Sentences with phrase «deep truths about»

As the whole story unravels, Miles ponders deep truths about society, humanity and faith.
Anchored by astonishing performances and the singular vision of filmmaker Barry Jenkins, Moonlight is a groundbreaking exploration of male masculinity — a sensual, intoxicating piece of cinema that uncovers deep truths about the moments that define us, the people who shape us most, and the ache of love that can last a lifetime.
Taking place at the ends of the earth, or at least a remote stretch of Turkey, Nuri Bilge Ceylan's film follows a long night that seems to brush on all kinds of deep truths about human nature that remain just out of grasp.
Even without any proper dramatic scenes, this swirling collage of a movie draws us into its story and situations, revealing deep truths about relationships.
The physical nature of computers might reveal deep truths about their uniquely powerful abstract abilities
The stories that inspire us most deeply have deep truths about human nature buried beneath the magic (and sometimes cheesiness).
«Although I am an atheist, I respect all religions and take them seriously as vast symbol systems containing deep truth about human existence.
By this revelation then, the deepest truth about God and thesalvation of man shines out for our sake in Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation.
These fundamental needs can only be truly fulfilled through a rich and living encounter with the deepest truths about God and the human person.»
We need, then, two sound tracks — one to tell the story and the other to tell God's deepest truth about the story.
He viewed science as a way to learn deeper truths about God, arguing that «a little philosophy inclines man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy brings men's minds about to religion.»
But the deepest truth about us is that there is this principle of Love - in - act working in us.
At one time, most Christians regarded this as factually true, but now most would regard it as a «myth» or a story with a deep truth about the human condition.
Moreover, Hartshorne observes, the relativity theory may after all be «a deep truth about the world» without being «the whole truth.»
Niebuhr's belief that the deeper truths about man must be stated in such a way as to include the contradictory aspects of reality was an offense to many.
And in fact this is just what we claim when we say that through his life and teaching we learn the deepest truths about the nature of God.
The council's constitution on revelation implies that the fullness of the divine self - disclosure occurs only in Christ: «The deepest truth about God and the salvation of man shines out for our sake in Christ, who is both the mediator and the fullness of all revelation (mediator simul et plenitudo totius revelationis).»
For most adults, marriage teaches a deep truth about the human condition: I do not live for myself.
«Here we find the heart of God's original plan and the deepest truth about man and woman as willed and created by him.
That's OK, he says, «But I hope the deeper effect is to compel the viewer to look more closely at the world around them and to consider deeper truths about our relationship to that which sustains us but also which we crave for comfort.»
But what if these bedtime behaviors revealed deeper truths about our nature?
Ed Howard: In all of his films, Todd Haynes takes elements of gaudy tabloid culture and warps them to his own purposes, because he sees — in the lurid stories about sexuality and decadence and violence that we like to tell ourselves, in the celebrity gossip rags and TV news and hyped - up movies — deeper truths about identity, gender, politics, entertainment and sexuality.
Whether or not the movie is ultimately «realistic,» the lack of any viable escape hatch, for the characters or the audience, touches on and deconstructs deeper truths about the genre: that its pleasures are fundamentally sadistic and, when taken to a logical end point, deeply unsatisfying.
Of course, the style and subject betray deeper truths about growing up, heartbreak, creativity, and yearning — and by necessity, any work of art springs from its creator's inner life.
The cocktail party analogy holds a deeper truth about why investors may have suffered from impaired decision making and poor self control during these years before the crash.
Travel Books: Thomas Kohnstamm celebrates fiction that uncovers deeper truths about travel and the world
I always had the sense that Asian countries may have figured out some of the deeper truths about reality than we had here in the West.»
Basquiat's works had strong social commentary and deeper truths about the individual and the power structures of racism, and criticism of colonialism and support for class struggles.
These deeper truths about what matters most to us can be surprisingly hard to uncover.

