Sentences with phrase «degree of consensus»

See this 2016 paper confirming that there is a high degree of consensus about human - caused climate change among climate - science experts.
They found a fairly high degree of consensus on the general character of the pace of climate change.
The efforts of the government on this issue will be directed in the coming months at achieving that greater degree of consensus so that a programme motion can be passed in the autumn sitting.
All told, the nearly identical proposals reflect an unusual degree of consensus among the notoriously divided state Legislature.
Previous studies have identified four subscale factors measuring marital satisfaction, degree of consensus between partners, amount of affectionate expression in the relationship, and dyadic cohesion, or the degree to which partners function as a team.
«The work of the Review has found there is an extraordinarily high degree of consensus as to the directions needed to create a system which promotes good mental health and wellbeing and a contributing life.
New Conservative chairman Michael Green (otherwise known as Grant Shapps) insisted this morning that the reshuffle did not represent a «shift to the right» but, displaying an unusual degree of consensus, Fleet Street disagrees.
«The Government is wilfully ignoring the large degree of consensus behind the current statutory assessment system.
Beginning with the heading or title the deciding court has given a case, there seems to be a fair degree of consensus around several truncation principles:
Mick commented: «My fellow panel members and I enjoyed the discussion with a well - informed audience, and found a pleasantly surprising degree of consensus on issues such as disclosure that affect our industry».
Yes, it's theoretically possible, but as @reirab indicates it's extremely difficult to do by design and requires a significant degree of consensus (which it doesn't).
Mr Straw, who prefers an 80 - 20 split, told the committee there was «an unexpectedly good degree of consensus».
While there was a remarkable degree of consensus on our main picks, it was by no means unanimous, so we've included a few extras that some panel members felt strongly about in the «Honourable mentions» sidebar on page 50.
AGW is further off on the timeline, and doesn't enjoy the same degree of consensus.
Recent research by Sander van der Linden of Princeton University and two colleagues has demonstrated that communicating the true degree of consensus is an effective strategy in influencing opinions across the political spectrum.
Chuka Umunna said there was «a large degree of consensus» on the need for more competition among multi-national banks like HSBC and Barclays.
Clearly, at the outset, the early IPCC reports played an important role showing that there was a high degree of consensus around the reality and basic science of human - induced climate change.
Without some degree of consensus, without something like a «common faith» even in John Dewey's diluted sense of the term, is a coherent society possible?
It was only because there was some degree of consensus about what she should say that we have inherited the poignantly beautiful city that she became over time.
«We believe this degree of consensus between committees of the House is unprecedented,» a letter signed by the chairmen reads.
Officials at the UN Population Fund (UNFPA), which has organised the conference, describe the degree of consensus so far as «unprecedented».
In that study, too, information about the degree of consensus «neutralized» the effect of ideological worldviews.
By the time Risk was published in 1983, cognitive psychology had achieved a degree of consensus about the fundamental nature of academic skills.
It is in response to these attempts to portray the scientific community as fractured and in disagreement, that many people have tried to find quantitative ways to assess the degree of consensus among scientists on the science and, as with this new paper, the degree of credibility and expertise among the signers of various letters advocating policies.
Yes, some degree of consensus - building is needed, but so is strong leadership that is empowered to make the tough decisions, effect change and hold people accountable.
Skills in discerning and understanding others» emotions, based on situational and expressive cues that have some degree of consensus as to their emotional meaning.
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