Sentences with phrase «defined as the path»

It can be defined as the path of your future goals and the way you will grab them.

Not exact matches

The path Coursera has taken since its inception just two years ago looks a lot like what Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen calls «disruptive innovation,» which he defines as a new technology that starts off both cheaper and less good than the established competitor.
But if you define entrepreneurial thinking as seeing situations with fresh eyes and thinking through solutions from first principles rather than following received wisdom or well - worn paths, then the appeal of this approach is easy to see.
Under the new changes, «small creditor» — now defined as institutions with less than $ 2 billion in assets originating fewer than 500 first - lien mortgages per calendar year — would now apply to a 2,000 - loan annual origination limit, effectively easing the path for more banks and credit unions to comply with the ability - to - repay rule.
I was also intrigued by the way you questioned not only the sustainability but also the ideology of the housing boom, noting how going into debt — taking on a huge mortgage — had become defined as an «investment,» as a path to not only wealth but freedom as well.
It's possible the safety driver involved could be held legally responsible, as their role is to ensure safe operation of the vehicle, but in many ways the outcome of this incident will define the path forward for AV regulation.
Globalization may be defined as the transnationalization of capital (with finance capital dangerously separated from the real world on a self - expanding path of its own), transnationalization of production and standardization and homogenization of consumer tastes.
according to the definition Alan Miller is using (whatever words you may use to define your beliefs) as a Christian who pursues his own path through the bible rather than attending services, you are in the religious camp.
Yes it's true that both religion and politics follow similar paths defined as control through deception.
When it comes to natural skincare knowledge, not many will have more experience than Cecilia Wong, facialist and founder of Cecilia Wong Skincare, who described the defining moment of her career path as an esthetician when she was just fourteen.
I want to encourage you to be strong and brave enough to recognize them as such and define and walk your own path and truly own it.
It defines a species as a lineage — individuals descended from a common ancestor — that maintains a distinct identity and follows a common evolutionary path through time.
The group defined a plutoid as an object orbiting the sun at an average distance greater than Neptune's, massive enough to assume a nearly spherical shape (as planets do) but not massive enough to clear its orbital path of other bodies (as planets also do).
If this display is rotated 45 degrees so that the dots define an imaginary diamond instead of a square, you perceive the path of motion rotated 45 degrees as well.
Lisa Kozlowski, a Next Wave alumna, tells how she arrived at her current position as an Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs and Recruitment, in the hopes that her story will help you define your career path.
Wells's paper served as an organizing principle for the growing field of eyewitness psychology, and it has defined his career path ever since.
The spiderlike machine carries a point - and - shoot camera aimed at the ground as it travels along a preprogrammed path defined by GPS coordinates.
Formally, small - world networks show a ratio γ defined as C / Crandom of ≫ 1 and a ratio λ defined as L / Lrandom of ∼ 1, with Crandom and Lrandom the clustering coefficient and characteristic path length of a random organized network of similar size (Watts and Strogatz, 1998; Sporns et al., 2004).
The National Academies define a postdoc as «An individual who has received a doctoral degree (or equivalent) and is engaged in a temporary and defined period of mentored advanced training to enhance the professional skills and research independence needed to pursue his or her chosen career path,» but individual institutions can have many different names for the positions commonly thought of as postdocs.
It's about following your heart even if the path you choose may not lead to success as the world defines it.
Your other partner is ready to move along with you in this journey of relationship as long as you define the path.
Players can choose to play as Jedi, Sith, or a variety of other classic Star Wars roles, defining their personal story and determining their path down the light or dark side of the Force.
They're often formulaic and follow a well - worn path originally etched out by classic capers such as John Huston's THE ASPHALT JUNGLE (1950), Jules Dassin's RIFIFI (1955), Alexander Mackendrick's THE LADYKILLERS (1955), Jean - Pierre Melville's BOB LE FLAMBEUR (1955) and Stanley Kubrick's THE KILLING (1956) but the best heist films take unexpected turns and leave their own special mark on a genre that seems to find new ways to define itself every decade.
Treading the same path as the likes of Skyrim and Bethesda's genre - defining Fallout series, Guerrilla's new venture is embracing the lone adventurer trope.
I don't want to spoil the details here as it's fun to play the game up to this pivotal moment and choose the right path for you, based on what you feel is correct, as defined by your emotions towards what you've played to that point.
In the first entry, I coined the phrase Manic Pixie Dream Girl, which set me on a surreal, bizarre and unexpected path that has included being a question on Jeopardy (Manic Pixie Dream Girl - related, of course) and the phrase making it in into the Oxford dictionaries, which define it as:
Totara allows you to define and manage the structure of certifications and recertification paths, as well as set expiration dates.
