Sentences with phrase «dental caries»

Progression of dental caries and tooth loss between the third and fourth decades of life: A birth cohort study
Recent studies emphasize the important role that diet and sealants have in preventing dental caries.
In a review article, conflicting findings were observed in the literature on the association between EBP and dental caries (Rosenberg et al. 2014).
The majority of these hospitalisations were for dental caries (54 %), followed by diseases of the pulp and periapical tissues (16 %) and embedded and impacted teeth (9 %).
It addresses risk assessment for dental caries, periodontal disease, malocclusion, and injury.
A scoping review of epidemiologic risk factors for pediatric obesity: Implications for future childhood obesity and dental caries prevention research.
A dental assistant who has completed an out - of - state dental assisting program in applying medicaments for the control and prevention of dental caries must provide a syllabus of coursework successfully completed; coursework must be equal to or greater than that required by Indiana rules, or the dental assistant must complete laboratory and clinical requirements in Indiana and obtain a certificate of completion from an Indiana CODA - accredited or Board - approved program; the dental assistant must display CODA - accredited program diploma or certificate of completion from Board - approved course pubicly in the dental office.
Offering exceptional knowhow of preventing and controlling dental caries and gum disease.
To make matters worse, any sugars in the kibble can lead to dental caries.
Human dental sealants are a dental treatment consisting of applying a plastic material to one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay (from Wikipedia).
The findings show that dogs lack the bacteria that cause dental caries, or tooth decay, and that contrary to popular belief, the bacteria associated with periodontal disease are not the same in dogs and humans.
Similarly, dental caries or cavities develop when the toxic acidic wastes dissolve away a layer of enamel.
Probiotics are also helpful in synthesizing vitamins (particularly B vitamins), lowering the risk of allergies, decreasing risk of dental caries and even mitigating lactose intolerance.
If you read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by my main man, Wes, you'll see that populations of indigenous people who did not consume a modern western diet of processed foods were shown to have virtually no dental caries, or cavities.
The fossil remains of early humans that dated back to the neolithic period showed signs of osteoporosis, arthritis, dental caries etc..
Likewise, Price found that the combination of cod liver oil and a high - Activator X butter oil concentrate was more effective than cod liver oil alone in treating his patients for dental caries and other signs of physical degeneration.
Effect of erythritol and xylitol on dental caries prevention in children.
Vitamins A, D, and K work in synergy to regulate calcium metabolism (among many other valuable functions in the body): specifically, to build strong bones and teeth (preventing and reversing osteoporosis and dental caries), and to mobilize calcium out of soft tissues where excesses often end up (especially the calcified plaque that causes hardening of the arteries).
The risk of dental caries may be reduced by using a straw positioned to the back of the mouth when drinking sugary beverages [19].
The chronic sugar toxicity is linked to a multitude of health problems, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, hypoglycemia, GERD, hypertension, ADD / ADHD, depression, anxiety, insomnia, allergies, dental caries, to name a few.
Replacing sugary foods with starchy foods (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) may not help, since starch can also promote dental caries [8,20].
Processed foods — eating a processed diet instead of the recommendations above leads to an average 35-fold increase in susceptibility to dental caries
His studies revealed that dental caries and deformed dental arches resulting in crowded, crooked teeth are the result of nutritional deficiencies, not inherited genetic defects.
One of the many commonalities that Dr. Weston A. Price observed among the diets of the so - called «primitive» populations whom he described in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, to which he attributed their resistance to dental caries and their superb skeletal structure, was a richness in the fat - soluble vitamins, including vitamin A.
There will be no necessity for any child of yours to develop dental caries or tooth decay if the simple procedures that I am outlining shall be adequately carried out...
One concerned the use of mostly alkaline foods (fruits and vegetables) instead of acid foods (meat and whole grains) as a way to prevent dental caries.
Coconut oil has the potential to aid in the protection and treatment of a number of health problems due to its documented antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiulcerogenic, antimutagenic, analgesic, and antipyretic activities.33 - 34 Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have recognized the importance of MCTs and have filed numerous patents for their therapeutic use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, cancer, dental caries, periodontal disease, skin diseases, and various bacterial, viral, and fungal infections.
Eating this with skimmed milk would be one of the surest way to produce dental caries and in some cases might even produce convulsions.»
The author, Dr. Weston Price describes how healthy, robust children raised in traditional societies with nary a cavity rapidly become plagued with dental caries and worse, tuberculosis, within a year or two of leaving home to go live in the modern European cities of that time.
The probiotic approach in oral health is relatively new, and it is on of the safest treatments for various issues, such as halitosis, dental caries, gums disease.
A 7 - month randomized control study showed milk supplemented with Lactobacillus rhamnosus SP1 resulted in reduced larger dental caries in children.
A randomized control study showed that children who drank milk with LGG had less dental caries and less strep mutans than those who drank standard milk.
Excess sugar in your diet can lead to weight gain and increase your risk for heart disease and dental caries, reports
Certain lactobacilli are seen as a marker for dental caries.
Why would we give a damn about whether people of lower - SES develop dental caries?
10 In this, Hicks and others draw on the wisdom of Dr. Price's research with isolated and modernized societies around the world, summarized over seventy - five years ago in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.11 In his comprehensive treatise, Price drew particular attention to the «sensitiveness of the body during the period of adolescence» (which not coincidentally is also the period of greatest susceptibility to dental caries).
Price's photos of boys with rampant dental caries and facial deformities, which vividly illustrate the weakening effect of newfangled foods on adolescent development, could easily be replicated by snapshots of some of today's junk food - reliant young men.
The FDA's review in 1986 stated that «Other than the contribution to dental caries, there is no conclusive evidence on sugars that demonstrates a hazard ``.
If you're not among these 158 million, you might want to consider swapping dark roast for loose leaf, and here's why: Tea is rich in one of the best - known flavonoids called catechins, a type of disease - fighting antioxidant that has shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and dental caries (i.e., tooth decay and cavities), as well as aid weight loss.
Green tea also supplies a host of other benefits: It may help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and dental caries.
About Eskimos, Dr. Price wrote, «One does not get a conception of the magnificent dental development of the more primitive Eskimos,» Price wrote, «simply by learning that they have freedom from dental caries.
Studies have shown that using probiotics reduces the risk of dental caries in children.
I was particularly interested in their food habits both because of their high immunity to dental caries which approximated one hundred per cent, and because of their physical development.
Ultimately, we aim to reveal the key species (cultured and uncultivated) involved in dental caries and provide new insights into specific genes / domains, gene products, and metabolic pathways that define the synergistic and competitive contributions to health and disease in this complex microbial community.
Current tooth decay (dental caries) prevention methods include enamel hardening with fluoride and bacterial removal via mechanical and general antimicrobial approaches.
Tooth trauma or dental caries can lead to the inflammation of dental pulp tissue, the all too familiar pain of toothache, and potentially irreversible damage.
Despite the focus on preventive dental care, dental caries, such as tooth decay or cavities, are on the rise in children under the age of 5.
As excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates is also implicated in the aetiology of dental caries it would be expected that high levels of tooth decay would be more likely in short - sighted people.
Based on this review, they suggest a «probable» association between vitamin D levels and birth weight, dental caries in children, maternal vitamin D levels at term and parathyroid hormone levels in chronic kidney disease patients requiring dialysis, but «further studies and better designed trials are needed to draw further conclusions.»
«Just as interesting is the presence of dental caries, showing that oral infections have a long evolutionary history in the animals, which can tell us about their sugary diet, presumably from berries.
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