Sentences with phrase «deeper implications»

The motivations entrepreneurs have when setting up their businesses have deep implications for how they will do business.
Their concerns about their child's placement, however, have much deeper implications — implications that can challenge our understanding of inclusion.
There are deep implications for responsibility in such an understanding.
There has been a lot of research lately, and there are deep implications of using one prebiotic or another.
Hyundai and Kia could be starting to feel the repercussions of misrepresenting fuel economy, but this problem may have deeper implications beyond the Korean automakers.
So while the current Bitcoin craze is to some observers a textbook example of speculation gone wild, there are also deeper implications.
Shifting to investment - based crowdfunding and jumping on my soap box, Kickstarter's decision sets the stage for a debate that holds deep implications for the crowdfunding industry.
How Hollywood sees Islam influences the rest of the country and carries deep implications for civil liberties, foreign policy and interfaith relations.
As a result, it can be quick and casual fun for any audience while harboring deeper implications for the serious player.
Einstein felt that Galileo's thought experiment had much deeper implications.
This research has deep implications for law firms seeking to improve their overall firm profitability!
But it also means reporting on the deeper implications of financial technology.
«These findings, although currently laboratory - based, could have deep implications for the detection and treatment of corneal infections as it has the potential to reduce diagnosis time from up to two weeks to only a few minutes - and the ability to deliver the correct antibiotics immediately.»
The deeper implications, however, have received less attention than they deserve in recent years, overshadowed by the exigencies of Middle Eastern politics.
It was a style they embraced fully and even appreciated the deeper implications of their meanings.
And while Christianity's highest and deepest implications may tax the brains and moral courage of the most fully developed personalities, they can also be accepted by the relatively simple and ungifted.
Suffice it to say now that a religion is trivial unless it continually leads one out from immediate and particular concerns to questions about ever wider meanings, more extensive connections, and deeper implications.
The deep implications within the AA / NA model is that you have a «disease» that you will «never» be fully cured of, only that you can keep it at bay... if you work the steps, but those steps must be worked in the proper «order» or you you will relapse.
Arend Van Leeuwen argued in his greatest work a quarter of a century ago, Christianity in World History, that the sociohistorical forces of technology, urbanization, democracy and human rights, as worldly effects of prophetic Christian presuppositions, were in fact spiritual forces in secular garb, bearing with them deep implications for social transformation.
The repudiation of the minority view by the majority, however, has deeper implications than the compromise worked out for Küng.
It doesn't have any deeper implications whatsoever, just a random e-hug from a stranger online here in the land down under.
I shall briefly isolate three of these claims in the remainder of this chapter, and draw out their deeper implications in subsequent sections of the book.
Were we to read in a compartmentalized way, taking bits and pieces from here and there that amuse or ennoble us, ignoring the deeper implications of such a piecemeal commitment to a unified whole, we could happily sail along with boy and tiger.
NBA must be careful of the deep implications of what it is also doing in the course of the present attack on the judiciary.
Strange as it may sound, the fate of an elephant in a black hole has deep implications for a «theory of everything» called quantum gravity, which strives to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity, the twin pillars of modern physics.
Moreover, if these trends continue, we should be thinking about the deeper implications for how people will find meaning as the traditional source of it wanes in influence.
The deepest implication of general relativity is not that the universe may expand or that there are black holes.
By 1845 Darwin was confident enough in his data to theorize on the deeper implications of the Galpagos: «The archipelago is a little world within itself, or rather a satellite attached to America, whence it has derived a few stray colonists, and has received the general character of its indigenous productions.
Excitement surrounding the discovery has deeper implications than the mere gee - whiz factor of finding such a massive feature.
Nevertheless a suitably exciting action film that probably takes itself a little too seriously, «American Assassin» works best when it's trying to replicate the rhythms of a pulpy page - turner and least when pausing to consider the deeper implications of politics and personal responsibility in a post-9 / 11 world.
The film does not dramatize or analyze; it's simply a reflection on its themes, which run as simple as the uniting power of music to the deeper implications of love — lost and never realized.
What started out as an investigation of a burglary in the offices of the National Democratic Committee ends up having much higher and deeper implications, involving scandals and cover - ups that lead straight to the Oval Office.
Designed to challenge readers to reframe their own transitions and endings in a positive light, Exit is a book that strives to reveal the true power and value of exits and the deeper implications that they hold.
The decision applied to the Quest application, but it has deeper implications for the administration, which has continued to fend off criticism over its charter school policies.
The property value argument pushed by realtors and homeowners has deeper implications, too.
How the move - in process is handled for new tenants has a much broader scope and deeper implications than just getting settled into a new...
While it's important for me as an IT expert and digital marketer to understand the deeper implications of these changes, do you really need to understand them?
While Iglesias clearly does not indulge in Baroque spectacle and has taken the fountain tradition far beyond mere lavish ornament, her uses of water seem to me to resonate with the deeper implications of Descartes» analogy, for the regular pulse of Tres Aguas evokes the mind - body symbiosis of every living organism as well as the reciprocity that needs to exist between nature and society, individual and community.
At the same time, by speculatively and poetically taking existing developments to a next level, the various works also look at the deeper implications that connect the future with the present.
It» s reasonable for one incident because it may be a mistake, but repetition makes it unreasonable because it compounds the errors and has deeper implications.
She argues that overt images of death and decay along with the deeper implications of societal decline and collapse are powerful triggers for denial of mortality.
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