Sentences with phrase «demand for school places»

Opening new schools is the only way we are going to be able to meet the twin challenge of meeting rising demand for school places and improving educational standards across the country.
It said some councils struggled to find sponsors for new schools, while academies, independent of council control, could be reluctant to expand to meet demand for school places.
As demand for school places continues to rise, the versatility and immediacy of modular buildings is delivering cost savings to the education sector through shortened supply chains and a reduction in labour costs.
Another source found that a third of respondents reported an increased demand for school places since becoming sponsored or converter academies.
The new schools are being announced at a time of growing demand for school places, with a rising population at both primary and secondary levels.
In a new report on free schools, parliament's public accounts committee said such schools are expensive, and are not generally appearing in the areas of greatest demand for school places.
Because of rising demand for school places, many existing schools are expanding.
Pupil places It is no secret that the majority of UK schools are struggling with high demand for school places with a lack of additional facilities available in most areas.
In light of the recent media coverage around the education sector, it is no secret that the majority of UK schools are struggling with high demand for school places with a lack of additional facilities available in most areas.
A DfE spokesman said: «The fact that the proportion of appeals heard and upheld remains stable in the face of rising demand for school places shows the admissions system is working well.»
There are areas of England where demand for school places is high because after years of lower pupil numbers coming through the system, a considerably larger cohort is now of school age.
The rising demand for school places means some pupils are attending a school far from home — sometimes with a lengthy morning commute, or working parents who find it difficult to pick the child up at the end of the school day.
They urge the DfE «to work effectively with local authorities to understand local demand for school places».
«The reality is that demand for school places only continues to grow, but too many children do not have access to a good or outstanding school.»
A spokesman for Croydon Council said the borough currently had no plans for grammar schools and would meet increased demand for school places by expanding existing schools and opening new comprehensives.
A council spokesperson said councillors had given consideration to «the future demand for school places as well as the lack of alternative sites in the borough», and had agreed there were «exceptional circumstances to allow development in the green belt».
«It should have been clear to senior civil servants that growing demand for school places, combined with a drive for schools to make efficiency savings, would only build pressure in the system.
Councils are facing an huge challenge in responding to the recent surge in demand for school places, thanks partly to a rise in immigration and a high birth rate.
Whether it's from increasingly squeezed budgets, higher demand for school places or growing concerns about young people's mental health, schools are still expected to balance these while providing a high - quality education and a positive springboard into adolescence and adulthood.
School expansion Another example of how the county council has met the increasing demand for school places is a recent secondary school expansion in St Albans.
Turning rhetoric into reality will be a tough call — public spending cuts show no sign of letting up and the combination of rising demand for school places, lack of accountability and cuts to education budgets in real terms will need careful consideration if we are to improve standards and equity in education within the next administration.
Hertfordshire County Council has funded school expansions through central government Basic Need grants and from housing developers» planning obligations to ensure the impact of new housing in an area on the demand for school places can be mitigated.
Nevertheless, the Council will continue to meet the growing demand for school places to secure a strong pattern of great schools.
Despite a rising demand for school places, a spokesperson for the DfE said: «The fact that the proportion of appeals heard and upheld remains stable in the face of rising demand for school places show the admissions system is working well.»
However, ministers say that free schools are needed in order to meet the demand for school places and the government has pledged to open 500 more.
Demand for school places The Wykebeck and Bracken Edge school buildings will comprise of single storey extensions to the existing schools providing additional classrooms to meet demand for places.
Nick Timothy, director of the New Schools Network, which represents free schools, said he believed they were the only way of meeting the rising demand for school places and improving standards.
But it said the focus should not be exclusively on selective, faith - based and free schools and that the best way to meet the demand for school places was to let councils open more schools themselves.
The first, that faith schools be forced to prove there is demand for school places in an area from other faiths and those of no faith, was of «particular interest» to parents and guardians.
Lambeth Council said the demand for school places has risen by 40 % in the past four years in some areas and it would need 800 extra places by 2015.
But the National Union of Teachers said the government was «playing politics» with the demand for school places.
The demand for school places has risen steeply in Harrow, which has some very good primary schools.
The Local Government Association fears the demand for school places could soon reach a tipping point with no more space or money to extend schools.
Demand for school places is continuing to grow.
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