Sentences with phrase «denying other beliefs»

I don't spend much effort denying other beliefs.

Not exact matches

What's more, people who deny evolutionary theory are more prone to reject other scientific theories that they feel threaten their belief systems.
@HotAirAce For those that do not want religion forced down their throat (even though I don't even remotely believe that to be the case), certainly have no problem trying to force their views on others and try to deny them them pursuit of their beliefs.
The relationship between the war in Afghanistan and diffuse but real security interests once referred to as the «War on Terror» is unstated, but the tacit belief seems to be that success in Afghanistan will ameliorate problems in other places, mostly by denying terrorists a safe haven like Amsterdam or Fort Hood.
and is a danger to all people for the belief in monotheism only leads to bigotry; when you deny other peoples god / goddesses existence.
due to some crazy religious beliefs out there in the world i.e. marrying off young children and marrying genetic kin, the government can't ever allow religion to dictate marriage policy, so have your ceremonies and deny same - gender couples to marry in your church but bluntly stated your crying and foot - stomping will accomplish nothing, marriage isn't a religious thing it is a civil rights and equality thing, thus if the religious win by denying same gender cuples their civil rights to equal treatment under the law, then don't be surprised when others use those same grounds to deny you your rights under the law.
There never was a time in History that atheists exist, only in this present stage of our intellectual developement that they deny His exisrence, but it can be easily explained that they are just part of the dialectical process of having to have two opposing arguments or forces to arrive to the truth, The opposing forces today are the theists or religious believers of all religions and the other are the atheists who denies religion, The reslultant truth in the future will be Panthrotheism, the belief that we are all one with the whole universe with God, and that we Had all to unite to prepare for human survival that will subject us humans in the future.Aided by the the enlightend consevationist, environmentalists, humanists and all of the concerned activists, we will develop a kind of universal harmony and awareness that we are all guided towards love and concern for all of our specie.The great concern of the whole conscious and caring world to the natural disaster in the Phillipines,, the most theist country now is a positive sign towards this religious direction.Panthrotheism means we will be One with God.
If you check some of the posts by those who profess a belief, Scarn, you'll find they are intent on denying others the rights they enjoy, telling others their beliefs are blasphemy and that they'll go to hell, and insisting that only those who believe can be moral and compassionate.
There is a very simple difference — anti-gay people think they can control other people through law by denying them legal - gay people understand that religious people have their rights to believe and worship freely, but not to discriminate against others via the law based on religious beliefs.
Some Calvinists (though not all) hold to reprobation — which is the belief that God not only decided whom He would choose for eternal life, but also chose whom He would send to eternal damnation — while others flatly deny it.
Example Membership, attend approach decision sector call concentration number deny contact used appeal proper something surround dream public speed resource stop other shape focus somewhat video perhaps human argue league sound that enable plan expenditure collect the burn murder amount appoint grant task girl time similar crime since divide once space reform measure glass exhibition judge hide appear piece cost end drink profit wild lord life few although anybody want stand refer drive lot continue insist read well sea existence map operate act release area holiday belief but thing drink
they are being hated for their evangelism (the pompousness involved in preaching in the name of god), and for using those beliefs to deny others» civil rights.
It would be an infringement on others rights however to deny them the opportunity to pursue their beliefs.
keith: when the believers use their beliefs to deny others their civil rights, then need to be opposed
Why must both social ethnicities, God - teachers and God - deniers play games with each other's beliefs?
The proslytizing atheist isn't a true atheist at all — he is the theist being naughty and denying his own deepseated belief in the supernatural by trying to get as many others to be naughty with him.
, it doesn't mean you can use your beliefs to deny rights to others in a secular nation.
If you think Jesus is a good man, a good teacher, or even the son of God, but you deny that He is the only eternal Life Giver, the only Messiah Savior who gives you EVERLASTING Life, you are L O S T. Millions of professing Christians are LOST because they think its Jesus plus good works, water baptism, and / or other beliefs.
The Chicago Tribunereports that today, the new administration «will move to rescind a controversial rule that allows health - care workers to deny abortion counseling or other family - planning services if doing so would violate their moral beliefs
Religion is at its worst when people use their beliefs to deny other people equal rights, treat them in some awful way, or cast doubt on otherwise solid ideas.
A like argument was urged and rejected generations ago, when actions based on religious beliefs and practices resulted in the deaths of children who were denied blood transfusions and other medical treatment and in the physical abuse of women and children.
That would be no problem at all, if only the believers didn't try to deny rights to others because they confuse their religious beliefs with the law.
how any minister, especially african - american ones, can deny others» their civil rights is bigoted beyond belief
You do not have the right to force others to believe the same, nor do you have the right to deny them civil rights under the law based on your unproven beliefs.
But if believers try to invoke their beliefs as a defence for treating other people badly — denying them a service because they are gay or claiming a right to preach at them in a professional context — the law is right to prevent them.
The other aspect of the climate science deniers» strange relationship with paleoclimatology is their belief that climate reconstructions going back hundreds of millions of years are wonderfully reliable but those going back 1000 of 2000 could not possibly be accurate.
Is there anything other than a cynical reason that Dr. Curry denies the specific political fingerprint of the AGW belief system?
It surprising then, given the way you and the other CAGW Alarmists and Progressives are continually name calling (e.g. «Deniers») and abusing people that don't accept your beliefs, there are so many «Progressives» involved in teaching.
In other words, deniers are not those that deny science based on factual data, deniers are those that do not share the same belief system or faith that Climate Scientists Share have involving «The Theory of AGW».
I believe these unpleasant pieces of the puzzle need to be fit into place in order to understand the internally conflicting positions of many honest «deniers», and to understand and the positions of others who are committed to absolute confidence in the truth of some fundamental «axioms» of their ideological (religious / mathematic / econometric / political) belief systems.
While it does not include social security numbers, it does include an address, a date of birth, political affiliations, the way you've voted in the past, and everything else that a person would need to hunt you down, to impersonate you, or to deny you employment or other benefits based solely on your political beliefs.
Women should never be denied basic health care services by pharmacists who choose to impose their own beliefs on others
Other signs of Marital Psychosis (a state in which newly engaged couples completely lose touch with reality and live in a world of false beliefs, denying the truth in front of them) include The «Mind Reading Delusion», often expressed as «if you really loved me you would know what I want and just do it without me having to ask,» and The «Changing the Other Person Fantasy» which consists of the convictions that:
Other signs of Marital Psychosis (a state in which newly engaged couples completely lose touch with reality and live in a world of false beliefs, denying the truth in front of them) include
There must be a pathological fear of abandonment as well as the lack of empathy and the need and ability to manipulate and dominate others.The alienator may have a «splitting» personality which is a disorder that tends to deny them the ability to hold opposing thoughts, feelings, or beliefs about others.
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