Sentences with phrase «deeper meaning of the text»

In addition, small - group engagements such as literature circles or Socratic seminars provide opportunities for students to focus on critical questions and unpack deeper meanings of the texts that represent sliding glass door perspectives.
These literacy and close reading experts recommend students first engage in reading a complex text with a purpose and then answer text - dependent questions after each read for deeper meaning of the text.
I knew my first step was to create a purpose for each read, and then create the text - dependent questions that would help students to gain a deeper meaning of the texts.

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However, sometimes the popular appropriation of a text inhibits further exploration for richer and deeper meanings.
We also frequently speak in terms of finding four levels of meaning in Torah: the simple / surface meaning, the hinted - at or allegorical meaning, the midrashic meaning, and the deepest secrets of the text at its root.
A case in point is Childs's recurring use of the term «coercion,» by which he apparently means that the text itself, in its deep authority, requires a certain exposition, redaction or reading.
Indeed, Eggeling calls them «theological treatises composed chiefly for the purpose of explaining the sacrificial texts as well as the origin and deeper meaning of the various rites.
Many religious texts are written with tales of magic and exageration to draw people in so they eventually get down to the deeper meanings and more life useful stuff.
The true hermeneutical spiral is not simply an ever - tightening spiral as we circle in the meaning of the text through deeper and more extensive study, but must also include learning the text through trying to apply it in the world.
The reading of the Bible can not content itself with the text but has to go to the deep liberating meaning of the biblical plan of God in human history.
I mean, really, all the thousands upon thousands of interviews you had to of done, all the mosques you must have visited, all the traveling and expenses you must have had to deal with, and even having to get to know every single Muslim in America well enough to have a very clear and deep understanding of these people, their practices, their very detailed personal beliefs, and how each of them interpret the text and follow through with their own meaning.
The text - dominated nature of online dating makes it difficult to determine inflection, tone, timing and countless other little cues that help inform you of the deeper meaning lying behind a man's words.
This leads, of course, to something that feels like a day's worth of exposition, wherein lines like «Me and my daddy used to come here» or «You remind me a lot of my daddy» cause the twenty percent or so of moviegoers not already deadened by theYeats references to squeal in delight over their ability to ferret out deeper meaning from an allegedly medium - cool text.
Students move on to guided reading, during which they familiarize themselves with the surface meaning of the text and then probe it for deeper meaning.
The ability to respond to text, or response - ability... is nurtured when students have opportunities to [discuss] meaning [of that text with their peers]... Engaging in discussion about text results in deeper understanding, higher level thinking, and improved communication skills.»
When it comes to finding the deeper meaning in a text passage, a word cloud is a simple application that you might have seen as a cute bit of fluff rather than a useful academic tool.
Critical pedagogue Ira Shor defines critical pedagogy as: «Habits of thought, reading, writing, and speaking which go beneath surface meaning, first impressions, dominant myths, official pronouncements, traditional clichés, received wisdom, and mere opinions, to understand the deep meaning, root causes, social context, ideology, and personal consequences of any action, event, object, process, organization, experience, text, subject matter, policy, mass media, or discourse.»
This automated scoring technology uses sophisticated linear algebraic models to analyze the meaning of written text at a deeper level than just key words or patterns.
If a book is slated to be discussed in high school or college English courses, or if it's marketed as a book club selection, the author and publisher may elect to include a section at the end of the body text that introduces questions about the story and facilitates an academic discussion of the themes, characters, and deeper meanings.
Like many of Brannon's prints, Masturbating A Lot combines the superficiality of simplified form and content with acerbic narrative text and images, uncovering a deeper — and sometimes abysmal — meaning concealed in these banal situations.
Asking people from all over the world to send her diary entries and text messages on the theme of love and lost love, Fulford carves out the messages, giving new meaning to some of our deepest and most private thoughts.
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