Sentences with phrase «definitely nurse my children»

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And yes, by the time I had my second child, I definitely (and sadly, I think) knew more than the nurses «advising» the first - time moms in my ward.
So, if you are planning to nurse, definitely seek out knowledgeable professionals (like lactation consultants or midwives) and experienced peers (friends who have successfully nursed children or support groups with other nursing parents) to answer your questions as you go.
Once he got a little bit older to figure out how could I continue to breastfeed a very busy male child when I had another child so again baby wearing definitely helped in those situations and now that I have my third child and I'm home schooling and everything the support of my sons father he is super supportive, he is like «ok well while you are nursing I will talk to the children for a minute» or you know, I'll tie him on and he will nurse while I'm teaching my elder two children so the more children I have the more complicated it becomes.
Nursing a child for a longer period definitely has benefits in terms of health and even in terms of intelligence.
Having already breastfed a child, I knew how wonderful and easy a good nursing relationship could be and that definitely gave me a goal during the hardships I faced in the early days.
I would definitely recommend this to moms who are super comfortable nursing their child in public and the moms who are still getting used to the idea.
I'm not dogging my shape... I'm 32 and I've birthed and nursed 2 children so I definitely have a newfound respect for the awesome things the human body is capable of... you just rocked my world though.
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