Sentences with phrase «demonstrate the skills needed»

We will also discuss the teacher training components of the project, as well as how curriculum - embedded performance assessment helps students acquire and demonstrate the skills needed to be truly college and workplace ready.
You want an employee who has demonstrated the skills needed in the past or an employee who is interested and capable of learning the planning skills.
Your office assistant needs to be comfortable working in such an environment and demonstrate the skills needed to keep up with you without dropping the ball or complaining.

Not exact matches

For instance, if they care about working with an international client, point out that proofreading sloppy emails will help them improve their communication skills — which they will need to demonstrate before working across cultures.
According to the TD report, recent research indicates that boys demonstrate more confidence in math and more voluntary participation in high school and university math classes, implying that more effective methods of «developing numeracy skills and confidence» in young girls are needed.
You need to take into account the needs and skills of the people on your team, and be able to clearly demonstrate the positive impact any new tool will have on their processes and workflows.
Many of these abilities overlap with the skills needed to become a successful entrepreneur, as many veterans - turned - entrepreneurs have demonstrated.
Perhaps you need to demonstrate some basic paying attention skills?
Demonstrating the gross motor skills needed for conquering the playground is often seen as a right of passage for kids.
The NTC will need to demonstrate extraordinary skills in guiding Libya from its current situation to that of a functioning sovereign state in days, not weeks, if it is to hold the country together.
Mentored postgraduate research time is when you gain increasing independence, practice the skills you will need to run your own shop, and demonstrate to your future employer that your success as a graduate student wasn't a fluke.
She demonstrated the communication skills needed to work well on a team.
We have demonstrated the viability and sustainability of a nonprofit business model that develops the creativity, initiative, strategic capabilities, and management skills of graduate students and postdocs while providing much - needed, tangible benefits and services to local companies that could not otherwise afford them.
You also need to be able to turn your not - so - positive attributes into something more flattering (for example, you may have chaotic organisational skills, but are finding tremendous help in the form of lists) or demonstrate that they are outweighed by far by your skills in other areas.
Communicating science to lay audiences is an important skill for all scientists because, if called upon, we all need to be ready to explain our work or demonstrate the value of public investment in research.
To succeed at the EMEA, scientific administrators also need to demonstrate great accuracy and attention to detail and have good organisational skills, says EMEA Head of Personnel Frances Nuttall.
• Focus on design and delivery skills for safe & effective hands - on assisting and adjusting • Sequencing flows for varying effects and fitness levels • Demonstrating & multitasking • Incorporating hands - on assists & modifications • Precision and clarity in languaging and effective cuing • Designing for mixed level classes • Leading vs. Teaching • How to teach new postures to beginners • Finding personal style • Assessing individual needs • Adapting and Responding • Experiential language
What is not an indicator of the skills often needed to demonstrate strength.
Hemsworth has been described as a wooden performer, but the toughest test for any actor is comedy and here he demonstrates his skill in this area with aplomb, while also switching to portentous drama when he needs to.
Little did Ross know, when he made his cheeky joke and drew smiles from even the most cynical of his peers, he had already demonstrated mastery, not only of the content knowledge he needed to solve the problem, but of several more important skills:
Of course students need to learn to become proficient in writing, but Novak's point, and one of the points of UDL, is that separate skills — in this case, writing and demonstrating an understanding of the concept of point of view — should not be lumped together.
Since an individual's data footprint can throw sharp focus on the areas that he / she is interested in or needs skills upgrading, a personalized eLearning plan helps organizations close the skills gap with ease and also demonstrates to the employees that they are valuable enough to invest in.
Develop your pupils skills creating Kandinsky inspired artwork with «Extend an Art work» using level led learning objectives and success criteria to finally produce a press print which demonstrates sucess criteria for national curriculum level 3, 4 and 5 with additional step to success, to support your learners needs.
Specifically to: 1) collaborate with Crittenton Women's Union (CWU) to create video resources that demonstrate its family skill - building model as a means of building adult capabilities to improve child outcomes; 2) create an initial set of materials for practitioners and leaders of family service - provision systems to be used with caregivers to improve serve - and - return interaction as well as self - regulation and executive function skills; and 3) test these materials as part of a qualitative needs assessment of practitioners who wish to build the capabilities of adults who care for children birth - to - five, with an emphasis on birth - to - three.
Yet the panel majority concluded, «This finding is consistent with the argument that students with disabilities need more time to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities than the nondisabled students, and suggests that the scores of these students taken under the condition of extended time are more representative of their true performance than are the scores they would obtain from a standard administration.»
