Sentences with phrase «defined by your national government»

Some limits are defined by your national government, and some are limits that the bank imposes on itself to limit its risk.

Not exact matches

More info The Basic State Pension is a Government - administered scheme, funded by National Insurance contributions, to give those who have reached the Government - defined retirement age a guaranteed weekly income.
«The U.S. and Europe can not produce enough plant feedstocks to meet targets» for biofuel production — even with cellulosic corn — as defined by government mandates, which are largely being driven by a growing demand for energy independence and national security concerns, said Thurmond.
HMLR has proposed to achieve this by using the Government's «Verify» scheme, which provides ID assurance to assurance level 2 (as defined in the CESG (now National Cyber Security Centre) Good Practice Guide on Identity Proofing and Verification of an individual).
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