Sentences with phrase «defined by the situation»

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Success stories like Harrison's are few and far between for social entrepreneurs, defined as «someone who targets an unfortunate but stable equilibrium that causes the neglect, marginalization, or suffering of a segment of humanity; who brings to bear on this situation his or her inspiration, direct action, creativity, courage, and fortitude; and who aims for and ultimately affects the establishment of a new stable equilibrium that secures permanent benefit for the targeted group and society at large,» by Roger L. Martin and Sally Osberg in a 2007 Stanford University report titled «Social Entrepreneurship: The Case for Definition.»
Today, the pool of savings necessary to generate a given level of income needs to be higher than in the past, a situation compounded by the decline in defined benefit pension plans.
Bid rigging is defined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) as any situation in which «business contracts are awarded by soliciting competitive bids... [and there exists] coordination among bidders that undermines the bidding process.»
Faith is now sharply defined by this sacramental situation: faith is openness to and acknowledgment of Christ's authority in its concrete sacramental exercise.
Furthermore, the ordinary Christians who acknowledge the situation as defined by the approved theologians have found meaning within this context.
That view informed theory and practice alike by determining how the situation was perceived, the problem, defined, and the solution, projected.
This should really go without saying when the Church finds herself in a pluralism of knowledge which is religiously and philosophically relevant but not given by revelation, or, if we may call it thus, in a gnoseologically concupiscent situation, even though the nature of the conflicts possible in this situation can not be exactly defined.
We saw that for Farley theological inquiry is defined as precisely theological by the nature of its subject matter (or «object» of inquiry)-- namely, faith - within - its - situations.
The formidable structure of tradition with which the Law of Moses had come to be surrounded was designed to bring its demands within the compass of the individual by making every command applicable in a clearly defined way to each situation in which he might find himself.
Even if Amida and Christ are carefully defined by scholars, the situation is not much changed.
If by the latter we mean the description of familiar objects of perception or of the objects which science defines by its methods of observation and measurement, then the reference of poetic language projects «ahead» of itself a world in which the reader is invited to dwell, thus finding a more authentic situation in being.
Twists are better recognized when they occur in concrete situations than when they are defined or described in generalized theories about change, because, by their nature, twists contort the accepted definitions of things.
Eslinger first defines this situation as a «crisis» for both preachers and homileticians and clears the way toward news ways of thinking about preaching by suggesting that «the way out, toward new effectiveness in preaching, is not yet clear» (11).
Wouldn't you rather take your chances with the latter in a situation where the season's success is going to be defined by how far the team makes it in the postseason?
It was a very strange season for Arsenal and everyone connected with the club, and perhaps the defining moment of it all was the situation with the protest that was planned by some Arsenal supporters towards the end of the season.
Below is just a piece of what we've experienced with our children at school, and our hope that our children can overcome these sometimes difficult situations to better understand their food allergies, yet not be defined by them.
Other limitations of the included studies were that some studies lacked the distinction between exclusive breastfeeding, defined by the World Health Organization as «the infant has received only breast milk from his / her mother or a wet nurse, or expressed breast milk, and no other liquids or solids, with the exception of drops or syrups consisting of vitamins, mineral supplements or medicines,» and partial breastfeeding, defined by the World Health Organization as «a situation where the baby is receiving some breastfeeds but is also being given other food or food - based fluids, such as formula milk or weaning foods.»
They are a type of anxiety disorder, defined by a persistent fear of an object or situation, leaving some people unable to function in ordinary life.
About one - third had IED, defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as recurrent, impulsive, problematic outbursts of verbal or physical aggression disproportionate to the situations that trigger them.
Christianson hypothesized that the more surprising the use of profanity was — as defined by the speaker or the situation — the more attention people would direct to it.
Intermittent explosive disorder (IED) is defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, as recurrent, impulsive, problematic outbursts of verbal or physical aggression that are disproportionate to the situations that trigger them.
IED is defined by the DSM - 5 as recurrent, impulsive, problematic outbursts of aggression, disproportionate to the situation — extreme road rage, for example.
We aren't defined by our professions or even the situations that may cause us stress, a hobby is where we can find our center and re-balance again.
Clooney's character, who responds to either Jack or Edward, depending on the situation, is a blank in personal terms, defined entirely by his skills, his reputation and his actions.
Written by aviator - turned - author John Monk Saunders (of Wings and The Dawn Patrol fame) and directed by German émigré William Dieterle, the film lacks a strong central personality and mostly meanders through the middle but that easy rhythm and directionless story defines their whole situation and sets up the devastating third act, where the group travels to Lisbon for the bullfights.
