Sentences with phrase «delivered by prosecutors»

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Well, it is largely determined by the author's ability to keep the «flow» of the story going and to deliver during pivotal moments, the same way a good prosecutor may begin to bare down on a witness that starts to show signs of «cracking».
According to prosecutors, Silver also delivered legislation that was friendly to real estate developers, then garnered $ 700,000 in fees through a law firm hired by builders.
The goddaughter of indicted Councilman Ruben Wills delivered a smoking gun for prosecutors on Tuesday, testifying she did campaign work for the Queens pol while being improperly paid by his nonprofit.
The decision by prosecutors buoyed City Hall, delivered an immediate and perhaps insurmountable lift to Mr. de Blasio's re-election chances in the fall, and instantly snuffed out the last embers of hope for an array of Democrats and even some Republicans mulling a potential mayoral challenge in 2017.
New York's current laws allow prosecutors to withhold key evidence, including witness names, police paperwork and prior statements by witnesses, until immediately before the prosecutor delivers an opening statement.
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