Sentences with phrase «defending against»

These properties make raw honey the perfect natural medicine in defending against sickness and allergies.
In standing guard against the Jew I am defending against the handiwork of the Lord».
«I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord..»
Balmer is ambivalent about evangelicalism; he criticizes it while defending it against unjustified attacks by others.
Now the Democratic Party will have to expend resources defending themselves against the atheist tag.
Even so, Francis reiterated the church's stand against abortion, defending it against critics who call such arguments «ideological, obscurantist and conservative.»
I was mad at first, but then I realized that the woman writing the piece, and the readers chiming in in disgust, were simply defending against what they perceived to be an attack on their lifestyle and choices.
Also he was deeply appreciative of the work of his teacher at Union, Reinhold Niebuhr, and appropriated much of Niebuhr's thought while defending against him some features of the liberal tradition.
Moses taught retaliation and retribution - «An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life — but Jesus teaches his disciples to practice nonresistance by enduring wrongs that others inflict on them rather than defending themselves against evildoers.
Hitler said: «Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.»
Can we let @Moncada hang him / herself on the issues, instead of having to be diverted onto defending against ad hominems?
As far as the Catholic Faith goes there have always been those in the Church who have done wrong, and more serious wrong than you are reading about here - namely the first Pope denying he even knew Jesus and all of the rest of the apostles abandoning God to that shameful horrifying death - when they could have stood by Him, defending Him against the authorities and even proving to them that He indeed was God - their Messiah before them!
The ones your defending against your fellow disgruntled white man.
(CNN)- Muslim extremists are more concerned with defending against foreign intrusion than foisting Islam on the world, according to a new study of extremist texts.
just sayin «Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.»
Usually, we believe that creeds and confessions protect the gospel, defending it against heresy, keeping at bay those who teach a false gospel, and leading people toward central truths of gospel, such as God's holiness, our sinfulness, and the person and work of Jesus Christ.
Defending yourself against criticism is easy.
But Hitler, on the other hand, was quoted as saying: «Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.»
But this has never prevented the Church from defending herself against unjust attack.
Fact: Muslims are not allowed to harm women and children even when they are defending against aggressors.
«Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.»
learning what people of opposite opinion think, examining why I believe what I believe, being pushed to know what I believe, defending against false teaching that is influencing too many people, learning to communicate better in type and more.
This means engaging the issue of gun control must be directed toward stopping violence today — not primarily toward defending against a potential future where certain freedoms might be more restricted.
Bayhi has absolutely no way of defending himself against it even if he wants to), then what happened was an appalling dereliction of duty on the priest's part for which he would have to answer to God.
It is has become commonplace to regard Ivan Karamazov's «Legend of the Grand Inquisitor» as a prescient parable glorifying human freedom and defending it against the kind of totalitarian threats it would face in the twentieth century.
Such indemnity shall include payment from the Trust of the costs and expenses incurred by such Trustee Indemnified Party in defending itself against any claim or liability in its capacity as Trustee.
Two years after the leaks that showed the U.S. National Security Agency spied on America's European allies, the U.S. and Europe still need to rebuild trust so they can collaborate on defending against cyber-attacks, says Carsten Casper of Gartner.
His attorneys told Scherer she should consider the seriousness of the offenses he faces and costs of defending against those charges.
Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz was in court March 9, 2018, to formally begin the process of defending himself against charges of murder.
So we have Bernanke essentially bragging that he broke the law and helped create mass unemployment, because it's his only way of defending himself against those Senators who want him to break the law even more egregiously - to create even lower than post-war record low inflation in order to create even higher unemployment.
«We have reviewed Waymo's claims and determined them to be a baseless attempt to slow down a competitor and we look forward to vigorously defending against them in court.
GLOBAL RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES: Defending Against Cyber Threats Hosted by Zurich Insurance Group Helen Greiner, Chief Executive Officer, CyPhy Works Jane Holl Lute, Chief Executive Officer, Center for Internet Security Paula Tolliver, Corporate Vice President, Business Services and CIO, The Dow Chemical Company Moderator: Leena Rao, Senior Writer, Fortune
, became interested in the issue after talking to the CEO of a small firm in his district, who told him that the firm's growth had been stunted by the costs of defending against patent lawsuits.
The bottom line, said Trump's trade director, Peter Navarro, on Thursday, is that the U.S. is «strategically defending itself against economic aggression.»
Security teams at large financial services firms and businesses were reviewing plans for defending against ransomware attacks, according to executives with private cyber security firms.
A spokesperson for Disney has issued the following statement: «Inside Out was an original Pixar creation, and we look forward to vigorously defending against this lawsuit in court».
Securing the Network from Malicious Code: A Complete Guide to Defending Against Viruses, Worms, and Trojans, by Douglas Schweitzer (John Wiley & Sons, 2002).
Brands tend to focus too much on achieving positive WOM and should focus more on defending against negative WOM.
Immunotherapy, in short, helps the body do the dirty work of defending itself against homegrown terrorists.
our inability to adequately enforce and protect our intellectual property or defend against assertions of infringement could prevent or restrict our ability to compete;
The Graz team had already been working on a tool to defend against attempts to steal secrets from kernel memory.
The U.S. Department of Energy has begged for new authority to defend against weaknesses in the grid in a nearly 500 - page comprehensive study issued in January 2017 warning that it's only a matter of time before the grid fails, due to disaster or attack.
The lead investor may negotiate better terms, defend against unfair dilution by negotiating with venture capitalists during follow - on financing, mentor the company and represent small investors on the board,» says Nick Tommarello, the co-founder and CEO of crowdfunding platform WeFunder, in a letter to the Committee of Financial Services shared with Entrepreneur.
But we also study mosquito biology because understanding how mosquitoes eat, mate and defend themselves against infection can help us develop strategies to control or eradicate them.
The new service could help such retailers take advantage of Google's voice assistant - based shopping services, so they can better defend themselves against Amazon «s advances in this space.
Yevgeny Kaspersky is an outspoken critic of cyberwarfare, and emphasizes that the health and credibility of his company depend on his ability to defend against all cyber threats without bias.
Wearing the same dress Melania wore at the convention, and mimicking her accent, «Melania» defended herself against the charges of plagiarism by featuring a long string of lines and catchphrases taken from sources ranging from Charles Dickens to the movie Braveheart and the TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
Despite a 64 percent increase in Internet security breaches last year, only 25 percent of U.S. organizations are prepared to defend against a cyber attack.
Having those would give Microsoft an even stronger base from which to defend against any potential legal actions from competitors.
No more will products that don't fully work, or the effective, yet very toxic DEET be the only options for us to defend against mosquitos.
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