Sentences with phrase «delivers powerful information»

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Recorded video is a powerful way of delivering information to an audience.
Sleek, easy to use, and powerful, the GoWISE USA Digital Body Fat Scale delivers an unparalleled level of information for a healthy lifestyle.
These, embedded in printed learning materials such as Student Guides and Job Aids, can serve as powerful tools for delivering additional information (with multi-media support) in the context of Instructor - Led Learning (ILT) sessions without computers.
Whether you're looking for model research information on the latest Altima on the market, would like to test drive a powerful Nissan Rogue or are interested in ordering genuine auto parts, our dealership will deliver!
The 4» and 5» screen models of Galaxy Player, weighing just 5 and 7 ounces respectively, deliver powerful features for entertainment, communication and information on the go.
FlightDeck, the most powerful EPUB checking and testing tool on the market, delivers clear, actionable information to get your EPUB 2 and EPUB 3 files ready for sale.
Sam blends a powerful mix of artificial intelligence with the expertise of real FCM travel consultants to deliver personalised, relevant information to business travellers» mobile devices through a chat - based interface.
Press freedom is key to delivering that information but, too often, powerful figures in governments, the military and environmentally destructive sectors see local journalists as nuisances who can be intimidated, bought off or shut up forever.
Delivering information and insight orally, with the assistance of visual aids, can be a powerful way not just to display expertise, but also to show people what you're like in person.
Damages Explorer gives unprecedented insights into damages awarded, and Parties Comparator highlights corporations» litigation volume, performance, and outcomes to help attorneys win Menlo Park, CA — January 26, 2017 — Continuing the expansion of its successful Legal Analytics Apps ™ offering, Lex Machina ™, a LexisNexis company, today announced two powerful new applications — Damages Explorer and Parties Comparator — that instantly deliver critical litigation information to help attorneys win more cases and close more business.
Menlo Park, CA — January 26, 2017 — Continuing the expansion of its successful Legal Analytics Apps ™ offering, Lex Machina ™, a LexisNexis company, today announced two powerful new applications — Damages Explorer and Parties Comparator — that instantly deliver critical litigation information to help attorneys win more cases and close more business.
Simply enter your information once, and the free and powerful NetQuote engine will deliver Bellevue insurance quotes for you to sort and compare.
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