Sentences with phrase «demonstration version»

A "demonstration version" refers to a trial or sample of something, usually a product or software, that allows users to try it before purchasing or committing to the full version. Full definition
In the future, the Nintendo DS will be able to receive demonstration versions of some DS games from Wii, Nintendo's latest game console; it will not be able to receive the entire game.
So far the group at CAB has created a demonstration version which has basic information on nearly 200 forest species garnered from the OFI, with full data on a few of them.
A new approach to the design of a liquid battery, using a passive, gravity - fed arrangement similar to an old - fashioned hourglass, could offer great advantages due to the system's low cost and the simplicity of its design and operation, says a team of MIT researchers who have made a demonstration version of the new battery.
A demonstration version of Domesday 2000 was unveiled last week.
A beta or demonstration version of the Portal was recently demonstrated at the meeting of the Antarctic Treaty System's meeting of the Committee for Environmental Protection, and it was very well received The Portal is still under development and will be fully functional by June 2015.
Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
The pictures Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
See my copyright Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
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Interweaving the relative time scale with the atomic time scale poses certain problems because only certain types of rocks, chiefly the igneous variety Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
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Dating: Dating, in geology, determining a chronology or calendar of events in the history of Earth, using to a large degree the evidence of organic Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
The original element is called the parent, and the Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
Spare parts management: software for the creation of spare parts catalogue, sales catalogue, electronic parts catalogs and spare parts, consultation over Virtual Dating contains two options as well as a demonstration version.
(The demonstration version will be erased once the Nintendo DS is turned off.)
Though suggested to be an optional element of this demonstration version, VRFocus of course endeavoured to try every element of Elite Dangerous: Horizons «new VR content.
Included in the demonstration version of the game were playable heroes who have been confirmed -LSB-...]
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