Sentences with phrase «deny validity to»

To deny validity to absolute ethics is to rob the ship at sea of its compass» (Report - The Congress Socialist Part 1950).
To deny validity to absolute ethics is to rob the ship at sea of its compass (Report — The Congress Socialist Party, 1950).

Not exact matches

For too many people, it's simply better to just deny scientific fact and play ignorant than address logically some serious questions regarding the validity of human scientific achievement.
I am writing, not to try to deny the validity of Rachel's experience or her observations, but to push back on some of the stereotypes of us mainliners.
They have fought advances of thought, they have tried to defeat the efforts of men and women to know more about the world, they have denied the validity of scientific truth, they have called into question the freedom and responsibility, as well as the dignity, of human life.
To deny the veracity of the Theory of Evolution and its 5 laws is to deny the validity of the scientific method itselTo deny the veracity of the Theory of Evolution and its 5 laws is to deny the validity of the scientific method itselto deny the validity of the scientific method itself.
We may also say that the distinguishing mark of a formative prescription is its explicit neutrality to all substantive ones; that is, asserting the former does nor explicitly affirm or deny the moral validity of any prescription whose prescribed action is partisan in some or other moral disagreement.
Implicitly denying the validity of the promise of divine protection, he seeks to guarantee his own security during an emergency sojourn in Egypt (12:10 ff.)
It is worthwhile to listen again to key passages of his letter to Canon J. Walker, which still retain much of their validity: «I do not fear the theory [of Darwin]... It does not seem to me to follow that creation is denied because the Creator, millions of years ago, gave laws to matter.
When outrage culture denies the validity of a belief, it chips away at these one by one, tossing them aside as if to say they don't matter.
It should be noted further that although the Jews — and especially in the pre-Mosaic religion — accepted doctrines that were incomplete or even mistaken and rites more or less imperfect, this fact did not deny to the Jewish religion itself, through other of its elements, the positive validity of assuring salvation.
It is in metaphor that the apparently irreconcilable terms are reconciled, revealed in a peripety to be complementary in a meaningful new context that does not deny the validity of the prior context in which the constituent terms were located.
«To suggest we can't know how old the Earth is, then, is to deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether» - No it's to be open minded to the idea that we might be wrong, on the other hand to accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioTo suggest we can't know how old the Earth is, then, is to deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether» - No it's to be open minded to the idea that we might be wrong, on the other hand to accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioto deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether» - No it's to be open minded to the idea that we might be wrong, on the other hand to accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioto be open minded to the idea that we might be wrong, on the other hand to accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioto the idea that we might be wrong, on the other hand to accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioto accept these dates without question or reservation is to accept current science without questioto accept current science without question.
Left - leaning blogs and sites like ThinkProgress and Huffington Post jumped on Rubio's comments, with the Zack Beauchamp from ThingProgress writing, «To suggest we can't know how old the Earth is, then, is to deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether — a maneuver familiar to Rubio, who also denies the reality of anthropogenic climate change.&raquTo suggest we can't know how old the Earth is, then, is to deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether — a maneuver familiar to Rubio, who also denies the reality of anthropogenic climate change.&raquto deny the validity of these scientific methods altogether — a maneuver familiar to Rubio, who also denies the reality of anthropogenic climate change.&raquto Rubio, who also denies the reality of anthropogenic climate change.»
To deny the validity of one is to deny the validity of the otheTo deny the validity of one is to deny the validity of the otheto deny the validity of the other.
She clearly is referring to the Council of Trent, which denied the validity of clandestine marriage.
Bonhoeffer attempts to resolve the differences between Lutherans and Calvinists by denying the validity of the questions they raised.
The myth causes teachers to limit the extent of parental participation and to deny the validity of parental reports.
Obviously we have no way of judging the validity of an internal poll whose methodology is opaque, and the Clintonistas have every incentive to get out a positive message at this critical point in their candidate's political life (Update: they're denying it).
The distraught Senator decides to battle through these accusations, refusing to accept or deny the validity of anything claiming it's none of the nation's business.
It does not attempt to deny nor disqualify the general validity of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Judgments Items in public record such as judgments, can be removed by repeated letters to credit bureaus denying their validity, especially if you have solid evidence for your position.
In cases where there is a modicum of openness — not the case for any hard - core denier, to be sure, but the case for some commenters online — framing issues in ways that respect the emotional validity of a particular point of view will facilitate communication.
When are you going to demonstrate the merit and validity of the so - called «climate science» with which you keep bashing us over the head and for which you guys insultingly call us «deniers» for not accepting?
To say that Jean, requires that you also deny the validity of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics
Judge Koh had previously deemed this patent likely to be infringed by the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in her original (December 2011) decision denying a preliminary injunction (with respect to the Galaxy Tab 10.1, the denial was based on doubts about the validity of the patent, a holding that the Federal Circuit reversed, paving the way for entry of a preliminary injunction).
The LCO Disabilities Report identifies the following barriers experienced by persons with disabilities because of the attitudes of those that implement the law, at 42 — 43: (1) heavy judgment and negative assumptions experienced by persons with mental health disabilities, particularly the homeless; (2) lack of support systems, stigma and fear experienced by persons with mental disabilities, which may also lead to increased contact with police and contribute to their criminalization; (3) reluctance to acknowledge the validity of (and therefore to accommodate) persons with disabilities, particularly those with learning, environmental, and chronic fatigue disabilities; and (4) suspicion and contempt towards persons with disabilities seeking services and supports, which may lead to persons within the legal system interpreting and applying laws in ways that frustrate or deny people's rights to those services and supports.
Sample # 2: Notwithstanding anything else contained within this Policy, in the event that the proceeds of the Insured Mortgage are paid to any person or entity other than: i) to the registered title holder or holders, as the case may be; ii) holder (s) of prior registered encumbrances (s); iii) an execution or judgment creditor (s); iv) to a non-registered covenantor that is a spouse, child or parent of the registered title holder or holders; v) to credit card companies for credit cards in the name of the registered title holder or holders or in the name of non-registered covenantor (s) that are the spouse, child or parent of the registered title holder or holders; then the Company can deny coverage and shall have no liability to the Insured for any matters that involve the allegation of mortgage / title fraud, including challenges to the validity and enforceability of the Insured Mortgage.
Attorneys, of course, can also use this at trial to deny the validity of such a confession.
The claimant had specifically disputed the validity of 2007 agreement and the signature appearing thereon and have denied the same in its pleadings and in particularly in paragraph 23 of the statement of claim and para 4 (b) of reply and defence to counter claim.
However, there will likely be no way to recover the digital signature itself, which means the electronic contract or record may be denied legal validity or enforceability under the e-SIGN Act,» he said.
By relying on a number of contractual clauses (which some deny the validity of), many Mt Gox victims fear that Vessenes aims to personally rip their investments away so as to further line his own pockets with digital gold.
The mining industry was denied the opportunity to establish stable and equitable relationships with native title claimants for the areas in which they operate and the opportunity to ensure the legal validity of their mining tenements.
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