Sentences with word «deism»

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism does not have to undermine authentic religious identity and deep Christian commitment.
God is not the all, as in pantheism, and God is not separate from the world, as in deism.
Paley was the theologian of deism as Locke was its philosopher.
That god would be a Deist god, and I have no problem with Deism.
James Madison, a moderate Christian, highly influenced by Deism — the chief architect of the U.S. Constitution:
Some books against Deism fell into my hands; they were said to be the substance of the sermons which had been preached at Boyle's Lectures.
Is not this whole mode of thought simply part of the evil legacy from deism, in which God was conceived as being absent from his world, and in which therefore he must be thought to «intrude» into his world, to «intervene» in it, whenever he would act in any distinctive and particular way?
Short of hanging on to the muddy, vacillating devices of ceremonial deism, Christians appear to face one of two choices.
A welcome development of recent years is the number of books debunking the myth that the American founders were post-Christian rationalists or adherents of a vague spirituality conveniently called Deism.
What you describe is moral deism, not the belief that you have been restored and made right with God through his loving sacrifice for you.
I contend that his first - hand experience in Virginia along with the increasing influence of Deism at the time enable him to step back from the extremist Christian view; I contend that those factors helped him turn into one of the fiercest advocates for separation of church and state — helping him realize that the new government could not work if any one religious sect got the upper hand.
In addition to preaching and lecturing, they spread deism through newspapers and pamphlets.
Of course Deism holds to the belief of God as the creator of the universe.
I personally don't see any functional difference that matters between Deism and atheism.
Many contemporaries caught between the horns of this false dilemma flee their historical faith to take refuge in some kind of abstract deism.
English deism is another movement which used philosophy to solve theological problems.
As Douthat points out, it lacks the toughness of real atheism or even Lockean Deism in facing up to the scientific discovery of the random indifference of nature to personal existence or to the anxious existential experience of being for a contingent moment between two abysses.
It is much too simple, when we think of Romanticism and Deism for example, to talk about the disappearance of God in the seventeenth century.
The term «mor - alistic thera - peu - tic deism» has been around for a while, Dean is not the first person to speak of this.
Just so you know, deism refers to a certain set of beliefs and not just anyone who believes in a deity of some sort.
Others see more the hand of the Enlightenment's philosophical Deism at work.
It is these other things beyond Deism that the atheist doesn't believe in.
Of course one can find deism and a broad move to the impersonal, but there is an equally powerful move to the personal.
This was no genteel deism satisfied that the churches were a great force for moral good in society.
Deism provides a framework within which a Supreme Being might be understood to have created the universe and then left it to its own devices.
Deism appealed to these men and women who in their rough freedom fought out their own battles.
Once again not only is your math off but you're are comparing all wars since the beginning of history to the 47 years when atheists tried to wipe out deism killing 285 million worshipers.
But a close study of America's religious history yields precedents and equivalencies to virtually everything that exists today, from the demythologizing deism of Thomas Jefferson and the séances of spiritualists to the utopian settlements that practiced everything from celibacy (the Shakers) to free love (the Oneida Community).
They disregard the earth - centered ideals of the Christian Renaissance and its concern with the delicate limitations of the Great Chain of Being, and they pay little attention to the emergence of a peculiarly non-Christian deism and theism which defined God in the 17th and 18th centuries to accommodate a newly secularized nature and new developments in science and trade.
Moralistic Therapeutic Deism appears to mix with more traditional beliefs and practices in different ways for conservative Protestants, mainline Protestants, black Protestants, Roman Catholics, Jews, Mormons and the nonreligious.
The perps of the French «Reign of Terror» later beheaded their own leader Robespierre all because they couldn't stand that he dare to consider deism (not Christianity or Islam, mind you) and embrace the * gasp * Cult of the Supreme Being.
Lap - lustered deisms denials do forlorn the flagellum of the peasant ridiculer in «bemoaning laments» reprisals within the base commoners lewd tribulations of tried and still trying lack - lustered piteous nuances.
As the theological matrix for this affirmation of ordinary life gradually fades» as it is seen less as a Calling» the bourgeois ethic's relation to Deism emerges.
Rationalism affected both Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, and Deism originated in Protestant circles, but both made serious inroads upon Roman Catholicism, particularly in the strongest of the Roman Catholic powers of the century, France.
The God of deism simply leaves his world ticking away like a watch.
-- Antony Flew Renounces Atheism — After actively promoting atheism for decades, Prof. Flew embraces deism, saying he «had to go where the evidence leads.»
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