Sentences with phrase «dental development»

Puppy teething toys can provide hours of play for your pup, while simultaneously soothing his gums and encouraging healthy dental development.
That finding confirms the important role these signaling pathways play in dental development.
That said, the longer your child uses a pacifier, the greater the chance it will affect dental development.
Children using bottles are more likely to have tooth decay or improper dental development, and they may not develop appropriate feeding skills.
Knowing about your pet's normal dental development in different life stages can aid in problem prevention and treatment before extensive damage occurs.
There are a whole range of toys which have been specifically designed for teething puppies, and can relieve discomfort while encouraging healthy dental development.
The activity of sucking at the breast enhances development of baby's oral muscles, facial bones, and aids in optimal dental development.23
Furthermore, while your baby breastfeeds they are also shaping their mouths for proper dental development.
That's because it's designed with a symmetrical silicone collapsible nipple that enhances your child's natural dental development.
The MAM model was designed with your child's orthodontic health in mind, as the symmetrical style encourages healthy dental development from the moment they begin using the soothie.
Such key genes likely would serve as signposts to biological pathways important to normal and disordered dental development
This compares with 6 and 12 years in modern humans and 3 and 5 years for modern apes, indicating that H. erectus was starting down the road of modern dental development.
Dietary supplementation with naringin in experimental animals has shown significant beneficial effects on dental development and as an anti-septic on oral bacteria, which is the most common contributor to bad breath [6, 14].
These cause inflammation and blockage of the nasal passageways, which make breathing difficult and can lead to poor dental development.
All of them will help to give your little Rascal the relief his little gums need, and encourage correct and healthy dental development.
In her search for genes important in dental development, Hlusko uses a classical quantitative genetics approach that applies the rules of heredity, discovered 150 years ago in Gregor Mendel's studies of simple traits in peas, to not - so - simple traits like the sizes and shapes of teeth.
These have an orthodontic design, making them great for parents who have concerns over their child's dental development.
Allows baby to latch and control the flow of milk providing a feeding experience like breastfeeding and promoting oral and dental development.
Find out if this will make your baby too dependent on her binky and if it will affect her dental development.
While some mothers prefer these pacifiers, there is no proven link between their use and dental development.
You can start preventing cavities at this early stage of your child's dental development.
According to the Weston A. Price Foundation, vitamin K2 plays a crucial role in facial and dental development.
Canine baby teeth show themselves between three to eight weeks of age.These teeth are lost and replaced with permanent teeth after four to six months.Throughout this period of dental development, a puppy's gums are irritated, and chewing helps to relieve discomfort.Accidental destruction often begins or heightens during this time.
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