Sentences with phrase «definition of terrorism»

The definition of terrorism may vary between insurance carriers and it must generally occur with 30 days of your arrival to that destination.
Each insurance company's definition of terrorism can vary.
While most Trip Cancellation policies include Terrorism coverage, an event must meet the policy's definition of terrorism in order for it to be covered.
Do the Paris attacks meet the travel insurance definition of terrorism?
However, as the definition of terrorism varies by each insurance company and even by each plan, make sure to read the brochure for accurate definition.
«Even though some government officials are speculating terrorism as the cause of the Metrojet plane crash, the incident does not currently meet the definition of terrorism by any travel insurance providers,» said Squaremouth CEO Chris Harvey.
The definition of terrorism can vary by policy and usually does not include civil disorder, riots or acts of war.
The part of the law that was struck down deals with the motivational dimension of the definition of terrorism under the legislation.
The Supreme Court in its judgment of 23 October 2013, and in an enhanced bench of seven judges, unanimously held that the definition of terrorism in the Terrorism Act 2000 was intended to be wide and could thus include acts by insurgents against the armed forces of a state anywhere in the world in the context of a non-international armed conflict.
UN Security Council will adopt Resolution 1566 in 2004 and gives a definition of terrorism as «criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act.»
Dept. of Justice According to the FBI website: There is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism.
There is no single official U.S. definition of terrorism.
There is no single, universally accepted, definition of terrorism.
There is not any singular definition of terrorism in the United States.
For example, when describing the annual reporting requirements of the Department of State the law uses this definition of terrorism:
The first paragraph of this answer is pretty much the definition of terrorism, and the two paragraphs that follow give good examples of how terrorism is used in the modern day.
Here is the definition of terrorism: «the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion.»
By the way, the definition of terrorism they gave was HORRIBLE.
START's definition of terrorism closely mirrors that of the State Department and other experts.
Most definitions of terrorism include only those acts which are intended to create fear or «terror», are perpetrated for an ideological goal (as opposed to attack), and deliberately target or disregard the safety of civilians.

Not exact matches

As such, these forces fit at least 2 parts of terrorism definition: (1) Use of violence and (2) To achieve political goals.
A definition proposed by Carsten Bockstette at the George C. Marshall Center for European Security Studies, underlines the psychological and tactical aspects of terrorism:
Just a few of these include: restrictions trial by jury, DNA databases, ID cards, a Civil Contingency Act that gives the government the power to rule by decree, control orders, the Religious Hatred Bill and a definition of glorifying terrorism that was drafted so widely that the Irish Taiseoch was reckoned to be at serous risk of annual prosecution commemorating the Easter Rising.
So, flowing from that clear definition of what terrorism is, which is an act premeditated or politically motivated, what becomes a terror is not the weapon you are using.
18 from terrorism using a broader definition (University of Maryland Global Terrorism Datbase) See link for definitions.
(8) This paper wont enter in specific national definition and in this part will only give US, EU and UN review of documents related to terrorism.
That is why the paper starts with demonstrations of definitions about terrorism that can be found in most important national and international documents and security strategies.
In the introductory paragraph of the term paper you should give a definition of the term terrorism.
A Republican state lawmaker who was an outspoken supporter of President - elect [Definition Donald] is proposing a bill that would allow authorities to charge protesters with committing «economic terrorism
Not maybe it's the definition people, of terrorism.
If another court were to use some narrow definition of «piracy» to avoid having them qualify, we could equally truthfully call the attacks «terrorism» or even «war».
Concerns about systemic discrimination are relevant at the bail stage in post-9 / 11 terrorism cases as the overwhelming majority of the accused have been Muslim men, and by definition, all those accused of terrorism will have controversial political or religious motives.
«The Paris attacks have been named an act of terrorism by the State Department, so insured travelers could be covered by travel insurance policies with this definition,» Squaremouth CEO Chris Harvey explains.
If the bombings in Bangkok become named as a terrorist event, and meet Tin Leg's definition of «terrorism» $ (below), there may be coverage for Tin Leg customers to cancel or interrupt their trip.
If the bombings in Yemen are deemed as terrorism and meet Tin Leg» $ ™ s definition of «$ terrorism» $, travelers who purchased a Tin Leg policy prior to March 20th, 2015 may have coverage.
Once an event takes place that meets their definition of civil disorder or terrorism, such as a travel warning from the Department of State, the situation becomes foreseeable - meaning they may no longer offer coverage for your unique situation.
If the alert results in a terrorist event, and meets Tin Leg» $ ™ s definition of «$ terrorism» $ (below), there may be coverage for Tin Leg customers to cancel or interrupt their trip.
If the threat to Brussels becomes a terrorist event, and meets Tin Leg» $ ™ s definition of «$ terrorism» (below), there may be coverage for Tin Leg customers to cancel or interrupt their trip.
If the plane crash in Egypt becomes deemed as a terrorist event in the future, and meets Tin Leg» $ ™ s definition of «terrorism» (below), there may be coverage for Tin Leg customers to cancel or interrupt their trip on all policies, purchased in the past or future.
If the New York City bombing is named a terrorist event, and meets Tin Leg's definition of «$ terrorism» (below), there may be coverage for Tin Leg customers to cancel or interrupt their trip.
If an event occurs that meets the above definition of «terrorism» $, Tin Leg policies may no longer offer coverage for any losses related to the attack on policies purchased on or after the date of the attack.
In order for a traveler to be covered to cancel their trip due to terrorism, a specific act must occur and must meet their policy's definition of «terrorism» under the Trip Cancellation benefit.
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