Sentences with phrase «deeper brain structures»

Severe CTE was defined as tau clusters and several other degenerative abnormalities affecting not only the cortex, but deeper brain structures including the hippocampus, the amygdala, and the brain stem.
«We found that if you have a higher functioning dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the imbalance in these deeper brain structures is not expressed as changes in mood or anxiety,» Hariri said.
During a key experiment in the 1990s, for example, researchers damaged the neocortex of female hamsters after birth but spared deeper brain structures.
An area of the mouse hippocampus glows green, indicating that the new method of electrical stimulation excited neural activity in this deep brain structure.
Gray matter is located on the surface of the cerebral cortex and also includes deep brain structures such as the thalamus and basal ganglia.
And new research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that music can even reach into deep brain structures unrelated to hearing and memory to literally soothe nerves.
Model III — Deeper Brain Structure Dysfunction Another explanation for ADHD is a problem with the basal ganglia, and the corpus callosum just above the basal ganglia (Biederman et al, 2004).

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Some of the specific brain regions that sprang into action when Kurzweil was thinking outside the box: the dorsal anterior cingulate, which lies in the frontal lobes deep inside the brain, just above the band of fibers that connect the two hemispheres; the back part of the parietal lobes; and the right cerebellum, a cauliflower - shaped structure that lies at the base of the brain.
Deep in your brain lies a small almond - shaped structure called the Amygdala.
The work, published June 3 in PLoS ONE, suggests self - assessed Internet addiction, primarily through online multiplayer games, rewires structures deep in the brain.
Costa and Jin implanted tiny electrodes in each mouse's brain to record the activity of neurons within the striatum, a structure deep in the brain known to be involved in motor commands.
The hippocampus is a seahorse - shaped structure located deep inside the brain.
BRAIN CANDY A new database offers a deep look at living human nerve cells, revealing elaborate branching structures and myriad shapes, such as in this neuron called a pyramidal cell (cell image, left and 3 - D computer reconstruction, right).
The basal ganglia are structures deep within the brain, thought to be responsible for control of movements and responses to rewards as well as cognitive functions.
So they turned to living, anesthetized mice, attached electrodes to their scalps, and directed 2000 and 2010 hertz signals so that they produced a low - frequency, 10 hertz stimulation at the hippocampus, a deep - brain structure involved in learning and memory.
A few microscopic techniques can focus light deep into the intact brains of dead animals to study its structure without damaging the axons, but much of this light is scattered away by the fatty lipid membranes that surround individual cells, making the technique less than perfect.
Symptoms such as movement restrictions, muscle rigidity, or tremor can be alleviated using the neurosurgical procedure which places small electrodes into deep structures of the brain.
The best microscopes currently available can detect light from 3 to 4 millimetres into the brain, enough to see light signals coming from the cortex of a small animal, but not enough to see deep - seated structures such as the hippocampus.
For instance, the globus pallidus — dual almond - shaped structures deep in the brain — puts a brake on muscle contractions to keep movements smooth.
These targets include the limbic system, a group of evolutionarily old structures deep in the brain, «which is where viruses like to reactivate,» Jacobson explains.
The memory - forming structures lie deep within the brain, he says, and they probably remain active for a few minutes after brain activity in the outer cortex has stopped.
They use a special type of neural network called a «deep neural network» to do the processing — so named because its learning is performed through a deep layered structure inspired by the human brain.
A deep convolutional neural network (DCNN), modeled after brain structure, employs multiple hidden layers and patterns to classify images.
A small, almond - shaped structure called the amygdala, located deep within the brain (yellow in image above), plays a key role, but exactly what it responds to is unclear.
Amygdalae Sometimes called the body's «emotional thermostat,» these two structures are deep in the brain, one on each side.
For most people, it is a stretch of the imagination to understand the world in four dimensions but a new study has discovered structures in the brain with up to eleven dimensions — ground - breaking work that is beginning to reveal the brain's deepest architectural secrets.
The size of the brain's ventricles — cerebrospinal fluid - filled spaces deep within the brain — became progressively larger during the course of treatment, and changes were also seen within the subventricular zone, one of two structures in which new brain cells are generated in adults.
Deep neural networks (DNNs), which have been developed with reference to the network structures and the operational algorithms of the brain, have achieved notable success in a broad range of fields, including computer vision, in which they have produced results comparable to, and in some cases superior to, human experts.
Early in her restless, inventive career, Elizabeth Phelps was trying to understand the deep structure of memory by showing word lists to people with amnesia — patients who'd survived a brain injury or stroke but lost the ability to remember.
For him, that's the Chomskian deep structure at work in our brains.
For example, the researchers were able to identify previously unknown gene expression differences between the neural stem cells that give rise to the brain's deep structures versus its neocortical surface, and to show that molecular signatures of different neural cell types arise much earlier in brain development than previously realized.
However, Halassa explains, scientists faced technical struggles in accurately recording signals from the small anatomical structure of the TRN deep within the brain.
The cells were located in a part of the hippocampus — a pair of seahorse - shaped structures located deep within the brain and involved in memory and learning.
An inquiry into the roots of human amnesia has shown how deep structures in the brain may interact with perceptual pathways in outer brain layers to transform sensory stimuli into memories
However, disturbances in cortical folding patterns suggest deeper disturbances in brain structure and function..
So it's relatively easy to access this structure optically, especially in a brain with a structure like a mouse's, which doesn't have the deep folds that for instance a human brain has.
This structure lies deep within the brain and constantly integrates sensory input from the outside world.
This structure sits deep inside the brain.
Additionally, light can be delivered to structures deep in the brain with optical fibers or micro-LEDs.
While many contend that the earliest cognitive deficits are caused by damage to the striatum — a structure deep in the brain known to be severely affected in HD — recent evidence suggests that this claim may paint an incomplete picture of the widespread changes occurring in the brains of HD patients during the very early stages of the disease.
Finding some brain structures to compare across deep time is a promising step in figuring out the evolution of number sense in animals.
The striatum is part of the basal ganglia, a group of ancient structures located deep in the brain.
The amygdala is an almond - shaped structure deep in the brain that is believed to be a communications hub between the parts of the brain that process incoming sensory signals and the parts that interpret these signals.
Several structures located deep within the brain, such as the hippocampus (responsible for the formation and storage of memories) and the thalamus (involved in the regulation of sensory perception), comprise the limbic system, a complex network that controls our emotional responses, survival instincts, memory creation, and memory retrieval.
Research suggests spiritual experiences originate deep within primitive areas of the human brain — areas shared by other animals with brain structures like our own.
The author E.O. Wilson, a professor at Harvard, theorized that there may be a separate structure in our brain that may account for our deep attachment to animals.
Beard and boy aside though, the game sports many other significant changes, such as a less linear structure, a deeper character progression path, and a brand new way to open baddies from brain to bellybutton.
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