Sentences with phrase «dental rinses»

"Dental rinses" refers to liquid solutions that are used to rinse and clean the mouth, specifically the teeth and gums. They are used to maintain oral hygiene, freshen breath, or treat certain dental conditions like gum disease or tooth sensitivity. Full definition
Save your money (expensive product) and buy a good drinking water dental rinse.
Fortunately, many dental problems can be prevented at home through daily brushing, the use of dental rinses in the drinking water and even prescription diets when necessary.
Use products approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) like CET toothpaste (my dog loved the taste of this), and other optional products include dental rinses and chews.
5) Cat dental rinses — Available in a squirt bottle, these products are designed to fight plaque and clean the teeth.
Water additives can help kill bacteria in the bowl and dental rinses help freshen your cat's breath and fight plaque.
The use of chlorhexidine gluconate in at - home dental rinses is particularly troubling to some veterinarians because the chemical is contraindicated for use near the eyes, ears, and mouth of animal patients, yet the manufacturers of products containing this chemical offer it as an alternative to regular in - home brushing.
Also, ask your vet about dental rinse products.
Dental rinses: If brushing isn't for you, then how about a doggy dental rinse or spray?
As for dental rinses and water additives, see your vet if you're concerned about halitosis and plaque, and to get recommendations.
Other things you may wish to consider include dog dental rinses and dental treats made especially for your furry friend.
We always need CET Chews for our foster dogs, CET Chlorhexadine dental rinse, finger tooth brushes, Frontline Plus, Capstar (Flea Tabs), Revolution, Heartguard, Interceptor (worm pills), Nature Vet Enzymes & Probiotics, Super Omega3 capsules (available at Costco).
She suggests dental rinses, which can be added to the water bowl, if pets don't tolerate brushing.
To make sure your cat's dental well being, shop cat toothbrushes, cat toothpaste, cat dental rinse, dental cleansing pads and extra.
Water additives added to your cat's water bowl help kill bacteria and dental rinses help prevent tartar and plaque buildup.
Water additives and at - home dental rinses are a relatively new development in pet dental health.
Other options include dental rinses and gels, dental diets, or dental chew toys.
Regular dental care includes brushing, dental rinses, hard chews and treats for friction against plaque and regular dental checkups with your veterinarian.
You can brush his teeth; use a dental rinse in his mouth; or add a dental product to his drinking water, for example.
If you can not safely brush the teeth, there are dental rinses and chews that might work better for your cat.
Consult your veterinarian about adding a dental rinse to your pet's drinking water.
By adding a dental rinse, chew, or treat you can help maintain your pet's oral health and fresh breath.
You can also purchase dental treats that are designed to clean tartar off a dog's teeth and dental rinses that you can put in your dog's water.
For cats that do not tolerate toothbrushing, you can try a water additive, dental rinse, or a dental chew or treat which you can use as part of your cat's dental care program.
Daily brushing and dental rinse are the gold standard.
Adding a water additive or dental rinse to your dog's drinking bowl each day (or as often as recommended by your veterinarian) can help to decrease the chances of infection in your dog, and help improve his or her breath.
Please remember: NEVER use human toothpaste, mouthwash, or dental rinses to clean your dog's teeth.
Some reviewers say that even their water - averse cats started drinking more water after they started adding the dental rinse to their bowl.
What's your opinion regarding the efficacy of products such as dog chew toys, dental rinses or other dog treats in regard to dog dental care?
Although brushing your cat's teeth is an essential part of a dental care routine and should not be skipped, dental rinses and water additives offer several benefits and are safe to use.
Water additives and dental rinses should never replace toothbrushing.
Another easy way to help keep your pet's teeth clean and breath fresh is by using a dental rinse or water additive to kill bacteria that cause plaque and tartar.
C.E.T also makes a dental rinse and pet toothpaste.
Ferrets also need their teeth cleaned, and there are a variety of dental products for them, including toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental wipes and dental rinse.
• Dental - care products include toothpaste, toothbrushes, dental rinse and some varieties of cat treats.
Ferrets need other grooming supplies as well, including a brush and / or comb, toenail clippers and dental products such as a toothbrush or tooth wipes, toothpaste and / or a dental rinse.
For example, these are some of the common ingredients found in the dental rinses, sprays and pastes that are on store shelves.
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