Sentences with phrase «defense of free speech»

In the annals of First Amendment jurisprudence, the Supreme Court's 1927 opinion Whitney v. California is known for its concurrence by Justice Louis Brandeis in which he wrote an eloquent defense of free speech while joining in a decision against it.
On Liberty involves an impassioned defense of free speech.
Dear Mark, as you fight the good fight in defense of free speech did I miss a post regarding The President's «trolling?»
The first principle of the defense of free speech is eternal vigilance is the price of freedom: readers who accept David Rose's false misuses of the press as protected speech demonstrate insufficient skepticism.
PewDiePie's use of the n - word and Campo Santo's response has triggered a massive wave of debate as some worry whether Campo Santo's filing of a DMCA takedown notice was perhaps a step too far, while others have expressed worry that PewDiePie's negative behavior will affect the YouTube platform as a whole, and still others have even defended PewDiePie in a misguided defense of free speech.
«New York is the world's crossroads, so what happens out there — in this case, the U.K.'s libel tourism problem and its misuse by terrorism's apologists and facilitators — affects us here, and it's nice to know that our defense of free speech here in New York is likewise having an impact out there as pressure builds in the U.K. to cease being a haven for libel terrorists,» the assemblyman said.
He knew that the instinctive response from journalists would be to cry foul, and to mount our horses in defense of free speech, truth, and justice.

Not exact matches

In its report, The New York Times cites several people's objection the Dawkins event, including the station's general manager who, in a public statement, actually claims free speech in defense of canceling the event.
The First Amendment Defense Act can and should protect the free exercise of religion without ignoring the freedom of speech, press and assembly for the non-observant as well as the devout.
Ethics and Politics ends with a fascinating defense of the virtue of toleration and free speech.
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D., N.Y.) cited free speech concerns when she withdrew her support in late July for the bipartisan Israel Anti-Boycott Act, yet in the past she has taken positions in defense of restrictions on constitutional rights.
The accusations against Paladino in the Buffalo School Board's petition do not include his remarks about the Obamas, but the Buffalo businessman has brought them up in his defense for allegedly leaking the teacher negotiation details, saying it's part of a conspiracy to deny him his first amendment rights for free speech under the US Constitution.
The accusations against Paladino in the Buffalo School Board's petition do not include his remarks about the Obamas, but the Buffalo businessman has brought them up in his defense for allegedly leaking the teacher negotiation details, saying it's part of a conspiracy to deny him his first amendment rights fo free speech under the US Constitution.
The Guild advocates for authors on issues of copyright, fair contracts, free speech, and tax fairness, and has initiated lawsuits in defense of authors» rights, where necessary.
Animal Legal Defense Fund v. Herbert The Animal Legal Defense Fund, along with PETA, filed the nation's first lawsuit against ag gag legislation, taking Utah to court for infringing on the free speech rights of activists, investigators, and journalists by criminalizing undercover investigations at factory farms.
Rudy Giuliani, whose presence in the case was geared towards defense of historical fiction, says that, «This ruling is an important victory and we thank the court for protecting free speech
More than half the brief is a principled free - speech defense of what I and Rand Simberg said - or as the contents page puts it:
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