Sentences with phrase «delayed wound healing»

Some surgeons may be reluctant to perform biopsies on a lactating breast because it can be more difficult to see the affected tissue, but it can be done and the milk will not delay wound healing.
Previous studies have found, for example, that binge drinking delays wound healing, increases blood loss and makes patients more prone to pneumonia and infections from catheters.
For acne and a glowing skin tone, meanwhile, reducing stress will automatically help, since stress delays wound healing and triggers fresh pimples by itself.
Although glucocorticoids have been successfully prescribed to ease allergy symptoms for decades, long term use can induce new disorders such as delayed wound healing and diabetes.
It also causes loss of taste and delayed wound healing.
Be careful of the all purpose nipple ointment (APNO) though, it does contain a steroid which should only be used very sparingly, never for longer than two weeks, in the smallest amount possible that is still effective, and it can delay wound healing — so be even more cautious if you have open wounds on your nipples.
Delayed wound healing was correlated with weaker electric currents.
«Prior studies have suggested that poor baseline mental health can lead to more significant postoperative complications possibly due to impaired immune response associated with higher levels of stress,» explained Scott M. Gilbert, MD, MS, of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL. «This may delay both wound healing and the ability to fight infection in the postoperative state, for example.
He's also cared for several patients who traveled overseas for cheaper plastic surgery and required revision surgery for infections, poor stitching, delayed wound healing and poor scar placement, among other problems.
Continued smoking exacerbates physical disabilities and causes or contributes to many secondary conditions including respiratory and circulatory difficulties, muscle weakness, delayed wound healing, worsening arthritis and osteoporosis.
Delayed wound healing can result in formation of hypertrophic scar, which will cause aesthetic problems, and induce severe deformities, thus causing dysfunctions.
These findings may have special significance for people with diabetes, a major complication of which is delayed wound healing.
«Our paper is just part of the mechanism of how these stem cells affect wound healing,» Kou says, «but I think we can build on this and use these cells or the extracellular vesicles to target a lot of different diseases, including the delayed wound healing seen in diabetic patients.»
«To determine whether TSP2 contributes to delayed wound healing, we genetically removed TSP2 from a mouse model of diabetes and observed improved wound healing.
Delayed wound healing can mess up your skin tone, but it's the increase in gut inflammation that allows anxiety and worries to create a family of new pimples within hours.
Delayed wound healing — inhibiting healthy proteins also prevents them from reforming your skin's epithelial cells, from repairing inflammatory damage, and correcting other damage inflicted by acne.
The stress response in humans causes digestive problems, delayed wound healing, and weaker skin.
The varied signs of inadequate zinc status include sensory abnormalities (loss of smell and taste), night blindness, frequent and / or severe infections, delayed wound healing, dermatological disorders, hair loss, connective tissue disorders, reproductive disorders, gastrointestinal problems, insulin dysregulation and sleep disturbances.
Stress causes acne through impaired nutrient absorption, digestive inflammation and delayed wound healing, but it also makes your skin oily by increasing your blood sugar.
Other possible signs include poor skin and hair condition, muscle atrophy, increased abdominal fat, enlarged liver, chronic or recurrent infections (especially skin or urinary), delayed wound healing, excessive panting, sodium retention (which can cause high blood pressure or exacerbate congestive heart failure, and occasionally diabetes.
Potential side effects include: stomach ulcers, delayed wound healing, thyroid hormone suppression, immune suppression, increased appetite, fluid retention, weak bones, and thinning hair / hair loss.
Some steroid side effects that may occur in your pet include stomach ulcers, delayed wound healing, thyroid hormone suppression, immune suppression so that the body doesn't fight infection well, high blood sugar, and swollen liver.
Rapamycin isn't a miracle drug, however, and high doses have been linked to side effects like immune suppression and delayed wound healing.
Signs of systemic involvement may include: loss of appetite, vomiting, bloody vomit, diarrhea, abdominal pain, dark or black feces, itchiness, lethargy, anorexia, irregular heart rhythm and blood pressure, coughing, labored breathing, various bleeding disorders, delayed wound healing, enlarged lymph nodes.
Use of this product beyond the recommended dose of 7 days may result in delayed wound healing.
Chronic stress speeds up the aging process, delays wound healing, contributes to depression and anxiety, decreases cognitive function, and increases the risk of illness from bacteria or viruses.
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