Sentences with phrase «delicate creatures»

Because they are very delicate creatures, they are also quite susceptible to infections at the first few weeks of their life.
Hundreds of millions of butterflies make this trip each year, and witnessing the congregation of these bright beautiful delicate creatures makes for an awe - inspiring experience.
Since puppies are delicate creatures in need of a lot of attention, stay in close contact with your veterinarian to ensure their good health.
Cats are particularly delicate creatures, and with the tendency to lick their fur, chemical fleas treatments could make many house owners take pause.
Women are delicate creatures sensitive to both physical touch and emotional connection.
However, hardwood floors are also delicate creatures prone to wear and tear if you don't know how to properly maintain the finishing, and this can result in an expensive round of reflooring down the line.
Although these pooches have been stereotyped as delicate creatures that are unable to withstand hardship, you could be surprised as they are hunting dogs and are highly athletic.
Newborns are especially delicate creatures, and infant car seats (# 2) cater to that knowledge.
Bercow described it as being a «real problem» and that «A number of seasoned parliamentarians, who are not shrinking violets, not delicate creatures at all, are saying, «This is so bad that I am not going to take part, I am not going to come along, I feel embarrassed by it.»»
When a catastrophic ice shelf collapse in Antarctica opened up prime ocean real estate, enterprising delicate creatures called glass sponges showed up with unprecedented speed to stake their claim.
India is the country where in the festivals like Navratri, Dussehra or Diwali, eid and many more, a graceful beauty of the most delicate creatures like girls can perfectly be brought out in these dresses.
Adjustments for dogs are quite different from adjustments for humans since dogs are much more delicate creatures that only require a gentle touch.
Romney's comment was perhaps well meant, but taken in the context of all of his ideas about women, that they must be taken care of because they are fragile, delicate creatures, who can't think or care for themselves and are better fit for staying home and taking care of the offspring than out in the work force, the words mirror his general condescending attitude toward women.
What awaits these delicate creatures of universal beauty?
How does that worm - like caterpillar turn into a delicate creature with wings?
The technology can also be overly sensitive — optical telescopes are «delicate creatures,» says Paul Horowitz, a physicist at Harvard who is collaborating with Wright.
I'm always wary of buying anything from Chicwish because their stuff seems to be made for small and delicate creatures... but the dresses are so beautiful!
India is a country where events like Navratri, rangoli, Diwali, Eid, Dussehra, Holi etc are celebrated with full meanings and colors especially when it comes to a delicate creature of God i.e girls then there are no limits of their preparations regarding each event like the dress to wear, jewelry, shoes etc..
Brands like Saint Laurent are also betting on the delicate creature to take over the fashion scene in 2018.
By that metric, it's a too - delicate creature, tickling and piquing instead of fully thrusting us into the realm of feelings.
I'm referring to the rationale that some professional crazy people have put forward why women can not possibly serve in combat roles in the U.S. military: because men will be so distracted by wanting to protect the delicate creatures that unit cohesion will be impacted.
Bathing is a stressful affair for bunnies and is generally not recommended as it can potentially send the delicate creatures into shock.
Traumatic injuries can also occur with these delicate creatures.
«A puppy is such a delicate creature that has only been on the face of the earth for two months; bringing them into the home during the most stressful time of the year, when everyone is on an emotional roller coaster, is too much chaos.
Any veterinary hospital that boards these delicate creatures should have a highly trained team capable of skillfully monitoring their health on an hour by hour basis.
Your rabbit or small mammal is a unique and delicate creature that requires expert knowledge to care for properly.
«Buddy has been a very delicate creature.
However, the worst thing a puppy owner can do is to make such a delicate creature to hold 8 or more hours.
Yorkies are very delicate creatures and little discomfort or pain can cause them huge misery, so you don't have to lose even a single minute, but to be ready with a solution.
You know very well that any stress can be harmful for these delicate creatures.
For all of their size and strength, horses are delicate creatures.
Birds are delicate creatures that are sensitive to both chemicals and unsanitary environments.
English Bulldogs may look tough but they are very delicate creatures.
Fish are very delicate creatures to take care of, and it is important that their owners are attentive to their needs and able to quickly...
But to think of him as a delicate creature cruelly buffeted by the coarseness of modern life would be misleading.
Culture, he avers in a new book, Google and the Myth of Universal Knowledge (University of Chicago Press) See his earlier thinking, too., is a sanctuary of wisdom, knowledge and refinement, but it is also a delicate creature that needs the apparatus of the state to protect it from the hordes of philistines, anarchists and free - marketeers who see cultural works as «commodities» rather than sacred objects.
The hiring manager is a delicate creature, don't scare them away with your loudness.
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