Sentences with phrase «default on one's debt»

If you have a low score, it means that you probably had missed payments, late payments, or gone into default on debt in the past.
The risk of loss should a borrower default on their debt by failing to make the required payments.
A personal guarantee means the business owner assures repayment of a business debt with personal assets, if the business defaults on the debt.
Imagine a world where many developed nations default on their debts.
Unlike the federal government, municipal governments do sometimes default on their debt.
This can help you avoid missed payments and potential default on your debt.
Last Thursday, the Macdonald - Laurier Institute released a report warning Canadians that several provinces have a high probability of defaulting on their debt payments over the next 20 years (although they acknowledged that the risk of default for all provinces over the next 5 to 10 years was essentially zero).
A credit risk is someone who has a high probability of not defaulting on a debt.
Chicago Public Schools expects to run a $ 544 million deficit in the coming fiscal year and is at risk of defaulting on debt payments.
I hate it when people default on their debt obligations, which is why I haven't invested large sums of money in P2P.
Being late and missing payments, as well as defaulting on a debt, is bad behavior.
Moreover, as the one faction in Congress willing to see the U.S. government default on its debt, they have greater influence than their numbers would suggest.
Today, the city's past hardships have a silver lining as the city is popular for its classic architecture, which would have been mostly removed if the city defaulted on its debt like so many other cities did.
The geopolitical risks that have been swirling around the globe this year are as bad, or worse, than the prospect of Greece defaulting on its debt, and yet, the European debt crisis regularly pummelled markets.
After pinching pennies to avoid a U.S. default on debts in July, U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner now insists Uncle Sam will have to break its obligations to creditors in August unless the federal government's debt ceiling is raised.
Sure, there's interest charges, but those are offset significantly by the cost of borrowing money, and by people defaulting on their debt / entering bankruptcy.
Washington (CNN)-- A back - up plan proposed by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell that would keep the U.S. government from defaulting on its debts next month is viable and under consideration by Senate Democrats, according to Sen. Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the chamber.
Ultimately, it might look more like a balloon slowly deflating, if a large portion of college graduates decide to strategically default on their debt over time.
The legislation ensures the U.S. avoids defaulting on its debt, and would withhold congressional pay until Congress passes a budget.
That alone will require the IMF to withdraw, because the terms of its Articles of Agreement prevent it from lending to countries that unilaterally default on debts owed to official institutions.
Today, the city's past hardships have a silver lining as the city is popular for its classic architecture, which would have been mostly removed if the city defaulted on its debt like so many other cities did.
CNBC's John Harwood with a look at JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and today's speech at the US Chamber of Commerce event, where he criticized the extent of Dodd - Frank regulation and the possibility the U.S. may default on its debt by not raising the debt limit.
The decline was partially due to an influx of consumers defaulting on their debts, in the aftermath of the Great Recession.
While a U.S. judge awarded the holdouts $ 1.7 billion in a ruling, Argentina decided to default on its debt again in 2014 rather than pay them.
She may not want to try this option if she intends to apply for a mortgage or other credit in the future, because defaulting on a debt won't do her credit score any favors.
On the contrary, foreign investors are encouraged to participate in the system of thievery because it is exceptionally profitable and because foreign governments will step in to assure the African countries do not default on debt repayments (this paradox is what economists call «asymmetric risk»).
Individuals with lower risk appetites may want to look at these funds since all Treasury securities are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government, which has never defaulted on its debt payments.
If the US defaults on its debt, the world crisis will be inevitable, so all other currencies will quickly fall against dollar.
The ratings they assign, essentially risk assessments, determine the credit strength of companies and assess their risk for defaulting on their debt obligations.
Remember that banks make money by lending to borrowers likely to generate income, without defaulting on their debts.
In some cases, lenders require a «personal guarantee» from small business owners — a written promise that the borrower's personal assets can be seized if the company defaults on their debts.
The S&P also said that the government - sponsored enterprises could potentially default on their debts since they are so reliant on the U.S. government for funding.
Its just not possible to borrow your own IOUs Therefore they can not involuntarily default on debt denominated in their own currency.
Over-indebted countries do default on their debt more often than less - indebted countries.
The troubled drugmaker filed its 2015 financial report in late April, allaying concerns about a possible default on its debt of more than $ 30 billion.
In the days that followed, Argentina would cycle through four more presidents and default on debts totaling $ 155 billion.
«He's walked back his comments on defaulting on debt — but the fact that they even trickled out of this mouth shows that he's a f — ing idiot when it comes to macroeconomics,» he added, one of several lines that got laughter and applause.
And fears that Washington might actually — however partially and briefly — default on its debt certainly isn't helping.
Among the 28 U.S. companies that defaulted on their debt through May this year, 11 were energy firms with $ 3.5 billion in outstanding obligations, according to Fitch Ratings Ltd..
Bankruptcy laws discharge borrowers who default on their debts, in exchange for relinquishing their assets.
The pace of decline would pick up significantly if Venezuela defaulted on its debt.
Learning how to manage your loans and prevent defaulting on your debt is essential for your financial security.
That debt level is substantially lower than at the start of the year, when the company's C$ 2.1 billion in outstanding debt had it teetering on the brink of defaulting on its debt covenants.
Tsipras is seeking to assuage the left flank of his party — some of whom want Greece to default on its debt altogether — by focusing on tax increases for companies and high - income individuals instead of spending cuts.
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