Sentences with phrase «demonstrates proof points»

This new accountability system demonstrates proof points that were obscured by the system we had developed under NCLB.

Not exact matches

The most successful founders I see wait to raise — they wait to demonstrate traction and hit proof - points that represent real step - change for their companies — and when they do, they ask for a lower range.
It's vital that you have a clear picture of the traction and proof points you'll need to show investors when you eventually do raise your A. And these proof points have to both demonstrate a significant jump in valuation and de-risk your concept.
Again, you would have to demonstrate and show proof, that your «subjective» view point of... «gays are «WRONG»....
Often it will be met with someone accusing you of proof - texting (as I did) or someone demonstrating the exact opposite point through proof - texting (as Gary did) to demonstrate the fallacy.
Then a policy analyst at the Progressive Policy Institute, he believed Indianapolis could be a «proof pointdemonstrating that the sky wouldn't fall if mayors began authorizing charter schools.
We also have some fantastic proof points, demonstrating the capacity of great schools to alter the life prospects of poor kids.
They point to the forced savings element and the guarantees as proof but they are misguided big time as I've already demonstrated.
That data can then be used as proof points to demonstrate CRM value to attorneys.
Value Statements: The bullet points within your work experience are the features and benefits that provide proof of your branding statement, and demonstrate you meet the hiring manager's needs.
The proof point should get specific about how you demonstrate that strength.
Figures are the best way to demonstrate proof of your capabilities, as they provide eye - catching points that hit home for hiring managers.
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