Sentences with phrase «demand during peak periods»

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In place of schedules, you provide economic incentives for working during peak - demand periods in high - traffic areas.
The Arizona project was called out due to its load shifting nature — allowing for solar power to be used during the early evening peak demand period.
Fannie May's peak period is from October to February, with its products most in demand during the Christmas holiday season.
Access to our electronic services, and hence, your brokerage Account, may be limited or unavailable during periods of market volatility, peak demand, systems upgrades, maintenance or for other reasons.
Reports from Choice fans suggest that instead they increased points at participating hotels in high - demand periods instead, making it more expensive to redeem during peak season or on weekends in tourist destinations.
While the nonstop LAX - RUH flights will only be limited to the month of August to accommodate market demand during the airline's peak period, the service is expected to be restored in the future to fulfil the needs of Saudi students, the diplomatic community as well as business travellers who prefer to fly nonstop to the Saudi capital.
However, during peak winter months (between Christmas and Easter) it is best to make arrangements in advance due to high demand and the possibility of sold - out periods.
For example, if nuclear is providing 20 % of electric generation, it can be run at steady baseline, maximizing fuel efficiency, while all the other variable demand can be met with solar and wind based power that has been fed into storage systems during the peak periods.
The Lancey electric space heater allows users to charge its battery during off - peak hours and use the electricity for heating during peak demand periods.
EPA also set basic criteria to highlight on the ENERGY STAR product finder products capable of supporting demand response; this «connected» functionality allows products to reduce their electricity usage during peak periods and shift charging to non-peak times.
«Demand ratchets» represent the extra costs businesses pay based on peak demand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing pDemand ratchets» represent the extra costs businesses pay based on peak demand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing pdemand, which is often measured by the top 15 minutes of usage during any billing period.
Generation fueled by natural gas and petroleum supplemented the baseload generators during peak and intermediate periods of demand.
It allows renewable sources such as wind and solar power to operate at full capacity during peak generation periods by storing excess energy until it is needed to meet later demand.
The intention is to shift consumption away from high demand periods through a price signal mechanism telling customers that they can save money by using electricity during off - peak hours.
In a significant statement, a substantial majority express willingness to reduce usage during peak demand (69 %) and peak price periods (68 %) and would opt into a program to obtain electricity from renewable sources from their utility (86 %).
To deal with this, utilities can adopt a regime of rolling blackouts during periods of peak demand — a common feature of Third World power systems, and a feature of the First World if environmentalists have their way.
-- In accordance with paragraph (1), the Secretary shall identify options to reduce energy use by water treatment and delivery systems during peak electric demand periods, including through --
The CPUC would be required to increase the percentage of electricity output delivered by clean resources by 5 % in 2020 and by 6 % «every third year thereafter until December 31, 2029, or until 40 % of demand during the peak load time period is supplied by clean peak resources,» the bill reads.
The electricity from the coal - fired power plant will be utilized during the high peak demand periods of the summer season to ensure security of supply at a reasonable cost.
Microgrids also can help ease strain on the central grid during periods of peak demand.
Each of these 84 instances was for ICE's off - peak product for power delivered during the periods of time when electricity demand is lowest (including a block of eight hours overnight as well as all day Sunday).
Monthly data allow users to see seasonal patterns, such as periods of nuclear refueling outages in the shoulder seasons (spring and fall) and increased operation of peaking generators during the periods of highest electricity demand in the summer months (driven primarily by air conditioning use).
It is often said the solar is good because it produces power during periods of peak demand.
However, during peak demand periods, the NEM often separates into several markets, owing to transmission bottlenecks.
In addition, energy efficiency reduces the cost of meeting peak demand during periods of high temperatures and high prices.
Victorian consumers could foot the bill for a summer energy plan using diesel generators as a stopgap during periods of peak demand.
Other provisions in the act — such as tax incentives that encourage the adoption of energy - efficient technologies, a shift to more combined heat and power generation, and the adoption of real - time pricing of electricity (a measure that will discourage optional electricity use during peak demand periods)-- would cut electricity demand enough to avoid building an additional 37 coal - fired power plants.
An approach being researched by the content delivery network provider helps reduce the grid - connected load during peak demand periods, when electricity is most expensive.
Energy storage can save power generated from clean energy systems such as solar, wind and combined heat and power (CHP) for later use, enabling buildings to reduce their reliance on the power grid during peak demand periods when electricity rates are the highest.
Peak ozone is an episodic problem with the highest concentrations observed during high energy demand periods.
Some of them are also capable of reducing their electricity usage during peak periods and shift charging to non-peak times as part of utilities» demand response programs.
Peak times also are when electricity costs the most, and less demand for a utility's electricity during those periods will allow Equity Office to negotiate for lower rates from utilities.
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