Sentences with phrase «department and agencies»

These include federal government departments and agencies, crown corporations, and other federally regulated businesses.
He still acts for government departments and agencies in serious injury claims, public inquiries and cases involving national security.
On this policy — maybe only on this policy — there is a consistent message and a consistent plan of action, across departments and agencies.
The protection of children is a matter for the whole community and all levels of government, across relevant departments and agencies, to do more to prevent harm to our children.
As I soon learned, all of these students had been, and continued to be, let down by the city and its various departments and agencies.
In a policy office, much of the work revolves around identifying a problem and working to reach consensus among departments and agencies within the federal government and relevant stakeholders outside the government.
That's why there are 16 different departments and agencies working to put together this initiative.
This framework will identify the roles and responsibilities of individual departments and agencies in relation to program and policy responsibilities and will be available to all relevant stakeholders.
The main estimates are one of the mechanisms that actually give departments and agencies the authority to spend public funds.
Perhaps the minister should look at the quality of decision - making in his own department and its agencies before seeking to limit judicial review.
It's true that in smaller departments and agencies, you're less likely to find specialized human resources people whose sole mission is to recruit veterans.
Several government sources say up to $ 1 billion has been requested by federal departments to address a growing number of cybersecurity issues across multiple departments and agencies.
There are numerous departments and agencies that you can move into and as your career progresses you may develop a specialist area.
We have working relationships with experts in this field and are familiar with acceptable national standard operating procedures for police departments and agencies.
Overall, departments and agencies report that the use of student loan repayment assistance as a recruitment and retention tool for highly skilled workers has been effective.
Specific legislation has extended the ability to make injunction applications to other government departments and agencies.
Federal departments and agencies have teamed up and introduced a new initiative to combat this issue.
Governments should adopt a «whole of government» approach to law and policy reform, pursuant to which consultation processes are coordinated across all relevant departments and agencies.
Equal emphasis needs to be given to the responsibility of governments and government departments and agencies in improving their performance in regard to Indigenous communities.
The Code of Federal Regulations are merely the general and permanent regulations published by executive department and agencies of the Federal Government.
Determining how to elaborate on the principles set forth in the Memorandum in enough detail to be of real assistance in their implementation, while at the same time retaining sufficient generality to be applicable across Executive departments and agencies with a wide variety of missions and structures, has been particularly challenging.
Continuity of Government (COG) is how the Executive Branch Departments and Agencies work together to ensure that the eight National Essential Functions can continue uninterrupted.
ISAC advises 13 federal departments and agencies on a wide array of issues involving invasive species.
Daryl has worked in a number of departments and agencies including the Department of Transport and Regional Services and the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and also served as a ministerial adviser to the then Assistant Treasurer.
NTRBs undertake negotiations with State departments and agencies on a range of issues as outlined in the following table:
The ECQ narrative statements are required for entry into the Senior Executive Services and are used by many departments and agencies in selection, performance management and leadership development for management and executive positions.
He signed an executive order directing departments and agencies to identify two regulations to repeal for every new regulation proposed, and he met with a council of business leaders, including Plank, to discuss roadblocks to business growth.
PSFK takes the show on the road to London on June 1, with «The Marketing Gap in Green» with Chair: Karen Fraser (Ethical Index) Panel: John Grant (BrandTarot), Diana Verde Nieto (Clownfish), Tamara Giltsoff (OZObrand), Santiago Gowland (Unilever) discussing» Could marketing departments and their agencies get left behind by both the corporations they serve and the consumers they supply?»
The PBO suggested that since the Government lapsed $ 10.1 billion in 2012 - 13, Parliamentarians should seek clarification as to why departments and agencies under spent by this amount and whether, given this, all of the $ 5.4 billion in Supplementary Estimates (B) is actually required.
Unless the PBO's mandate is changed and the Office reports directly to Parliament, rather than to the Library of Parliament, it will never be fully independent and have access to information from departments and agencies that it requires to provide Parliamentarians and the public with the expert analysis they need to hold the Government to account.
Such information would require departments and agencies to provide more accurate data and provide Parliament with a more comprehensive basis for control and approval.
«So, [in] July we're going to be working very closely with departments and agencies making sure we anticipate... all of the issues and challenges that'll be associated with doing this right.»
He has written numerous municipal code amendments for the City of Chicago which were approved and implemented by city departments and agencies concerning a variety of municipal issues.
Expenses for all other departments and agencies advanced $ 1.2 billion (5.3 %), also reflecting increased liabilities for employee pension and other future benefits.
Local Law 28 requires City department and agency «advertising and other materials pertaining to public events to include information regarding accessibility for people with disabilities» but it does not include elected officials or Community Boards.
Just as federal and provincial departments and agencies participate as experts in environmental assessments, the regulators should also be engaged during assessments to provide their advice and expertise, and also to help streamline the transition between the assessment and regulatory stages.
The president held a video conference from Camp David in which he instructed departments and agencies to «stay fully engaged and positioned to support his number one priority of saving lives,» the statement said.
There are many reasons why departments and agencies don't spend their total appropriations.
«Our Chief Directors and other heads of ministries, departments and agencies who are at the helm of affairs have the arduous task of leading your respective institutions towards the success of these programs,» he noted.
The work of the legislature involves taking action on communications from the County Executive and other elected county officials, the various county departments and agencies, other governments, the public, and the legislators themselves.
If federal department and agencies consider that mitigation measures do not rule out serious risks of the research, they would have the authority to request voluntary redaction of results, classify the research and withhold or withdraw research funding.
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