Sentences with phrase «deeper validity to»

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As long as German Protestants viewed the Kirchenkampf as an internal church battle about the proper direction and options for the church in a Nazi society, they ignored the deeper ideological challenge to the validity of religious faith.
All the semiological systems, along with the linguistic system, must be decoded, and, as Ricoeur says, «that requires a special affinity between the reader and the kind of things the text is about» (19) What is appropriated is not a system of ideas but deep values of truth that are imposed «with such power that no further proof is needed to perceive their validity and reality».
But such an overemphasis upon the clear and distinct at the expense of the deep and complex should not be considered a fundamental challenge to the validity of religious experience or the meaningfulness of religious discourse.
1) Any and all materials providing validity and reliability of the Smarter Balanced Assessments; and 2) the «deep psychometric study» the State claims to have completed.
These will be highlighted in the presentation — the complexity of culture (the integration and validity of cultural norms within educational developments); the complexity of partnerships (the nature of the participants and their ability to obtain deep understandings of the unique contexts in which they work), the complexity associated with the work (especially the need to protect and survive in hostile environments), and most important, the complexity of consequence (the outcomes of the partnership work).
The e-mail discussion that follows proceeds along two tracks, one examining the validity of the conclusions in the influential «stabilization wedges» paper that Socolow co-authored with Stephen Pacala in 2004, the other offering reactions to Socolow's ideas on how to advance sustainable energy choices in an era of deep polarization and economic malaise.
The exchange explores both the validity of the conclusions in the original 2004 paper and reactions to Socolow's proposals for gaining traction in an era of deep polarization and economic malaise.
You might make the mistake of thinking that maybe these people making negative comments are just a few malcontents, not representative Medical Assistants in general but, if you dig deeper into their complaints / concerns, you will see that maybe, just maybe, there is some validity to what they say.
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