Sentences with phrase «denies religious dogma»

freethinker: one who forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority; especially one who doubts or denies religious dogma.
This is not to deny that religious dogma can not take a far more virulent form, just to point out that intolerance is not its hallmark.

Not exact matches

I don't just deny a belief in a God (s), but oppose those that do and vigorously oppose those that seek to impose their religious dogma on our political decision making.
In this case the Church is trying to deny easy access to contraception for women who don't agree with the Church's current religious dogma on this issue and would use contraception if available.
As much as I think ALL religion is a crock and that common sense should trump religious dogma, to force people who don't want to use the service is just as wrong as the church trying to deny it to everyone regardless of their faith.
The parroting of religious denier dogma by a scientist in your position attracts a lot of attention, but some things are more important than attention.
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