Sentences with phrase «denied basic human rights»

By 1911, every mainland State and Territory had introduced protection policies that subjected Indigenous people to near - total control and denied them basic human rights such as freedom of movement and labour, custody of their children, and control over their personal property.
When a gay person is denied basic human rights because of how they were born, it is real to me.
Who would chose getting kicked out of their family, spit on, denied basic human rights, etc, if it was about ego?
The Rev Johan Candelin, Director of the Religious Liberty Commission, World Evangelical Fellowship believes 200m in 60 nations are being denied their basic human rights because they are Christians.
Sex workers are to be denied this basic human right taken as granted by the rest of the population.

Not exact matches

Christianity views health care as a basic human right that should never be denied for any reason.
You can deny people their basic human freedoms and rights and feel you've done immense good in the world.
If they financially support an effort to deny a group of human beings a basic human right, one that the Declaration of Independence declared to be «inalienable» (the pursuit of happiness), then yes, they are in point of fact spreading hate.
It is not the will of God that children suffer from hunger and malnutrition and grow up in unsanitary slums with lack of proper education, that persons because of the color of their skin are debarred from schools, hospitals, employment, or housing projects; that persons are denied other basic human rights; that personalities and homes are broken through drink and that great numbers die on highways through drunken driving; that marriage vows are often taken lightly and that easy divorces shatter home after home and leave children the pawns of the parents» selfishness.
fosters an insatiable avarice, generates false values and needs by its global culture, kills humans due to poverty, malnutrition and violence, exploits women and children, denies to many the basic human right to life and the means of living a decent human life.
There are many Islamic governments who deny others to exercise their basic freedom and human rights.
Where basic human rights are at stake, they ought not to be denied to anybody because of «class, color, creed or previous condition of servitude.»
It is ironic that people who are denied, or have been denied, basic human consideration for reasons which they had nothing to do with (the genetically controlled color of their skin) would so aptly deny these rights to others who are in exactly the same position.
No child should have their basic human rights denied.
In many countries around the world, women are being denied the most basic human right of autonomy over their own bodies.
«We can not afford to have our State Senator empowering Trump - supporting Republicans who seek to deport immigrants, deny health care, and destroy basic human rights.
«SERAP also notes that your government has a legal obligation to protect vulnerable individuals including pensioners in Edo State by taking measures to ensure that they are not denied their human rights, and deprived of their access to basic necessities of life.
But what could be more hateful than denying one group of people the same basic human rights dignities that we allow everyone else?
UK Aid is helping to educate women and girls in parts of Asia where that most basic of human rights has been denied to them for so long.
The U.S. must end its unconditional support for Israel no matter how much it defies international law and denies Palestinians basic human rights.
«Words can not fully express hat today's historic Supreme Court's decision means for millions of Americans who have been wrongly denied their most basic human rights for far too long.
More fundamental is the fact that education is a basic human right that has been systematically denied too many women for too long.
The science should ADD to our knowledge with evidence, but ti doesn't need to replace basic human nature and for people to deny what;'s right in front of their eyes.
Being poor usually means more than just lacking economic resources — it means having inadequate social and cultural resources as well, and it often means being denied the ability to enforce one's basic human and legal rights.
According to a submission from the Royal Children's Hospital to the Human Rights Commission National Enquiry 2014 «detention denies children, adolescents and families the basic environmental requirements for their health, development and their wellbeing... There is evidence that all forms of detention adversely affect parenting, family functioning and the mental health of children, adolescents, parents and families.
No child should have their basic human rights denied.
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