Sentences with phrase «democratic voting system»

Polygon has been down voted to hell on here yet the mods allow it to still have its articles and reviews posted because they think of it as a big enough site to be above the democratic voting system.
Why are you not arguing the case of AV on the merits of whether it is a more democratic voting system rather than looking at it from a party political standpoint?
Then we could put some energy and effort into tackling the real corruptions and creating a democratic voting system.
The most important practical implication of this is that a democratic voting system can't entirely eliminate the spoiler effect.

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Once we have a public debate, Canadians will vote for the media and communications system they deserve, a pluralistic and democratic one.
Instead of voting like in a democratic system of government, a holacractic government seeks agreement between consenting individuals represented by tokens.
I vote for a low key servant leadership in a democratic system, structures that help us focus on the right stuff without dictating what should happen, and conserning norms, I prefer values before rules.
How is a system where every vote counts less democratic than one where if you don't vote for the top two candidates your vote is wasted - having the same effect as having not voted at all?
There are of course lots of other voting systems than first - past - the - post which promise more democratic election results, like approval voting, alternative vote and their many variants.
How is ensuring the winning candidate is the one with a majority of votes less democratic than a system where the winner is the candidate with the largest minority of votes?
Whilst it is true that most (but not all) Republican and Democratic primaries are open only to registered party supporters, the American party system is much weaker - with party affiliation only being a weak identifier for a much broader ideological spectrum, and you don't have to pay membership dues to vote - so in effect, the primaries are open for almost anyone to vote in.
While nominally, everyone has a chance to input into the decisons via the vote, in practice almost no «democratic» system lets everyone vote.
But I guess that if forced to choose between those two and only those two (and the first - past - the - post system effectively does force people as far as elections are concerned), they will likely vote for candidates from the Democratic Party.
I don't think plural voting would be considered a less democratic system, if we were able to come up with a balanced (or at least apparently balanced) and (mostly) frictionless way of determining who gets the extra votes, similarly to how forms of weighted voting are not generally considered undemocratic and are practised and widely accepted in several democratic countries and institutions.
If we have a fixed term parliament elected upon a proportional voting system then a threshold of 55 % or higher would be democratic.
They also may know that this system allows the candidate coming in second to win the election, as occurred in 2000, and thus violates the democratic norm of equality in voting.
In its place will be an arguably more democratic «one member, one vote» system, which — had it been in place for the last leadership election would have almost certainly chosen David Miliband over Ed.
Unfortunately, the Guide dates back to the first wave of electoral reform in the UK in 1999, but the Democratic Audit website also includes lots of useful material on recent voting system debates and controversies.
If, in a democratic system, every vote counted equally, everyone had an equal say as to how the country is run, then we the people would be able to participate and policies would develop to respond to all our diverse views.
Surely there can be no argument for thinking our first past the post system is actually democratic, where one party runs the country on a minority of our votes.
«The clause is the turn of the screw by the coalition into our democratic system of government, which, at its essence, is about the individuality and votes of conscience of MPs, irrespective of the Whips and the patronage system.
I'm grateful to Vote Better NY for bringing attention to an issue that goes to heart of our democratic system, and look forward to working with my colleagues to create a better, fairer, and more open electoral process for all New Yorkers.»
Stack Exchange often times likes to call itself a democratic system since we vote on posts and moderators.
Alternatively they'll vote you out at the next election but that's the beauty of a democratic system.
Welsh Liberal Democrats have long argued for a fully proportionate system of voting but given the current political situation we believe that any step to make our National Assembly more democratic and accountable is welcome.
This antiquated system blocks access to voting in primary elections, and reduces citizens» ability to participate in our democratic process.
It was billed as «The Democratic Renewal Rally», and jointly put on by — from right to left — Progress, the Fabian Society and Compass, and the Vote For A Change campaign, currently doing their best to make headway on getting the UK a more proportional voting system.
For me, thinking about AV and electoral reform made me realise properly, for the first time, how much the voting system dictates how we go about our democratic politics — especially in relation to marginal constituencies or marginal wards.
