Sentences with phrase «degree angle out»

Step 2: Bend your elbows at a 45 degree angle out from your body, lowering yourself steadily towards the ground.
Take a dumbbell is each hand with your elbows locked at a 90 - degree angle out at your sides.

Not exact matches

Its résumé includes being made out of high - quality Japanese steel, having the hybrid geometry of both Western - and Japanese - style features for an especially versatile blade, a comfortable grip, and a 15 - degree blade angle for a sharper cut.
This is not to deny that the coin — an actuality — has only two faces; it is only to point out that the result of a coin flip depends on the angle which these faces make with a surface, and there is a logical possibility of any angle, not just approximately 0 degrees, for the result.
Stenson sent his drive completely off the course and had to punch back out at almost a 90 - degree angle.
Two outlets push moisture out at a 360 - degree angle around the room.
On one side, a wide - angle lens with a 165 - degree view looks out onto your landing, your stoop, or your front porch.
If you put your arms out at slightly less than a 45 - degree angle and raise your index fingers in this way, you will likely perceive this as a kind of balance - vigilant position.
The 14 - inch - long prints Freeman showed him were interesting, Meldrum says, because some turned out at a 45 - degree angle, suggesting that whatever made them had looked back over its shoulder.
In the experiments, researchers used a technique called angle - resolved photoemission spectroscopy, or ARPES, to knock electrons out of a copper oxide material, one of a handful of materials that superconduct at relatively high temperatures — although they still have to be chilled to at least minus 135 degrees Celsius.
Engage your abs, and then gently move your left knee into your chest, across the other side and then extend the leg out to the side, touching the toe to the ground at a 45 - degree angle.
Keeping the knee bent to a 90 - degree angle, lift your left leg out to the left side, then extend it.
Bend right knee out to the side so that leg forms a 90 - degree angle and front of right hip is touching the floor (A).
How to: Lying on the belly, extend your left arm out to the side, bent at a 90 - degree angle.
Inverted push - up: From a downward dog, bend the elbows out wide to create a 90 - degree angle, keeping the hips raised high toward the ceiling.
Turn your right toes out to a 45 - degree angle and open to the outer edge of the right foot, keeping the ankle flexed and stable.
As you come up out of the squat, press your hand weights up over your head to a full extension while kicking one leg out to the side at a 45 degree angle.
Place your hands shoulder - distance apart behind your torso, and walk your feet out in front until your knees are at a 90 - degree angle.
-- Once you've gotten yourself into position and extended both arms in front of you with the preferred grip width, lower the torso backward at an angle of 30 degrees while slightly curving the lower back and puffing the chest out.
When you're first starting out with hanging leg raises, which means you have never done them before or haven't done them properly, then you shouldn't worry about going over a 90 - degree angle.
You can make the chest take on the bulk of the work if you lean the torso slightly forward at almost 45 degree angle and let the elbows flair out.
Stand with your feet significantly wider than shoulder - width apart and toes turned out at an angle of 45 degrees.
Move your arm out to the side until it becomes perpendicular to the torso, then flex your elbow to form a 90 - degree angle.
How to: Stand with feet a little wider than hip - distance apart and toes turned out to the sides at 45 - degree angles.
While holding a weight in your right hand, with your arm out to the side at a 90 - degree angle, reach up, extending your arm towards the ceiling and begin bending your body to your left side.
Bend your knees behind you and then slowly lower your body down until your arms are at a 45 - degree angle, they should be close to your body rather than flared out.
Begin on your stomach, arms stretched out at a 45 degree angle.
Step your left foot back behind you at least one leg's distance and turn your left foot out at a 60 - degree angle.
Maintaining the knee bent at a 90 degree angle, raise your right leg out to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
Slide down and walk the feet out until your knees are at about 90 - degree angles (or as close as you can get) and hold, keeping the abs contracted, for 20 - 60 seconds.
Hold the medicine ball and extend your arms out in front of you, and recline back so that your body is angled about 45 degrees.
Stand with feet wide, toes out at about a 45 - degree angle and place an exercise ball behind your lower back for support.
As it gets easier you can move your legs out to a 90 - degree angle with your upper body.
Bring the left heel to the floor and turn the toes out to about a 45 - degree angle.
While sitting, simply raise and straighten your leg out at a 90 - degree angle and hold the position for 10 seconds.
If it doesn't allow for that many different angles, I'll start out at 90 degrees.
Now, I step out exaggerating on a 45 degree angle, and I land with my head over my foot, and now position 3 turns into position 1 on the other side.
Use a medium stance with your toes flared out at about a 45 degree angle.
While holding Warrior I rotate the hips to face outward and point your foot out at a 90 - degree angle.
Starting out in a plank position, you must bend your right knee to a 90 degree angle, while extending your right arm off the mat.
Turn your left foot slightly inward and twist the other foot out to 90 - degree angle.
Press your hands together, extending your arms out in front of you, and recline back so that your body is angled about 45 degrees.
Comparing squats with different hip rotation angles, Ninos et al. (1997) found no differences in muscle activity between squats with the feet pointing neutrally forwards and the feet turned out at 30 degrees (using the same absolute load).
Here, you balance on one leg, while the other is extended behind you, turned out and bent at the knee to form a 90 - degree angle.
4) Place your right foot out in front of your body (yang) with about 60 % of body weight on that foot and hold your left foot at a 45 degree angle (yin).
With your hands behind your head and elbows out to the side, bring your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle.
How to do it: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes can be angled out but should not be angled at more than 30 degrees.
In a seated position, ground down into your sitting bones and widen your legs out to the sides, forming a 90 - degree angle or «V» shape with your pelvis in the center.
Wall sit / / Stand with your back to a wall and slowly slide your back down while stepping out your feet until your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle and your thighs are parallel to the floor.
For example, by explaining that the next time you carry out the exercise, that it will be corrected by putting your legs at a 90 degree angle, that on this occasion the angle didn't allow you to carry out the exercise correctly.
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