he wrote.
While it's not news that the Turing test has flaws, the new study highlights just how limited the test is for answering deeper questions about artificial intelligence, study co-author says
We can use this as an opportunity to ask deeper questions about dark periods in our lives, considering how they might actually help us grow in unexpected ways.
When he starts asking deeper questions about American surveillance, the questions are morally righteous but there's never really a debate here about Snowden's actions or questions about what was the turning point for him.
I ask learners to bring in one authentic and deep question about the assigned texts as part of a sketchnote visual journal assignment.
This case does just that, introducing deeper questions about the purpose of education in Kakuma, and in refugee camps in general.
Told in alternating perspectives, this groundbreaking novel is an indictment of rape culture and explores with bold honesty the deepest questions about teen girls and sexuality.
Keep in mind, we are not trying to definitively say that such factor strategies do not work, but instead hoping potential users of these strategies will pause and ask deeper questions about them.
That was something that gradually came along within the development of my artistic practice, and it provides me with a way to ask deeper questions about sports» political, social, and cultural relevance.
The minimalist, formal beauty of Shirreff's works belies deeper questions about the often paradoxical relationship between time and space and the image, and the impact of perception on the location of meaning.
Framed in this way, Cory Arcangel's survey exhibit «Masters «seemed - in theory - on track for an «A» game as it promised to ask an even deeper question about speed: As we blow through endless upgrades of hardware and software in our glorious skim on the information superhighways, where is it exactly that we think we are going?
While the curators focus on borrowings of color combinations and compositional motifs, these only raise intriguing, deeper questions about the creative process — about how Diebenkorn translated European modernism into an American vernacular, tenaciously negotiating the cross-currents of the American scene in pursuit of a European vision of order and sensuality.
Investigations may eventually confirm the specifics of how the fire at the West London tower block spread so catastrophically on the night of 14 June, but the government and construction industry faces much deeper questions about whether a culture of deregulation, cost - cutting and buck - passing turned what should have been a small, inconsequential fire into a national tragedy.
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