Sentences with phrase «defined as a pattern»

Emotional abuse of a child is commonly defined as a pattern of behavior by parents or caregivers that has negative mental impact on the child.
Hostile Aggressive Parenting is defined as a pattern of behaviors or actions on the part of one parent or guardian that interferes with or creates difficulties in the relationship between a child or children and their other parent or guardian or another person involved in the raising of the child.
She defined it as a pattern of coercive behavior rooted in the need to maintain power or control.
Dating Abuse is defined as a pattern of coercive behavior in which one person attempts to control another through threats or actual use of physical violence, sexual assault, and verbal or psychological abuse.
The NPI is the average MSLP anomaly in the Aleutian Low over the Gulf of Alaska (30 ° N — 65 ° N, 160 ° E — 140 ° W; Trenberth and Hurrell, 1994) and is an index of the PDO, which is also defined as the pattern and time series of the first empirical orthogonal function of SST over the North Pacific north of 20 ° N (Mantua et al., 1997; Deser et al., 2004).
Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, family violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends, or cohabitation.
Hostile Aggressive Parenting is defined as a pattern of behaviors or actions on the part of one parent or guardian that interferes with or creates difficulties in the relationship between a child or children and their other parent or guardian or another person involved in the raising of the child.
Trauma is defined as pattern of sequelae (or symptoms) that manifests in an anxiety disorder following an extreme emotional or physical trauma that involved the real threat or perceived of injury or death, or that was intensely terrifying.
Maternal1 sensitivity is defined as a pattern of behaviour that pleases the infant and increases the infant's comfort and attentiveness and reduces its distress and disengagement [28].

