Sentences with phrase «defined as a follower»

A Christian defined as a follower of Christ.
Since I did not encounter any young people who support the Islamic movement or define themselves as followers of political Islam in either neighborhood, I will also exclude young people supporting political Islam from the analysis below and primarily focus on the subjectivities of youth born to secular and leftist families.

Not exact matches

Nike has the largest Instagram following, which is 5x larger than Starbucks, but Starbucks wins overall with the highest engagement ratio (which TrackMaven defines as the «average number of interactions per post per 1,000 followers»).
Stop The Traffik campaign is a reminder to us not only of our calling as followers of Christ to participate in bringing transformational structural change to our world, but also what could be a defining moment of inspiration for the church.
To be honest a Christian is a follower of Christ, hence the name Christian which has supplanted followers of «the way», which defines one as a follower of Christ.
Christian is defined as «follower of Christ».
The Incarnate Word took to himself sinful flesh (which Bonhoeffer defines only as «human nature» or «our infirmities and... our sin «49) and thereby sought to create a community of followers.
I define Christian as «A True Follower of Jesus» >
It leads directly to the effort to emphasize the uniqueness of the Christian religion, to define it as the «true» religion, to recommend it because of its originality, to exaggerate the differences between Christian and Jewish faith, to re-erect walls of division that Jesus Christ broke down, to exalt the followers of the one who humbled himself, to define the neighbor as fellow Christian.
In any case, the neoconservatives believed that justice and freedom as defined by the young and their middle - aged camp followers were at best caricatures and at worst outright perversions of those terms, properly understood.
I'm assuming that by «a higher authority» you meant the made up kind so loosely defined that it can be interpreted as supporting anything it's «followers» choose.
We see that followers align themselves not only with well - defined physicality but also personality as well.
I find that most of the people on here are knowledgeable about the bible, but few are true Christians as the bible defines what a follower of Christ truly is.
Although its overwhelming logic is hence from video games — «I've never made it this far,» Cage tells his followers at one point, when asked what comes next — Edge of Tomorrow works best as a gleeful riff on the narrative tricks endemic to the cinema, an art defined more by editing than by images.
So check out the 20 most popular writing articles of last week as defined by the actions of my social media followers.
I've got a treat for you today — 10 of the week's best articles on writing, publishing, designing and promoting books, as defined by the sharing habits of my fabulous Twitter and Google + followers.
A follower is defined as a person who accepts another as a guide or leader; accepts the authority of or give allegiance to, to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: (to follow orders; to follow advice) or to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar (They follow the latest fads.).
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