Sentences with phrase «delayed sleep phase disorder»

Helps to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep (sleep onset latency aspect of sleep quality) in people with delayed sleep phase disorder.
Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder: People with DSPD tend to fall asleep anywhere from three to six hours after a «normal» bedtime, which makes it challenging to rise and shine.
Researchers have identified a mutation in some people who suffer from delayed sleep phase disorder, which interferes with their circadian clocks
You might have delayed sleep phase disorder, which manifests in delayed sleep patterns and a hard time waking up early.
It can be used to design new interventions not only for sleepy teenagers but also for adults who suffer from delayed sleep phase disorders or people who are not synchronised to the 24 - hour day at all.

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It is used in conditions where sleep is disordered due to low levels of melatonin at night such as aging, affective disorders (e.g. depression), delayed sleep - phase disorder, or jet lag.
What I have is called Delayed Phase Sleep Disorder; it is a recognized disorder that unfortunately, doctors don't really know how tDisorder; it is a recognized disorder that unfortunately, doctors don't really know how tdisorder that unfortunately, doctors don't really know how to treat.
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