Sentences with phrase «deep wave»

Rolling can create even deeper waves of oxytocin release.
To fall asleep fast and ensure you spend lots of your sleep time in the regenerative deep wave delta brainwave state, meditating before you go to bed is essential.
Once a person enters stage 3 sleep, the brain begins to produce the slow and deep waves of delta sleep.
Graceful curves flow deep in the front rail and incredibly high in the back rail creating a very tall arch that swoops into a deep wave and then flows up and out to sea.
Therefore, I found it a bit dismaying that each time I sat down to nurse my son I would suddenly be overcome with a deep wave of despair.
The deeper waves were selecting which sensory information to pay attention to, the researchers proposed in the Jan. 30 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
And those slower, deeper waves could actually dial down the strength of the gamma waves that rippled along the outer brain.
And surely Φ was low during the frenzy of seizures, or the deep waves of unconscious sleep, because the repertoire of distinguishable brain states was bound to shrink.
Another component of the deep waves of the meridional flow is the Waves that normally migrate west to east on a 4 to 6 week cycle stall — meteorologists call it blocking.
I think there was a deep wave of affection for Jack Layton,» said Rae.
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