Sentences with phrase «deliberately lie about»

Maybe it's acceptable for climate change scientist to deliberately lie about and / or deliberately misrepresent their research and / or expertize
This penalty and / or imprisonment of up to five years also apply to entities that deliberately lie about obligations under the NZ ETS to gain financial benefit or avoid financial loss.
However, there are those who will pull out a computer graphics program and deliberately lie about their appearance by making subtle modifications to their appearance.
So, «American Atheists» deliberately lie about what Palin said.
Why do you not allow for the possibility that they are deliberately lying about having a religion when they are the ones visiting us and can already take note of our religions here and use that information in fabricating a religion to fool people like you?
Deliberately lying about the data is a mortal sin for anyone who claims to be a scientist.
and most of all, that F) what he says is clear, but everybody is either too stupid and lazy to get it or is deliberately lying about it.
F) what he says is clear, but everybody is either too stupid and lazy to get it or is deliberately lying about it.
He is wrong that A) we have to do so by all becoming small farmers, B) that if that were desirable we could do so easily, C) that economics is not science, D) that it doesn't help to use renewable energy instead of fossil fuels, E) that government policies are irrelevant, and most of all, that F) what he says is clear, but everybody is either too stupid and lazy to get it or is deliberately lying about it.

Not exact matches

Instead of believing what they knew was the truth about God, they deliberately chose to believe lies.
Fed by LIES that a Jew had deliberately run over a black boy and MORE LIES that Jews deliberately let the boy die, and spurred on by a pillar of the community who showed up and ranted about «diamond merchants» in the neighborhood, a bunch of angry people went around attacking Jews indiscriminately.
(3) When an entire continent — healthier, wealthier, and more secure than ever before — deliberately chooses sterility, the most basic cause for that must lie in the realm of the human spirit, in a certain souring about the very mystery of being.
When an entire continent — healthier, wealthier, and more secure than ever before — deliberately chooses sterility, the most basic cause for that must lie in the realm of the human spirit, in a certain souring about the very mystery of being.
Why should I believe they are telling the truth about fracking when I know they are deliberately lying when it comes to GMOs?
That means she either deliberately chose that spot in order to be noticed, or you're correct and she «just happened to» feed there, and then lied about her intentions when she posted the picture.
It frustrates and infuriates me to no end how Big Food deliberately lies to impressionable youth (and their parents), and forces parents into discussions about marketing and corporate greed in relation to food choices and health.
In contrast, Cooper said, the leave campaign were setting out to deliberately mislead, directly accusing Boris Johnson of lying about the EU in order to advance his own career.
They filed a complaint claiming that Paolo had manipulated data, lied about the outcome of his patients and deliberately excluded negative results in his articles.
Think about how you would feel if you dated someone who was deliberately lying and misrepresenting him or herself?
I won't lie: I've been deliberately avoiding learning much about Ben Wheatley's High - Rise, which is having its world premiere this year in TIFF's competitive Platform programme.
Deliberately heavy handed in the same way societal morals can be, A History of Violence is about the lies we tell to children — that there are no monsters, and that there's nothing to be afraid of.
Motivated by envy and personal greed, West and Zampella went so far as to deliberately undermine the efforts of other developers within the Activision family and then lied about their conduct.
People who are deliberately lying, for money — LOTS of money — and who don't care about the consequences to others, are immune to reason.
Perhaps you would care to explain exactly how these alleged «past exaggerations of climate predictions» compelled numerous GOP elected officials to deliberately and repeatedly lie about climate science, while seeking to abuse their positions of authority to defund climate research and attack and destroy the careers of leading climate scientists.
«Sorry, but even your own work shows that this probably wasn't the case and you were deliberately lying to the media — and everyone else — about the results of your work,» Motl continued, personally attacking Schmidt for allegedly seeking to deceive journalists and the public in the interests of promoting warming alarmism.
My climate enemies have done scientific and other academic frauds; they've destroyed, withheld and pretended to misplace scientific data in order to prevent the human race discovering things about nature; they've forged documents to frame people they don't like; mendaciously and publicly accused innocent people of deplorable crimes that carry prison sentences; betrayed the trust reposed in their professions by fraudulently abrogating to themselves the magical competence to diagnose entire swathes of the (perfectly healthy) population with thought disorders just to score points in an academic bitch fight; deliberately and self - servingly lied to * massive * audiences about the way science itself works — than which I can't for the life of me think of a greater crime against humanity in the recent history of the developed world, can you Joe?
You have continually lied about what I have said and deliberately taken what I have said out of context, which means all that you are doing here, besides confusing others, is a direct personal attack on me.
Why is it necessary to lie about data and deliberately change results which reveal their models and predictions to be inaccurate?
I tried to find some relevant research polling motives but nothing came up and people would hardly admit they were deliberately spreading lies about agw.
With regard to the wider public «debate» about AGW, though, I don't see how it is a «bad idea» to name names of politicians who deliberately and aggressively LIE to the American people about the reality of anthropogenic global warming and climate change, and who engage in vicious and dishonest attacks on climate scientists.
65 nigelj after a few moments wondering about the equivalent of how many angels could fit on a pin head, says people would hardly admit they were deliberately spreading lies about agw.
Now, climate - skeptic bloggers are striking back with a new conspiracy theory: that the researchers deliberately failed to contact «real skeptics» for the study and then lied about it.
Remember what's being claimed here: That the individuals involved didn't make a decision about what details were best to include in a simplified graph but that they actually used it to lie and deliberately mislead despite the fact that the information they were supposedly repressing was all published openly.
Relying on an affidavit from the juror, Warger moved for a new trial, arguing that Whipple had deliberately lied during voir dire about her impartiality and ability to award damages.
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