Scenarios are great ways to demonstrate soft skills needed.
Anthony McVerry, head of secondary department at Abbot's Lea School, commented: «By strengthening our links within the community, we are giving students the practical opportunity to demonstrate the skills and understanding they have gained over the years, whilst also giving something back to people in need
Instead of talking about how much teens love their Facebook (and rolling our eyes), we need to articulate the social and cognitive adroitness that kids demonstrate when using these tools and the relevance of these skills for succeeding in the post-industrial professional age.
The lessons are consistently well matched to the needs of young people and enable them to demonstrate progress as their understanding and skills develop.»
The results in maths show that 44 per cent of the students tested do not meet the baseline identified in ACARA's Measurement Framework for Schooling in Australia 2012 (2013); which outlines a «challenging but reasonable expectation of student achievement at a year level, with students needing to demonstrate more than the elementary skills expected at this level.»
I spend ten to 15 minutes at the beginning of each class period demonstrating the skills they will need.
Schools and students needed more complete and better ways of demonstrating knowledge and skills along with ways of conducting authentic performance assessment for students.
«This report validates our focus on teacher quality and demonstrates that we need to ensure all teachers are skilled in ensuring every student in a class is progressing, with a years» worth of learning equating to a years» worth of progression, to the best of their abilities.
demonstrate effective listening skills to understand their point of view, challenges, needs, and wants
Project - centered tasks ask students to practice and demonstrate command over the very skills they will need for the next step in their learning journey.
These examples and others help show students what skills look like, but students also need to examine their own application of the skills in their own writing, where they demonstrate effective use or not.
By requiring that all new teachers pass a rigorous bar of quality, there is a hope that American teaching could finally begin to resemble more established professions, in which we can trust that each entrant to the field has demonstrated the needed level of knowledge and skill,» writes Assistant Professor Jal Mehta.
The aims are to build a strong evidence base that will support four key Learning Away propositions, ie to demonstrate that high - quality residential learning: has a strong, positive impact on academic achievement and a wide range of pupil - level outcomes, including emotional well - being, learner engagement, behaviour and personal, social, employability and life skills; can transform the learning experience of pupils; can help to transform schools; does not need to be expensive.
Administered online, they offer significant improvements over tests of the past by including writing at every grade, expanded accessibility features to meet the needs of all students, and performance tasks that ask students to demonstrate an array of research, writing, and problem solving skills.
classroom management, the teacher shall demonstrate classroom management skills supportive of diverse student learning needs which create an environment conducive to student learning;
These alternative certification systems are likely to provide alternative means for many individuals to demonstrate and be valued for their skills without a need to attend academic courses, to pay expensive tuition fees, to purchase new textbooks, and to pay for exam / certification costs.
Much work has been done to demonstrate the importance of building these skills in students, yet more work is needed to build collaboration and consensus around these constructs and develop state standards and implementation guidelines in schools.
Using the Essential Skill Inventories has been demonstrated to dramatically improve learning outcomes, improve test scores, and reduce the number of students needing special education.
The key points are accurately derived from the objective and represent the knowledge and skills that students will need to demonstrate mastery of the lesson objective.
It was rich, varied and substantive and at every turn, you demonstrated a keen understanding of our school culture and how best to meet our needs... I am incredibly impressed with your collective and individual skills.
School communities should be responsible for making hiring decisions based on school needs and demonstrated skills not imposed mandates from the district or Sacramento.
Building on the promise of the competency - based movement and the urgent need to engage more aspiring teachers earlier, the Educators Rising Beginning to Teach microcredentials aim to become a key part of a systemic solution for improving how aspiring educators demonstrate their skills and knowledge on their road to becoming accomplished teachers.
Our partnership with One - to - One Institute demonstrates how learner voice and choice encourages the learner to acquire the skills they need to choose and use the appropriate tools and resources for a ny task.
Results suggest that arts may assist special needs students in demonstrating knowledge of academic content and skills.
I talked with more than 500 students who had just taken the pilot items — and with teachers who'd just administered them.1 Responding to a set of prepared questions, participants in grades 3, 6, 7, and 11 shared their take on the technology skills students will need to successfully demonstrate learning in this new format.
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