Sentences with phrase «degrees out to your sides»

Raise the dumbbells 90 degrees out to the sides, then bring them in front of you and point them straight ahead.
It's easiest to start in the middle of the movement: elbows bent to 90 degrees out to your sides in goal post position.
Place your feet about 45 degrees out to the sides with knees stacked directly over heels.

Not exact matches

Most colleges have seen no downside to erring on the side of accessibility and letting millions drop out without a degree.
2) At 400 degrees, mine were 3) When you take them out to cool, keep the toasty, darker, pan side down.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Toss pumpkin seeds with 1 teaspoon olive oil and spread out on one side of a large baking sheet.
For the Pie Dough and Galette: Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. On a parchment paper - lined cookie sheet with sides, lay out the round of pie dough.
Here's what I found out: my oven takes longer to preheat than the oven timer says, and the sides of my oven are 25 degrees cooler than the desired temperature, but the middle is correct.
Bake at 350 degrees about 45 minutes or until wood pick inserted in center comes out clean and cake is beginning to shrink from sides of pan.
Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees, lightly oil and flour a 9 ″ cake pan / Sift cornmeal, flour, baking powder, and salt into a bowl / Whirl almonds and sugar together in a food processor until almonds are finely ground / Add flour mixture to the sugar and almond mixture, process briefly to mix / Grate orange (about 1 T) and juice the orange (about 1/3 C) and add to dry ingredients along with eggs, oil and water / Process for 15 or 20 seconds, scrape the sides and whirl again just briefly / This is a thin batter / Pour into prepared pan and bake for 40 - 45 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean when tested.
Preheat your oven to 175 degrees Celsius and grease then line a loaf tin with baking paper, generously with bits hanging over the sides so the loaf will be easy to lift out.
As said at the beginning it has 360 degree rotatable seat along with reversible seat system, you don't need to take your child out for rotation, you can use the side lever by squeezing it & turn it to your needed direction.
The four heat levels can provide up to 150 degrees of heat throughout each finger and thumb as well as the sides of your hand, leaving no area out in the cold!
When aimed at a source (for Drake, it was Jupiter), the radio waves hit one side, bounced 90 degrees to the other side, and then bounced 90 degrees to come right back out to a receiver.
Engage your abs, and then gently move your left knee into your chest, across the other side and then extend the leg out to the side, touching the toe to the ground at a 45 - degree angle.
Keeping the knee bent to a 90 - degree angle, lift your left leg out to the left side, then extend it.
Step right leg out to side and bend knee to 90 degrees, reaching hands down on either side of right foot.
Bend right knee out to the side so that leg forms a 90 - degree angle and front of right hip is touching the floor (A).
How to: Lying on the belly, extend your left arm out to the side, bent at a 90 - degree angle.
Rise up into a side plank variation, with your bottom (left) leg straight out to the side and your top (right) leg behind you, bent at 45 - degrees for support.
As you come up out of the squat, press your hand weights up over your head to a full extension while kicking one leg out to the side at a 45 degree angle.
Move your arm out to the side until it becomes perpendicular to the torso, then flex your elbow to form a 90 - degree angle.
How to: Stand with feet a little wider than hip - distance apart and toes turned out to the sides at 45 - degree angles.
While holding a weight in your right hand, with your arm out to the side at a 90 - degree angle, reach up, extending your arm towards the ceiling and begin bending your body to your left side.
Bring your arms out to the side at 90 degrees and have your hands facing the floor.
Keep your chest open, chin up and maintain a parallel position with your arms (don't let your elbows waggle out to the side) as you lower yourself down to a 90 degree elbow bend, and press yourself back up.
Maintaining the knee bent at a 90 degree angle, raise your right leg out to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
How to: Stand parallel to a chair on your right side with your feet in first position (heels together and toes turned out to 45 degrees)(a).
Starting Position: Stand on one end of the resistance band, and hold your arm out to the side to about 90 degrees with your palm facing down.
Personal Trainer Tips: Make sure that you keep your arm out to the side at 90 degrees throughout the movement.
Form: Exhale and raise your arms out to the side until you get to about 90 degrees.
Form: Exhale and lift your arm out to the side to about 90 degrees.
Perform two push - ups, letting your elbows flare slightly out to your sides at about 45 degrees.
Raise your arms out to your sides and bend your elbows 90 degrees with the fingers on one hand pointing up and the other hand pointing down.
In the neutral position the shoulders stay next to your sides, and in the abducted position your shoulders are out to the sides at 90 degrees.
With your hands behind your head and elbows out to the side, bring your feet off the floor so that your shins are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease bottom and sides of one 9 x 5 - inch loaf pans; dust with flour, tapping out excess.
Now take a few small steps to the side, set your feet in a fairly wide stance with your toes pointing out about 30 degrees, then squat down.
In a seated position, ground down into your sitting bones and widen your legs out to the sides, forming a 90 - degree angle or «V» shape with your pelvis in the center.
Do not let your elbows drift out to the sides more than about 45 degrees.
Bring your arms out to the side at 90 degrees with your palms facing the floor.
While holding a dumbbell, bring your arm out to the side to about 90 degrees and keep your arm perpendicular to the floor.
The bent - knee leg is angled out to the side at somewhat less than 90 degrees.
From the warrior one position, turn your torso 90 degrees to face to the side and extend your arms out to the sides, looking the direction of your front arm.
Slowly lift the right leg out to the side while maintaining a 90 - degree angle at the knee joint.
Your stomach and chest should be flat on the floor with your arms out to the sides, elbows level with shoulders and bent at a 90 degree angle.
They reported that the peak moment increases as the shoulder moves from 0 degrees (arm by side) to 80 degrees (out in front) before decreasing towards 120 degrees (overhead).
The standing shoulder extension exercise from 90 degrees (arm out in front) to 0 degrees (by side) produced superior (67 % MVIC) triceps muscle activity.
The moment arm length increases gradually from 90 degrees (arms out to the sides) to approximately 40 degrees of shoulder abduction, where it remains high until 0 degrees (arms close to the sides of the body).
Thereafter, keep your hands firm on the hips on each side and turn the left foot 60 degrees to the right and the right foot 90 degrees out to the right.
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