Not exact matches

The pivot points are defined as «major support and resistance levels» where there is a strong likelihood of a price turnabout and where the pattern would shift in the opposite direction.
The «running down» of the physical universe is interpreted as a general decay of the patterns of prehensions now dominant; new societies defined by new types of order, now perhaps sporadically foreshadowed, will arise in another cosmic epoch.
So far I have argued three points: that persons engage in behavior patterns which can be characterized as purposive, i. e., as exhibiting a structure of aims, values, and methods of attainment; that individuals and institutions are interrelated, with each side influencing and being influenced by the purposes and activities of the other, although with neither being in any way reducible to or explicable solely in terms of the other; and that the institutional pole in this interaction shares with the individual as its opposite those characteristics that define its behavioral patterns as purposive.
In the generic sense, for Whitehead, the customs of any given civilized society function as the requisite «patterns of relationship,» which not only define but also substantiate the particular order of that society.
Now, what is important here is that the pattern of development from the finite to the infinite as Peirce defines it can be accounted for by the notion of agape.
It was coupled with a critique of modernity, which I define as the overarching ideology of the modern period characterized by the three key terms describing larger patterns familiar to modern psychotherapy — autonomous individualism, naturalistic reductionism, and narcissistic hedonism.
Yet as one thinks of persons he knows to be unmistakably Christian, a certain pattern and quality of life are distinguishable, more readily discerned by acquaintance than defined in words, which give meaning and content to the term «personal Christian living.»
As soon as you define what churches «should» be, you form a pattern of expectation which does violence to the way a local church actually iAs soon as you define what churches «should» be, you form a pattern of expectation which does violence to the way a local church actually ias you define what churches «should» be, you form a pattern of expectation which does violence to the way a local church actually is.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is defined as: «a child or teen who has a frequent and consistent pattern of anger, irritability, arguing, defiance and often vindictiveness towards their parent (s) or other authority figures.»
Our patterns are what we have taken on to survive... - Narrative therapy - «I am not defined by my mistakes» - Our body reads stress AS fear - The power of our positive intent
Research on co-sleeping, which is defined as sleeping in close proximity to one's infant, though not necessarily in the same bed, has shown that the practice limits babies to lighter sleep patterns.
For alcohol, the exact risk is still ill - defined, and no studies have been carried out to correlate the dose, although some research suggests it can harm the infant's motor development, as well as causing changes to their sleep patterns, reduce the amount they eat, and increase the risk of hypoglycaemia.
Effective food policy actions are part of a comprehensive approach to improving nutrition environments, defined as those factors that influence food access.1 Improvements in the nutritional quality of all foods and beverages served and sold in schools have been recommended to protect the nutritional health of children, especially children who live in low - resource communities.2 As legislated by the US Congress, the 2010 Healthy Hunger - Free Kids Act (HHFKA) updated the meal patterns and nutrition standards for the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program to align with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.3 The revised standards, which took effect at the beginning of the 2012 - 2013 school year, increased the availability of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and specified weekly requirements for beans / peas as well as dark green, red / orange, starchy, and other vegetableas those factors that influence food access.1 Improvements in the nutritional quality of all foods and beverages served and sold in schools have been recommended to protect the nutritional health of children, especially children who live in low - resource communities.2 As legislated by the US Congress, the 2010 Healthy Hunger - Free Kids Act (HHFKA) updated the meal patterns and nutrition standards for the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program to align with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.3 The revised standards, which took effect at the beginning of the 2012 - 2013 school year, increased the availability of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and specified weekly requirements for beans / peas as well as dark green, red / orange, starchy, and other vegetableAs legislated by the US Congress, the 2010 Healthy Hunger - Free Kids Act (HHFKA) updated the meal patterns and nutrition standards for the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program to align with the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.3 The revised standards, which took effect at the beginning of the 2012 - 2013 school year, increased the availability of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits and specified weekly requirements for beans / peas as well as dark green, red / orange, starchy, and other vegetableas well as dark green, red / orange, starchy, and other vegetableas dark green, red / orange, starchy, and other vegetables.
My purpose as your coach is to assist you in defining your goals and holding you up as you establish new patterns and create sustainable change.
A sleep regression is defined as a cognitive, physical and / or emotional development that disrupts a child's normal sleep pattern.
He argues that prebendalism is the most appropriate conceptual notion for explaining Nigeria's politicians intense and persistent struggle to control and exploit the offices of the state and defines prebendalism in terms of «the historical association of the term «prebend» with the offices of certain feudal states which could be obtained through services rendered to a lord or monarch or through outright purchase by supplicants... the adjective «prebendal» will refer to patterns of political behaviour which rest on the justifying principle that such offices should be competed for and then utilised for the personal benefit of office holders as well as their reference or support group.
This pattern of behaviour suggests that the electorate might not notice the imminent fall in immigration implied by the government, but it could also mean that they may be immune to accurate descriptions of a defining factor pushing us all towards our new status as a Trump - friendly tax haven on the edge of the world.
The American Psychological Association defines sexual orientation as «an enduring pattern of emotional, romantic and / or sexual attractions to men, women or both sexes,» and as Hamer points out, sexual orientation is far less «ambiguous» than personality traits like «self - esteem» and «warmth» that scientists study without religious and political ramifications.
By recording neuronal activity in monkeys as they performed tasks that caused saccades, Dr. Christopher Pack has shown that there are waves of activity that cross specific vision processing areas of the brain in defined patterns, and that these patterns are reorganized by saccadic eye movements.
The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism defines binge drinking as a pattern of drinking that brings a person's blood alcohol concentration to 0.08 or above.
Subjects in computational intelligence as defined by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society mainly include: Neural networks: trainable systems with very strong pattern recognition capabilities.
Plant - based diets were defined as «vegetarian» which consist of a variety of dietary patterns that exclude some or all animal foods.
They define the condition as «a pattern of financial behavior that places an older adult at substantial risk for a considerable loss of resources such that dramatic changes in quality of life would result.»
IOM found many potential problems inherent in tests based on omics, which it defines as research that looks for patterns in large sets of molecules such as proteins, DNA, RNA, or metabolites.
Manufacturers of these products have two determining factors with which they can define the properties: the yarns, as well as the structure via which the individual yarns are interconnected — such as special weave patterns or mesh variations.
In a paper accepted by the 2016 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), entitled «Image Captioning with Semantic Attention,» computer science professor Jiebo Luo and his colleagues define semantic attention as «the ability to provide a detailed, coherent description of semantically important objects that are needed exactly when they are needed.»
Based on data gathered when participants entered each study, the investigators used four AHA - defined lifestyle factors — no current smoking; lack of obesity, defined as a body mass index less than 30; physical exercise at least once a week, and a healthy dietary pattern — to determine a lifestyle score, whether participants had a favorable (three or four healthy factors), intermediate (two factors) or unfavorable (one or no healthy factors) lifestyle.
Most of these approaches define a conscious brain as an integrated brain, where groups of cells in many different regions activate to form a cohesive pattern, explains Marcello Massimini, a neurophysiologist at the University of Milan in Italy.
For example, in terms of cognitive abilities, they define a healthy aged cat as one that shows none of the so - called «DISHA» pattern of signs described in dogs; namely disorientation, interaction changes, sleep / wake disturbances, house - soiling and changes in activity.
«We essentially defined each participant's «chronobiome» - a collection of their individual physiological traits in a 24 - hour rhythmic patternas a reflection of their time - dependent deep phenotype under free - ranging conditions,» said senior author Garret FitzGerald, MD, director of the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, who coined the term.
«Several years ago our lab defined a combinatorial code where the number and distance of the CPEB binding element (CPE) to the PAS (polyadenylation signal), as well as the presence of additional cis - acting elements, determine the transcript - specific spatiotemporal pattern of translation,» explains Eulàlia.
This shows that the temperature response, even to a geographically defined forcing such as aerosols, shows little overlap with the spatial pattern of forcing itself — although of course there is some overlap.
This metric was examined to identify global and regional patterns in fire weather season length changes as well as changes in the frequency of, and the area affected by, long fire weather seasons (defined as > 1.0 σ above historical mean) over the last 35 years.
This measure allows for gapiness in the pattern of homology, so a Nasonia protein with a hit to a single non-arthropod genome would be defined as «Metazoan» even if it were absent from all arthropod genomes other than Nasonia.
Quiz Ref IDWe found similar patterns when we restricted our sample to patients treated by hospitalists (24429 of 57896 general internists [42.2 %] were defined as hospitalists).
Scientists had long hypothesized that conspiracy theory belief (which the researchers of a new paper define as «the assumption that a group of people colludes together in secret to attain evil goals») was due to a phenomenon known as «illusory pattern perception» — seeing patterns where none really exist.
Form is defined as the process of focusing on proper skeletal placement, correct muscle recruitment, and the optimal breath pattern and energy expenditure required to execute with power, flow and control.
As such, «ruts», or patterns of behavior, are what define who you are.
These and other symptoms suggest Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), which the National Institute of Mental Health defines as «a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and / or hyperactivity - impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.»
Intermittent fasting is defined as a diet cycle or an eating pattern that cycles between a period of fasting and eating (non-fasting).
The term functional can be adapted to anything really, as long as the purpose is clearly defined and can relate to what a coach envisions will integrate the entire body and human movement patterns necessary for life, work, and sport.
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