Sentences with phrase «deep stuff»

After writing slightly more intense, deep stuff for a little while, it's really hard to switch back to regular style posts.
That's some seriously deep stuff and something to be proud of.
Again, this isn't terribly deep stuff but it presents an opportunity to inject order upon what would otherwise be total chaos.
That sense continued even though I was ill again, but this time I felt God was doing much deeper stuff in me.»
From deep stuff, like faith or world events, to smaller things, like Netflix binges and capsule wardrobes, Tsh, our founder, deep - dives with 4 friends to make sense of it all, then comes back up for air more enlightened.
So those are kind of the two different angles for the over-the-counters and then you have the more deeper stuff, like the opioids stuff which are gonna be like the OxyContin, Codeine, Percocet, Vicodin, and there's some that are combined, you know, Percocet's combined, then you have something like a Midol, which are like caffeine and ibuprofen stuff.
«When Not to Pee» is deep stuff as it talks about training dog actors to pee with a certain leg on command.
It's incrediblely deep stuff... if you can make it through to the end.
You can find the regular features (writing, author platform, deep stuff etc.) when you scroll down further.
It's not exactly deep stuff, but it is quite a lot of fun, hampered just a little bit by the incredibly boring maps that the game loves to have you do battle on.
Boat and boy are rendered in the same deep stuff; they are pressed together like slatted wood.
Right - clicking the Start button that appears when you hover your mouse cursor in the lower - left corner of the screen brings up a bevy of powerful options, including quick links to deep stuff like Disk Management and Command Prompt tools.
After writing slightly more intense, deep stuff for a little while, it's really hard to switch back to regular style...
I had to stop»cause there was much deeper stuff that was happening in our marriage,» she says in the clip.
It's been my experience over the last five years that you don't just lose 125 pounds without discovering some seriously deep stuff about yourself...
They come with Tyrolia bindings (only online) and are a good all - mountain ski if the conditions are well - groomed or for fresh powder days — just beware of the deeper stuff.
It's deep stuff, and it doesn't mean that you have to dwell on this all the time as you're trying to do what you have to do to succeed: Identify important customer needs, create solutions, develop a compelling value proposition, gather necessary resources, build credibility, and lead your venture to greatness.
Very mature and deep stuff.
I think I'm going to take a break from all this deep stuff to read The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde next!
It's deep stuff but also straightforward Catholicism, and the book is both readable and challenging.
This is deep stuff and I don't have answers ---- Crystal.
I think a counselor is good if you need someone to talk to about the deeper stuff — of course good friends should be confided in — to a point — but not so that the friendship becomes just about that — because then it feels like a counseling relationship — and the friendship may be lost as you will associate that friend with your sin which you want to get rid of, and when you are free from the sin, you may want to be free from those associated with the sin too.
He's got a flock of receivers to throw to, including top pick Louis Lipps, who they say is wowing»em on the deep stuff.
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
You use them to understand the deep stuff
Your identity (this is core, deep stuff, did you get permanent weight loss coaching to get these results?)
Sort of near the shoulder joint but in the pecs and the deep stuff underneath the big pectoral muscles.
Now that we've covered all the deep stuff let's talk about the tangible products every girl needs... like 4 great Summer themed value sets from Sephora and a mini-Nordstrom shopping spree!
First advise — don't trust your mood Put on your favorite music, but not the deep stuff you may want to hear, listen to something which will get you going and will put you into a happy mood.
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
On a second date there should be more «safe» topics to discuss before you get into the deeper stuff.
«I like to delve into the deeper stuff,» she said, «so I'll talk about people's fears or their limits and really get into their psychology.»
The deep stuff can come later on as you get to know each other better.
deep stuff that they wouldnt share with just anybody.
It is deep stuff.
No one begrudged Green his Pineapple Express (2008) because it was funny, and because they assumed he'd eventually get back to the deeper stuff.
In the past, I'd imagine you had to go through some deep stuff, psychologically, to get into character.
But on top of all this deep stuff, it's a great, thrilling, pounding action movie that goes with any flavor of popcorn (and a damn sight better than that other «girl power» movie of the moment, Sucker Punch).
There he talks about the hands and all that deep stuff that Frank was interested in.
Deep stuff.
Snow mode is great once underway, but if you are starting off in the deep stuff, having Lock mode at one's disposal is a great plus.
That means skid plates, a bunch of drive modes for different terrains and an electronic limited - slip differential for getting through the deep stuff.
But with no deadlines for writing and author platform links, I have focused more on the deep stuff, the blogs that really make me think.
Very thought - provoking and deep stuff.
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
Stories, photos, GIFs, TV shows, links, quips, dumb jokes, smart jokes, Spotify tracks, mp3s, videos, fashion, art, deep stuff.
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