Not exact matches

But we will talk about that in weeks to come as we look deeper into the great truths found in Ephesians 6:10 - 20.
Instead, I just think, like many atheists, you're just in deep denial about it, and you don't want to accept the truth.
For while there are bits and pieces of new information here, the essential truths about the man — his deep (and deeply Bavarian) faith, his extraordinary intelligence, his human decency — were already on display in Seewald's three previous interview - collaborations with Ratzinger.
And I nod — and we will love all always and live given always, no matter what is said or not said, — and always now is the time to speak the whole truth about the deep worth of God's daughters.
We actually have very unique moments of living in what Hargrave calls our «peace cycle,» where our actions emanate from the deepest truths we know about ourselves.
Any good fruit from it will stem from the truths about marriage planted deep in the deposit of faith.
If humility means coming to know the truth about yourself, with equanimity, Richard moved deeper and deeper into it.
Given the stunning turn of events last November, however, we need to suspend our economic faiths for a time to reorient our thinking about the economy around deeper truths regarding the human person and the role of work.
For example, it could be argued that the «things of the Spirit» that Paul is referring to are about the deeper truths and mysteries of the gospel that Paul has been referring to previously in 1 Corinthians 2:9 - 15 (See Vance, The Other Side of Calvinism, 231).
In any case, beyond these details stands the deeper and more important truth about Jesus, that through him is new life, both now and in the world to come.
If Philip Larkin's fine words about An Arundel Tomb (that what remains after death is our loving) are the truth — and something deep in human existence affirms that they are — then what matters most of all about any one of us is the way in which and the degree to which we are enabled to contribute, however imperfectly this must seem to us, to the delight of God and the implementation of God's will and way in the world.
Rather, what is needed in Indianapolis and Atlanta and everywhere today, like what was needed in ancient Jerusalem, lies deep underneath such issues: the truth about human hurt and human hope.
All the semiological systems, along with the linguistic system, must be decoded, and, as Ricoeur says, «that requires a special affinity between the reader and the kind of things the text is about» (19) What is appropriated is not a system of ideas but deep values of truth that are imposed «with such power that no further proof is needed to perceive their validity and reality».
But as I have continued to read about the period, I have become convinced that it's deepest impact was not on our theory of truth and its relationship to rationality, but rather on our concept of our relationship to nature.
second, and third truth about the Christian life, at least so contemporary theology agrees.27 The dam to any complete possession of Christian love reveals a superficial knowledge of how deep sin is and how frail we are.
Both Strauss and the physicists seem to say that a man is most fully himself when he loses himself in contemplation of eternity, but the truth is that, deep down, persons are incapable of losing themselves, of not knowing the truth about themselves in some sense.
We remember that when Our Lord met the woman at the well in Samaria he knew that she had been married five times and that the man she was living with was not her husband.6 Still, he welcomed her kindly and spent time with her, explaining the Good News whilst never compromising on the truth about marriage and about her life, leading her gently but firmly to a deeper understanding and eventually to conversion.
In the last few pages of the book he speaks frankly about the «serious crisis» suffered by concept of «Traditio», the «deep wound which the Church is experiencing after Vatican II», owing to the refashioning of the understanding of Revelation from the conceptual, propositional approach of Vatican I and scholastic theology to the notion of Revelation as experience and encounter, leading to «a displacement of the dynamic aspect of revelation to the detriment of the noetic», «a gap between truth and love» and a «strong subjectivism».
Above all, we keep returning to the truth that living chaste lives in accordance with the Catholic Church's teaching truly does bring about a deep joy and peace to the soul, whatever one's sexual attractions.
Near the end of his life Frei reflected that his personal stake in Lindbeck's argument was very deep, and he exhorted Lindbeck not to back down from his truth claims about the truth status of Christian language.
Believe it or not but Jesus, by the current ideology of the TEA Party, would be considered a «liberal» today and castigated as a lazy, homeless bum by the GOP (I am not saying this to be mean, think deep about this and you will see the truth of this statement.
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