There are many definitions of blended learning to be sure, but for our purposes let's take the definition of blended learning from Innosight Institute which defines blended learning as: a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path, and / or pace and at least in part at a supervised brick - and - mortar location away from home.
This definition of learning as progress requires a change in frame of reference — from a defined body of common curriculum content to a well - articulated path of long - term learning progress.
In ESSA, blended learning is defined as «a formal education program that leverages both technology - based and face - to - face instructional approaches that include an element of online or digital learning, combined with supervised learning time, and student - led learning, in which the elements are connected to provide an integrated learning experience; and in which students are provided some control over time, path, or pace.»
Under a competency - based approach, the «class» is not the defining unit for the learner; instead, the individual student is the unit and progresses along the learning path and proceeds only as competencies have been met.
Often referred to as personalized microlearning, learners benefit because they can define their own learning path.
Blended learning has been defined by Innosight Institute as «a formal education program in which a student learns at least in part through online delivery of content and instruction with some element of student control over time, place, path or pace.»
Navigation factors are defined as personal characteristics, processes and knowledge that influence people as they journey along their education and career paths, including self - knowledge, environmental factors, integration and managing career and education actions.
In helping two southern Oregon school districts increase their data literacy (which I define as the ability of a district or group of people to collect and understand data and then use the data to ultimately improve student learning), I've developed some suggestions to share with districts starting down a similar path.
Ironically, Joanna is fine with her current employment status embracing the «unemployable» as if it were one of her most defining achievement in her career path.
As they have figured out how to do more with less they also defined a clearer path towards what the library of the future will be.
Do you define your publishing path as «traditional» or «indie»?
Taking place before the rise of Gotham City's most dangerous criminals, the game features an expanded Gotham City and showcases a young and unrefined Batman as he faces a defining moment in his early career as a crime fighter that sets his path to becoming the Dark Knight.
For many of us, we could just look at that achievement and see that as the likely high point, figuring that might come to define our identity and life path.
Not only do the stat differences define the best path, but often I've seen the stat differences done as «men fight physically and women use magic», and that irritates me.
Your path is defined by the choices you make with the freedom to play how you want, with whom you want, and where the respect you earn in THE STREETS matters just as much as the rings you earn in the league.
• Follow the level design pipeline from «pen & paper» game designs to implement spectacular character based levels and ultra-fun gameplay mechanics • Work closely with level layout artists to identify level assets and gameplay direction to ensure visual and technical quality for the levels • Follow direction of Lead Level Designer to maintain gameplay vision consistency • Contribute to level concept, layout, implementation (camera, entity, etc.), prototype modeling, scenario creation, event scripting, game balancing, pacing, and gameplay tuning • Contribute to general game design, as well as cooperate with all other facets of game production (programming, environment / world art and animation) • Place and trigger entities (such as enemies, movers, and objects) to create fun, absorbing gameplay • Master internal tools for modeling environments and integrating game play • Rough out world geometry, camera paths, and lighting using 3D world - building tools • Assist with the scripting of gameplay entities and events • Creatively resolve gameplay and production issues • Meet production schedules and deadlines • Collaborate with Design team to define and refine gameplay mechanics • Multitask effectively, prioritize competing demands, and follow through on details
This game is sort of set me down the path that would come to define my entire videogaming palate (Shining Force > Vandal Hearts > Suikoden > PS1 era JRPGs), so I have a lot of love for it, even if as those screenshots make clear it's not exactly a looker these days.
Endowed with human attributes, the creatures populating his paintings, drawings and sculpture speak powerfully of the pathetic banality and stubborn optimism that define our path through life as a tragicomedy of epic proportion.
Mixing spirituals, work songs, jazz, gospel, R & B, and folk or «struggle music» these pioneering women defined a career path that fed them artistically, financially, and politically as it enriched this nation.
He usually painted two beams of the cross figure as broad paths with the brush, whose margins are precisely defined using a brushstroke, the edges drawn freehand as in calligraphy.
Inciting responses in addition to sharing, such as posts, retweets, likes, etc, create paths that define and engender the experience you desire with destinations and calls to action integrated to close the loop.
The Bipartisan Policy Center, as its name implies, tries to define a path on issues like energy that can work in a period of polarized politics and shrinking budgets.
Add to this how you are causing inconvenience to various plants and animals and defining sustainability as a path forward for living your life really gets tricky.
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