Back to back, these mutable incarnations filled with the words of male, would - be artistic prophets show how much ideology is defined by context — and by defamiliarising the sense of these situations by introducing out - of - place texts, just how much our interactions and identities are circumscribed by familiar rituals scripted by habit.
Both young men identify strongly with their respective father figures, and each is confronted with the paradoxical situation of defining himself by posing as something he's not.
Eastwood and screenwriter Paul Haggis are more interested in following these characters than to simply let them become pawns of the situations surrounding them, and each new development simultaneously defines and is defined by them.
It is widely agreed that the vast majority of people displaced by disasters are internally displaced (defined by the 1998 Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement), which is the focus of displacement situations highlighted by the Global Estimates report.
On May 3, 2010, Massachusetts enacted An Act Relative to Bullying in Schools, which required the department of elementary and secondary education to publish and biennially update guidelines for the implementation of social and emotional learning curricula in kindergarten to grade 12 (see Section 16) and defined social and emotional learning as «the processes by which children acquire the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to recognize and manage their emotions, demonstrate caring and concern for others, establish positive relationships, make responsible decisions and constructively handle challenging social situations.».
The situation of literary authors is vexing to me; perhaps they get stuck in a limbo because the audience is harder to define and clearly reach, so it has to be done on an author - by - author basis.
This specification attempts to rectify this situation by defining an arbitrary structural reference that can uniquely identify any location, or simple range of locations, in an EPUB Publication: the EPUB CFI.
Some more exotically - structured funds (such as SVXY, XIV, among others, although XIV is an ETN that doesn't have options) define in their prospectuses very specific criteria by which, in a crisis situation, the fund will be unwound and capital returned to investors.
Common sense is defined by the Merriam - Webster dictionary as «sound and prudent judgement based on a simple perception of the situation or facts».
New York state law defines animal cruelty as a situation where a person causes unjustified harm, pain or suffering to an animal or neglects an animal's care by not providing it with proper food, water, medical care or suitable shelter.
New York State law defines animal cruelty as a situation where a person causes unjustified harm, pain, or suffering to an animal or neglects an animal's care by not providing it with proper food, water, medical care, or suitable shelter.
In some situations, breeders have deliberately tried to perpetuate polydactyl cats (eg, in some lines of the the Maine coon breed, and sometimes by developing a breed defined by the presence of polydactylism — eg, the American Polydactyl), but International Cat Care believe such deliberate breeding of a genetic mutation should be discouraged.
With the exception of emergency situations that will be defined in Section 7 below, funding will be granted only to groups that are recognized by the Chinese Shar - Pei Club of America to receive funding assistance.
Sure, there are certain situations where time is critical, such as taking a test or playing a sport, but day to day life typically isn't defined by seconds.
This is not the ideal situation, as stability and speed issues are defined by location and quality of the host player's equipment and connection.
Alÿs's main premise is that conflict areas inevitably link art with politics and that in those zones political and socioeconomic situation define artistic actions by default.
«[50 Sandwiches] will inspire public awareness, using personal anecdotes and challenges to foster the realization that homeless people are not defined by their living situations,» he explains.
-RSB- will inspire public awareness, using personal anecdotes and challenges to foster the realization that homeless people are not defined by their living situations,» he explains.
All works focus on analysis of the relationship between the work and the observer, which is one of the central themes of their research, defined as a sort of «abstract narrative» constructed by reworking characters, situations, and circumstances gleaned from everyday experiences.»
Believe me, this situation is not defined by Michael Mann, Willis Eschenbach, or whoever you think is of importance in all this.
The most telling quote is surely this, from the Innovas report, where it states: «Some of this growth in employment might be due to displacement activity...» Displacement activity is defined by Wikipaedia as: «the result of two contradicting instincts in a particular situation.
Secondly, the Court noted the nature of the decisions made by ESMA was very different of the situations defined in articles 290 and 291 TFEU (paras 82 - 83).
Serious harm is subsequently defined as «serious and individual threat to a civilian's life or person by reason of indiscriminate violence in situations of international or internal armed conflict» (Article 15 (c)-RRB-.
For the purposes of these Terms, Legal Advice is defined to include the following: • any legal related communication, work or service which, under the governing law of your jurisdiction, is only allowed to be performed by or under the supervision of a properly licensed attorney; • advice on which legal document or documents you need or are best for your situation; • determining the legal consequences that will or could result from how you have created your legal document; • whether you have included inappropriate, conflicting, or ambiguous information in your legal documents; • whether you have omitted any necessary provisions or details from your legal documents; and • whether you require any additional legal documents or legal procedures.
The arbitrator started by defining the duration of the time period pre-loss to be considered that would give the best indication of the situation that existed as of the date of loss.
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