Two Democratic victories would be necessary to (perhaps) assemble the votes for a system of public campaign finance, which Cuomo has been advocating for in the face of Republican resistance (slightly disingenuously, some charge) for several years.
It was also not a good night for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and his supporters, some of whom complained bitterly about being unable to vote for their preferred candidate due to the state's closed primary system, (though the rules have been as they are for some time, and not at all a secret), and saw a last - minute legal challenge in hopes of opening up the Democratic primary rejected by a judge.
The different values of the PVV simply correct the democratic imbalance that results from the «First Past the Post» system of voting.
The Governor got the Senate Democratic Conference and the Democratic Assembly Members to vote against their own community interests and against themselves, while on the other hand, the Governor created his own, private, HUGE Member Items — or should I say, Governor Items and Governor Capital Funds for his disposal, making everyone believe that he did away with the system — and in the process, using the Democrats as rubber stamps.
Campaigners for democratic reform give a mixed reaction on Mr Brown's proposals, with some, such as Power 2010 saying it did not go far enough: «Without troubling the public for their views, ministers hand - picked the voting system they favour in a cynical exercise aimed at wrong - footing the Tories ahead of a likely election defeat.
Because independent voters are the voters most likely to vote for minor party candidates, this data shows that a top - two system, which keeps minor party candidates off the November ballot, injures independent voters more than it hurts Republican and Democratic voters.
GOP senators have proven more disciplined, and Cuomo has cut deals with them — pushed by the IDC, and often with Democratic votes — to pass six timely budgets and major progressive bills like minimum wage hikes, a system of paid family leave, legalization of same - sex marriage and strict gun controls.
Sir Menzies is set to describe PR as «a system that ensures that every vote counts, a system which is fair, democratic and inclusive».
The added factor of needing a referendum on AV might slow the process a little, but would also likely see the Lords more readily accept the changes to the voting system (not wanting to defy the democratic will of the people).
Modernizing Voting in New York to Increase Participation in the Democratic System - «[A] llow early voting, and adopt both automatic voter registration and same day voter registration.»
Plaid have emphasised the need for a referendum to give the public a say on important democratic issues including: the present voting system, the power of the Whips, the Royal prerogative and calling for a fixed term parliament.
Democratic leaders are intervening aggressively in California, where the state's unusual voting system could undercut their chances in crowded congressional races.
Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo put a number of progressive issues into his state budget proposal, including the Dream Act, to give college aid to the children of undocumented immigrants, early voting measures and reforming the criminal justice system to end cash bail.
In Britain's first past the post electoral system some votes are worth 22 times more than others Democratic Audit UK
I would want to be able to vote for Nigel Farage UKIP, Baroness Nicholson Lid - Dem, as I admire these two MEPs, the remaining 8 votes for the Conservatives, which to me would be a truly Democratic System especially in the South East with 10 MEPs.
How democratic is a system where one person, who isn't necessarily a member of the Labour party, has a number of votes, depending on how many trade unions or socialist societies they are members of?
Including a full voting student member on the state board is good, and states such as Massachusetts and Hawai`i should be applauded and imitated for their elaborate and democratic systems of student participation.
The grand prize, selected from those winners, might be the most democratic system of them all, as Amazon readers will cast the deciding votes for which book is chosen as the overall winner.
They could create a hub world where everybody meets, and have interchangable activities scattered about the place... Such as... • Battles • Races • Fishing • Golf • Poker Maybe a democratic rewards system, where players vote for each other?
The recent referendum in the UK on the voting system showed that we have no appetite at all to change our democratic governance.
The idea that the drive for large audiences makes the mass media «democratic» thus suffers from the initial weakness that its political analogue is a voting system weighted by income!
Prior to this decision there was an assumption that Parliament already had the power to unilaterally change our electorate model, as long as the system maintained relative parity of voting power, played a meaningful role in the democratic process, and promoted the right of each citizen to participate in the electoral process.
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