Sentences with phrase «demand for a referendum»

Although some parties are demanding for a referendum on the issue, the government has indicated they will not do this, instead forming an all - party committee with broad consultation.
It's perfectly feasible that there will be another constitutional referendum in my lifetime, but I think it would emerge in a different way: not as a result of a top - down initiative — a political opportunity created by an election victory — but more because there is popular demand for a referendum from the bottom - up.
Having passed all its stages in the elected house, I hope the House of Lords will recognise the public demand for a referendum and give it their support.»
IPOB describes the boycott as a potent weapon of civil disobedience to activate demand for referendum, the report noted.
So much for the bl00dy demand for a referendum that does not exist in our constitution.I hope IPOB and co will wake up to the reality now enough child play STOP THE AGITATION OR PREPARE TO ACHIEVE IT ONLY THROUGH WAR!
At least five members of the Government, including aides to Cabinet Ministers, are considering resigning in protest after No 10 rejected backbench demands for a referendum on the issue.
Mark Pritchard, secretary of the 1922 committee of Tory MPs, said that, while a referendum on changes to the Lords was desirable, it would not be good enough on its own and would reopen Tory demands for a referendum on the EU.
But Labour's demands for a referendum on the change, a call the coalition has so far resisted, means agreement is far from guaranteed.
The demands for a referendum on Lisbon or even withdrawal from the EU will surely grow over the coming months especially if UKIP as looks like does extremely well at EU elections.
Zopmal said the Middle Belt region would not take a step back on restructuring and would immediately usher in a demand for referendum if restructuring fails.
Finally, the Basque Country presents a new and positive context, which has evolved very quickly and has created an environment in which a demand for a referendum is bound to occur sooner or later as a consequence of the overcoming of the political violence that dominated the previous era.
There's not a single policy demand in what they say, other than Stringer's demand for a referendum on the EU.
As a consequence we have lost control of the European agenda and the prime minister has lost control of the demands for a referendum.
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