Sentences with word «demonology»

"Demonology" refers to the study or belief in demons. It involves understanding their nature, behavior, and how they are related to supernatural or religious practices. Full definition
Demonology list with over 395 + demon names for demons, devils, & evil spirits with descriptions, images, & demon name meanings.
They look at the stereotype of the witch and eventually review his book on demonology.
For an unbeliever, it shows the truth about demonology, demon possession, demonic deception and gives the reader something to think about.
I know this sounds alittle sixteenth century, but has anybody ever tried demonology, seances, voodoo that type of stuff.
The preacher gives the kid a brief intro to demonology before explaining the origin of Halloween.
How much of this was merely ad hominem and how much represented Jesus» personal conviction concerning human destiny it is difficult to be sure, just as when Plato used demonology to serve his purpose it is difficult to know how literally he took the mental pattern he employed.
(The Gnostics evolved an elaborate demonology, but since they regarded the powers of evil as ultimately unreal, they were not afraid to dabble in the «deep things of Satan».)
The difficulties in Christology are similar to those occasioned by demonology and the idea of the Spirit.
Reporters, students, and the Perrons all treat them with deference, as if demonology is a legitimate profession.
The contributors highlight what happens to phenomena that people address as locally specific witchcraft or sorcery when re-molded within the universalist Pentecostal demonology, vocabulary, and confrontational methodology.
Demonology talents are intended to make summoned demonic minions stronger and more useful, as well as enhancing conjuring spells and giving you better passive bonuses.
Demonology list with 395 demons, devils, & evil spirits with demon names, descriptions, images, & demon name meanings.
I even once read a book on demonology, written from the perspective of someone investigating fact versus fiction and trying to dissect each encounter like a criminal investigator.
It's a game about demonology, you have to release demons trapped by angels.
Those sweet liberal boomers, and their ironically - sweet disciples of my generation X, you have to get past their narratives, their self - delusions and demonologies, get past them, for one, to even admit the math:
But «corporate personality,» demonology, Messiahship, apocalypticism, the Logos - doctrine, and many other mental categories in the Bible are not modern.
It would be surprising if militia supporters were to prove more resistant to this demonology than others have been.
Here, at midpoint in our consideration of Christ's call, a fearful question hangs quivering in the air, a question that offends the sensibilities of cultured, reasonable people: Are we Christians called by Christ to hand - to - hand combat with the powers of death, disease, and demonology?
(c) Demonology.
At the same time, I maintain that to revive or perpetuate the demonology of the New Testament in the modern world is to incur the charge of obscurantism and superstition.
A good reference for anyone interested in Semitic and more particularly Jewish and Old Testament angelology and demonology is «Immortality And The Unseen World A Study In Old Testament Religion» by William Oscar Emil Oesterley (1866 — 1950), which was published in 1921 by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.
3 The Demonology of the Semites 4 The Demonology of the Old Testament 5 The Angelology of the Old Testament
Bultmann believes that this affects not only the periphery of the New Testament, but even its central features like the miracles, the demonology, the doctrine of the End, of death as the punishment of sin, of vicarious satisfaction through the death and resurrection of Christ.
So, some of the most absorbing sections of the book deal with the place of miracles and mysticism in post-Tridentine Catholicism, with the role of demonology and witchcraft in the new landscapes of belief in seventeenth century Europe, and a fascinating — and hair - raising — treatment of the importance of hell in Baroque religious culture.
If, as is highly probable, there is a background of demonology in such passages, it is significant that it never comes to the forefront, despite the abundant testimony to such beliefs in other places.
We asked similar questions in connection with the doctrine of satisfaction, eschatology, demonology, and the Spirit.
The projection of the demonology of the Holocaust onto Palestinians reflects the trauma of Jewish survivors.
The long running time also allows Wan to overthink his demonology: The main villain, an infernal nun, is appropriately nightmarish, if reminiscent of the veiled «Bride In Black» from Wan's own Insidious.
The Bronx is turned into a funhouse of jump scares and buddy cop banter in Deliver Us From Evil, a loose adaptation of Beware the Night by Ralph Sarchie, a former NYPD detective who left the force to enter the creepy world of demonology.
Slenderman is pure mystery where as Bagul is involved with pagan worship and demonology..
Based on the actual files kept by the Warren Family, paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga) have seen and heard their share of things that go bump in the night; known as experts in the field of demonology and the supernatural the two have proven and disproven scores of hauntings over the course of their career.
The lightweight, low - budget actioner lacks the sophisticated imagery and production design of Showtime's Penny Dreadful or the sharp wit and derriere - kicking fight sequences of CW's beloved slice of demonology, Supernatural.
The cartoonist behind the new Friends With Boys, Zombies Calling and Demonology 101, Faith Erin Hicks, is our guest this week!
Kinda off topic for it is not available in ebook but if you want a very educational read I recommend The encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology / by Rossell Hope Robbins.
Additional topics include stage magic, thought photography, demonology, cryptozoology, optics, mesmerism, automatic writing, hypnotism, fairies, cults, the occult, color theory and UFOs.
The landscape of the archive covers numerous categories such as: stage magic, thought photography, demonology, cryptozoology, optics, Mesmerism, automatic writing, hypnotism, fairies, cults, pareidolia, the occult, color theory and UFOs.
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