Sentences with phrase «deign instead»

Not exact matches

Instead of going for 2 different mehndi deigns for two hands you can go for a half and half mehndi where the same design is put on both hands in a symmetrical pattern for a matched and polished look.
Luckily, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and instead of deigning to become an expired version of himself, [a] Neon Indian [/ a] emerges as Alan Palomo 2.0 and breaks free from a genre dripping with blog buzz.
Instead they'd be hanging in homes whose owners might possibly deign to open their doors to the public once a year.
In fact, instead of European divisions deigning to occasionally grace us with the likes of a Cadillac Catera, we foist our cars onto them.
Instead, Simon and Schuster would have a retail price of $ 7.99 (assuming they deigned to re-release it).
The Chinese premier, Wen Jinbao, did not deign to attend the meetings personally, instead sending a second - tier official in the country's foreign ministry to sit opposite Obama himself.
Talk to them instead: they know who you are and may deign to talk back.
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