Sentences with phrase «deeper reality»

The disappearance of the historical Jesus is but a particular expression of a far deeper reality, the death of God.
Reality exists only in effective, mutual action, and «the most powerful and deepest reality exists where everything enters into the effective action, without reserve... the united I and the boundless Thou.»
And secondly, it points to deeper realities underlying the visible world.
Activism is not only an escape from deeper realities but an attitude which puts more faith in the endeavours of men than in the movement of the Spirit.
Understood properly the Church's unity is a much deeper reality.
In the deeper reality of Roark's existence there was no consciousness of Heller, no need for Heller, no demand.»
yep... that's all I remember He said... all that stuff about the old method being no more and the Father even seeking those that desired a deeper reality....
The theologians seemed to be in touch with a deeper reality.
Nietzsche was, of course, a prophetic thinker, which means that his thought reflected the deepest reality of his time, and of our time as well; for to exist in our time is to exist in what Sartre calls a «hole in Being,» a «hole» created by the death of God.
For eschatological faith is directed against the deepest reality of what we know as history and the cosmos.
Whereas they pointed to the pantheon of gods in their unseen heavenly world, the Bible pointed to one who was in no way to be identified with the gods of ancient man, but who was known to them in the sphere of human history as the deepest reality confronting them there.
One can readily appreciate why some have been searching for new ways of expressing the attitude of faith towards the deepest reality man encounters, that reality to which the Bible points by means of God - language.
This may help us to see why the Bible, in spite of the fact that it was turning men away from the gods of mankind's infancy, was quite vigorous in retaining God - talk to point to the deepest reality man encounters in his historical existence.
By God - talk we are pointing to the deepest reality we encounter, to that which concerns us ultimately.
The deepest reality we encounter in human existence is not our own image in the mirror, for that is no encounter at all.
The biblical words are used to point to the deepest reality in the experience of man.
It may be that, more and more in the new world, men may find they can speak of the deepest reality of their experience without any need to use the God - talk inherited from our fathers.
This is the same as asking, «What is the deepest reality for our experience as men of the new world, and is it the same reality as that to which the Bible points?»
If Jesus was right, this is no less than a revelation of the deepest reality of our existence.
The man Jesus at one and the same time shows us the full potential in man, and brings us into encounter with God, the deepest reality for our existence.
If God is the deepest reality for human existence, then He must speak to all men, in all their diversity, but the way in which the faith created by His word comes to be expressed by the believer, will vary considerably.
But though God, as the deepest reality of the universe, remains beyond man's grasp, the Christian has a tangible point of reference.
The discussion of the nature and relevance of the Christian faith therefore always plays some part in bringing us into encounter with that deepest reality in life we call God.
The deeper reality of all things was to be found in God's perception of the world, and in that perception, each person was only one among others.
Quantum theory does not contain any sign of a deeper reality of which it only furnishes a partial description.
But most Christians have recognized that, despite the danger, paintings and statues can play a positive role in leading the mind toward the deeper reality they represent.
The rose candle, it dawns upon me, is the great «light» of Advent — better even than the Christmas tree — for it shows us that the deepest reality, the really fundamental truth, is that God does not disdain the confines of the manger, nor the frailty and weakness of our flesh.
Thus, character «is not a surface manifestation of some deeper reality called «the self» (PK 39).
Such a reality is easy to acknowledge at the level we call collegiality, community, and family, but the deeper reality is that our consciousness is but the rim of what we receive.
In the good earth, and in such glimpses of the Good Society as we have we discern a deeper reality upon which these depend.
It moves us because it states the deep reality of what we are: a people who walk, and all around us — and within us as well — there is darkness and light.
Now, while humanity's movement toward conformity with God's will and purpose as revealed in Christ is in its deepest reality the operation of the Holy Spirit, we are quite right to speak of this as also our response.
Of course, the centre of Panikkar's attention is the Cosmotheandric Reality, and therefore the deepest reality that could ever be found.
Once again we have to sink between the sentimentality that adorns the surface of life and face the deeper realities.
Thus the preacher need have no hesitation in doing what he or she was exhorted to do at ordination: apply himself or herself to the study of Scripture, so that the deepest reality of the abiding gospel may be grasped and conveyed through proclamation to the men and women to whom that proclamation is addressed.
The beliefs are just thoughts rippling on the surface of a deeper reality called the self, and we trust their self to their own search and discoveries.
The universe is conceived to be essentially temporal in its deepest reality and to be internal to God rather than to be God.
When we speak of God, we are speaking of the deepest reality possible, yet we do not know what that reality is.
This is something of what it means to say that love is the deepest reality we encounter, and that this love that is God has searched us out.
The whole complex of events to which the Bible bears witness is not something of man's own engineering, but something in which man finds himself encountered by that deepest reality whom he calls God.
You have strongly held beliefs about the deepest realities of the universe (though only material in your case), and a desire to exclude beliefs of other groups.
At the annual feast great things happened, part of them in objective nature, part in the hearts of the worshippers, but both alike true in their portrayal of the deep realities of man's being and his place in a world of unplumbed depths of wonder and mystery.
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