Sentences with phrase «deeper understanding of the subject»

As for you, it is a good opportunity to impress your tutor with deep understanding of his subject and demonstrate profound essay writing skills.
There's no doubt in my mind that it improves attainment, establishes deeper understanding of subject and topics, and tests that all important information recall.
If you want to build a great course / training program, it is essential to have deep understanding of the subject around which you'll be creating some instructional content.
All league tables do is force teachers to «teach to the exam» at the cost of providing deeper understanding of the subject and a more well - rounded education.
Many of our students find that they can gain an even deeper understanding of a subject the second time through a course.
Critical Exploration is a distinctive teaching approach that powerfully supports inquiry and engages students in developing deep understandings of the subjects they study.
If teachers are going to help all students reach the highest K - 12 standards they themselves need a very deep understanding of the subject areas, an understanding that goes far beyond what they are teaching at the moment.»
A thoughtful curriculum centered on project learning is a superior way for students to learn 21st - century skills such as critical thinking, creativity and innovation, problem solving, self - direction, and teamwork, because students must develop and use these skills to complete their projects.In addition, project learning will foster deeper understanding of a subject because of the inherent complex and contextual learning it affords.
That knowledge is evaluated by looking at courses taken and subject - specific out - of - classroom experiences, and through interview questions that probe an applicants deeper understanding of the subject.
A curriculum that prepares students for life and work in the 21st Century is likely to be one that includes an emphasis on: — deep understandings of subject matter and the ability to apply what is learnt; — the ability to communicate and solve problems in teams; — the ability to think critically and to create novel solutions; and — flexibility, openness to change and a willingness to learn continually.
But those harsh words often lead us to a deeper understanding of the subject at hand and of ourselves.
This type of approach helps students develop a deeper understanding of subject matter than is possible through classroom study alone; it also helps develop their capacity for critical thinking, their application of knowledge in complex or ambiguous situations, and their desire to engage in lifelong learning.
Expertise is necessary to make sense of all the data: no computer algorithm can substitute for a deep understanding of the subject matter, nor can it replace sound causal inference.
Teachers respond by attempting to teach a topic a week, says education professor Marcia Linn of the University of California, Berkeley, an adviser to the TIMSS study, but that approach «denies students the opportunity to find out what it is like to have a deep understanding of any subject
The panel, which will begin meeting next week, includes several prominent players from both sides of the ongoing debate over whether recent curricular reforms provide students with enough mathematical rigor while also fostering a deeper understanding of the subject.
Natalia hopes that you will walk away today with a deeper understanding of a subject we normally avoid but will all have to confront firsthand at some point in our lives.
I understand the need we have for teaching children isolated skills in order to enhance their deeper understanding of a subject.
But in order to assess a student's deep understanding of the subject and their ability to apply a concept, you can not test those kinds of abilities through a traditional paper - and - pencil, crank - out - the - formulas kind of an assessment.
Seating students in heterogeneous groups maximizes the learning environment: weaker students see how stronger students learn and approach problems, while stronger students gain a deeper understanding of the subject by teaching it to others, creating a «technical success.»
Good feedback is the most powerful part of an eLearning course; even when thinking about more sophisticated forms of eLearning (i.e. simulations, games, role - plays, etc.), deep understanding of the subject is usually being provided by some form of feedback.
Engaging learners in dialogues that build on a series of questions helps students to develop their reasoning processes and a deeper understanding of a subject in real time (Wiliam, 2010).
«But you can't assess a student's deep understanding of a subject and their ability to apply a concept through a traditional paper - and - pencil, crank - out - the - formulas kind of assessment,» says Reeder.
To be effective, all prospective teachers need a deep understanding of the subject matter, child development, and language development and sophisticated strategies for teaching content to diverse learners, managing the classroom, and assessing both how children learn and what they are learning.
The Instructional Designer will develop course objective plans through SME interviews and building a deep understanding of the subject matter, and develop and produce all aspects of the courses.
These Teacher Resource Guides help teachers find meaning in mathematics and help children develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
This teacher guide helps teachers find meaning in mathematics and help children develop a deeper understanding of the subject.
If you need help preparing for the tests or gain a deeper understanding of a subject, you can go through essays on select topics.
With the Cambridge Pathway, students build more than just a deep understanding of their subject.
Illustrates how a deeper understanding of subject matter can actually enhance problem - solving, critical thinking, and other 21st century skills
Such a system demands educators with a deep understanding of the subject being taught, a personal allegiance to continuous self - improvement and a commitment to helping all children find their success in school, careers, and their lives.»
As a result, students are gaining a deeper understanding of subject matter, are learning to think critically, and are applying their learning to real - world problems.
A merit badge requires a scout to pursue a deeper understanding of a subject.
Hopkins» writing is clear and easy to follow; the structure of the book is well defined and there are plenty of references for those of you who want to gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
Our specialty programs offer introductory overview courses, supplemented by advanced courses and seminars that enable students to develop a deep understanding of subject areas.
Throughout this book, the conversational style Sue has, her deep understanding of her subject and her passion for this topic are palpable.
Does she seem to have a deep understanding of the subject matter at hand?
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