Sentences with phrase «deep water skills»

Lessons include deep water skills to ensure our young swimmers are confident in water of any depth.

Not exact matches

After that you must know how to angle; in what part of the water, how deep, at what time of day, for what kind of fish, in what weather; how many obstacles there are to this kind of fishing called angling, and especially what bait to use for each kind of fish in every month of the year; also how to make your baits breed, where you shall find them and how you shall keep them; and the most skilled art of all, how to make your hooks, of steel or of osmund, some to be dubbed and some for the float and the ground bait.
MORE SYNCHRO: Our deep - water training camp gives participants a chance to learn the skills that will take them to the next level.
While jumping into the pool at the deep end is a great way to get used to the water, this may not be the best approach to developing a set of teaching skills
Under CSIRO's Deep Earth imaging Future Science Platform, the research organisation is bringing together the skills and capabilities to peer through the earth and determine with greater certainty where usable sources of water are likely to be.
Whether you want to dip your toe in the water or go deeper with a practice like meditation, yoga, visioning, or preparing nourishing meals, a gathering led by skilled and passionate teachers offers the opportunity to align with your desires.
Geared at different experience levels, they offer the perfect opportunity to put skills from our TDI and PADI TecRec tech diving courses into practice or simply enjoy discovering deeper waters.
Lessons are run in warm, waist deep water with your coach right beside you offering supportive, skilled encouragement.
So far I have been introduced to the divemaster course and have begun working through my divemaster theory; completed my «deep», «peak performance buoyancy», and «fish ID» dives; recapped my open water skills; assisted one of my instructors, Karoline, with an open water course; given my first dive briefing; and been on a couple of fun dives!
Theory — Training techniques — Deep diving skills — Breakpoint and gliding — Stretching — Safety Water Session — Preparation and warm - up techniques — Negative pressure static dives (NPSD)-- Deep dives (max 40m) Day 3
You'll hone your skills by completing five adventure dives that introduce you to underwater navigation, deeper water diving (typically anywhere from 18 to 30 meters) and a sampler of three more Adventure Dives of your choice (you can try your hand at digital underwater photography, wreck diving and drift diving, underwater videography, peak performance buoyancy and many, many more).
We transfer all the skills you have learned in confined water to an open water environment so, for example, the water will be deeper than in confined water, the visibility will be different, there could be waves or current to deal with but as you have mastered the skills in confined water already you will be prepared and able to handle the different environment.
You'll hone your skills by completing five adventure dives that introduce you to underwater navigation and deeper water diving (typically anywhere from 18 - 30 metres / 60 - 100 feet) as well as three more Adventure Dives of your choice.
What I mean by this is that when we are planning the Deep Dive of the Advanced course we can cover and elaborate on the dive tables and dive planning skills learnt in the Open Water course.
The fact that the hindcasts with their method perform worse than a standard IPCC scenario, the number of failed previous cooling predictions, the negative skill in the Gulf Stream and deep - water formation regions... should these not have cautioned them against going to the media to forecast a pause in global warming?
We find a close agreement between the CESM - based hindcasts and the Markov model, indicating that the largest contribution to the predictive skill of soil water on interannual to decadal timescales in CESM can be attributed to the damped persistence, which is partly governed by the evapotranspiration (Delworth and Manabe 1988), the total runoff, and the diffusion of soil moisture into the deeper soil levels as shown in the Eq.
Transferable skills and track record of success includes small and major projects spanning multiple industries, including Oil & Gas (Offshore Conventional Platforms, Deep - water Facilities, Subsea and Pipeline), Refinery,...
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