Sentences with word «dehumanization»

Dehumanization means treating people as if they are less than human, taking away their dignity and rights. It means considering others as objects or animals rather than recognizing their feelings, thoughts, and worth as human beings. Full definition
(If that sort of dehumanization of black people was the film's intention, then it has another problem altogether.)
Therese Walsh explores dehumanization in fiction using one of my favourite movies, The Shawshank Redemption.
Most damning of all, America has become the very embodiment of that alienation, anomie, and dehumanization which is the curse of existence in a highly technological and urban society (Heidegger has remarked that, metaphysically speaking, America and Russia are the same, for here «time as history» has vanished from human life).
During the group's second phase (1962 - 72), Gutai assessed and experimented with new technologies, seeking ways to counter the perceived dehumanization caused by Japan's rapid growth and evaluating its cultural impact.
Far from the stilted caricatures of the Johns Wayne and Ford, these days Native Americans are more likely to be represented on screen as sympathetic characters, which is refreshing, because after decades of dehumanization at the hands of Hollywood, they finally have gotten a chance to shine by occasionally telling stories that feature them if not as heroes, at least as human.
The technical progress, though it makes for dehumanization, involves the great hope of universalism, since it provides the means of making mankind physically one.
One night shift MP, Ken Davis, later reported how dehumanization had been bred into their thinking: «As soon as we'd have prisoners come in, sandbags instantly on their head.
by Walter Chaw George Miller's films are warnings against dehumanization, against valuing machineries over intuition and emotions.
Likewise, Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique (1963) was important and influential in its day, but today's reader is more likely to notice such eccentricities as an astonishing chapter arguing that the postwar suburban home was «a comfortable concentration camp» that aimed at the «progressive dehumanization» of women.
A secret is dehumanizing and deceitful only when it is used to cover up a concrete act of violation, when it is used to justify dehumanization.
What was supposed to last 2 weeks had to be shut down in 5 days due to the escalating cruelty of the guards and the increasingly disturbing dehumanization of the prisoners.
The one is for killing; the other's for fun» makes the psychological connection between violence and sexual dehumanization of women clear.
«It's the same propaganda, it's the same character assassinations, it's the same dehumanization, it's the same de-contextualization.
It is the turning of man against his humanity with which we are concerned, the self - sought dehumanization manifest in so much individual and social pathology in our century.
But still, the gravitational pull of any human communal endeavor, even down to the local church level, is towards the systemic dehumanization of its members.
It is flatly inconceivable that anyone would invent a Son of God who was consigned by church and state alike to die the most extreme form of death by degradation and dehumanization known to the ancient world.
The «young» and the «old» Marx are essentially one and the same — Marx the fighter against self - alienation dehumanization and exploitation, Marx the combatant for the full humanization of man, for the many sided development of man's human possibilities, for the abolition of class society and for the realization of an association in which «the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all».34
Indeed, the earth's compressive force is leading to just that — in the forms of overpopulation and dehumanization through overcrowded living and working conditions.
«We simply varied the brand, and found that people ascribed lower capabilities for experiencing emotions and feelings to the Ryanair flight attendant,» said Boegershausen, adding that this subtle dehumanization can take many forms and is not necessarily intentional.
Then dehumanization applies to the recruit, too, as the ideas and emotions of the group supplant his own.
The bigger picture is warning against xenophobia and selective dehumanization packed in a comically - tragic road movie of two oldtimers reflecting on their life.
Especially disturbing is the casual but complete dehumanization he finds being a slave means, with slave trader Freeman (an excellent Paul Giamatti) offering him and others for sale with a casual «what catches your fancy, inspect at your leisure.»
We never get that truly authentic moment of unadulterated dehumanization that would really give the film a punch.
It is a contrast between well - intended dehumanization and the power of ingenuity combined with a determined spirit to overcome limitations.
Having only a small glimpse of the aliens in the trailer, leads us to think that either Liman is saving it all for the big screen, or trying to deliberately draw attention to the propagandic dehumanization of the aliens, similar to Starship Troopers.
They may not be able to articulate dehumanization but they can feel it.
Untitled can therefore be considered to be as much about González - Torres and the AIDS crisis as it can be seen as grappling with the continuum of global dehumanization.
Wróblewski often created distinct visual markers such as this configuration to illustrate a subject's imminent fate and ultimate dehumanization.
Her interdisciplinary practice explores themes of racism, socio - cultural issues, and existential dehumanization.
Specifically, my dissertation research examines whether homogeneous groups are dehumanized compared to heterogeneous groups and the extent to which this homogeneity - based dehumanization leads to both decreased prosocial and increased antisocial behavior.
What is important is the impact and results, which personally tend to be gross disenfranchisement and dehumanization which can lead to great atrocities if pushed too far WW2 and The Middle East are great examples.
Those of us who are privileged in terms of race, class and education, I argued, have to do so in solidarity with those women who must struggle daily against multiple forms of patriarchal oppression and dehumanization in order to survive.
An indictment of theSecondary school system for dehumanization, oppression, and irrelevance, and disCUssion of students» reactions to the system.
Quite the opposite happens; what Franz experiences is progressive dehumanization, which is nearly complete once he, his cash reserves having dwindled to nothing, breaks up with Eugen and is summarily cast out of his false paradise.
A: The challenge to technology enhanced learning in a world of unbounded upheaval and ominous dehumanization is thought to lie in the way the real needs of humans are fused to the capabilities of technologies.
'' [A] s technological progress allows the exchange of goods and ideas over longer distances and among larger groups of trading partners, other people become more valuable alive than dead, and they are less likely to become targets of demonization and dehumanization,» Pinker wrote.
I've written before about the dehumanization of other people and their feeling with written words — exacerbated by anonymous apps.
Until we see and admit that the gravitational pull of all institutions is towards the dehumanization of people, and until we exercise due diligence in addressing it, then the forces of evil win.
The question, while appearing to seek the truth, aims at humiliation and dehumanization.
The boy's lie is truthful, for in telling it he stands against the dehumanization.
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