Sentences with phrase «depend upon the assumption»

Depending upon your assumptions around battery size and chemistry, China's ambitions alone could consume slightly more than today's entire global supply of lithium.
The modem West's two important ideologies, those of liberal progress and Marxist revolution, both reflect and depend upon these assumptions about time.
In certain respects they would differ from those which depend upon the assumption of limitlessness.
Since the warrant for subsequent growth interpretations depends upon the assumption

Not exact matches

The fact that Whitehead makes so little use of the consequent nature in most of Process and Reality can be explained by his assumption this was not a topic for general metaphysics (depending upon the special insights of religious experience) and so could not be employed in any purely metaphysical investigation.
We need not feel tryannized by the present, for whether theology is a human projection or a reflection of divine realities depends upon one's initial assumptions about reality.
The Christian Faith is sometimes criticized because it depends entirely upon an old - fashioned conception of God and upon the assumption that this little planet is the center of the whole universe.
(ii) Craig's argument from thermodynamics depends upon assuming that the natural universe is a closed system, and so it will have force only for those who make that assumption.
There can be no doubt that though this view of progress does depend upon the biblical assumption of the importance of human history, it is a complete distortion of the biblical outlook.
He describes the quantitative studies that have been devoted to answering this question, but admits that the results are confusing and seem to depend to an inordinate degree upon the assumptions of the investigator.
But they are the very ones least able to judge the matter, for they were selected and trained by the system so that they could be depended upon to operate within its assumptions and myths.
Of course, his assumptions about science have proved to be wrong; we have subsequently learned that science depends upon such constrained agreements.
The longer the payback period, the more a decision to invest depends upon the veracity of its underlying assumptions, i.e., the more imperative it becomes that those assumptions correspond to reality.
The rates and information below are based on a variety of assumptions and conditions and will depend upon the specific traits of your mortgage loan and credit profile.
These can differ from IEA price assumptions even if based upon the IEA's demand scenarios, depending on supply assumptions.
The IPCC models depend upon an incorrect assumption that these fictitious «photons» from a cold atmosphere can warm the surface... [Moderator's note — rest of «essay» deleted]..
Based on this source list, future CH4 emission trajectories depend upon such variables as volumes of fossil fuels used in the scenarios, regional demographic and affluence developments, and assumptions on preferred diets and agricultural practices.
Climate projections are distinguished from climate predictions in order to emphasize that climate projections depend upon the emission / concentration / radiative forcing scenario used, which are based on assumptions concerning, for example, future socioeconomic and technological developments that may or may not be realised and are therefore subject to substantial uncertainty.
At the minimum, the two Mann et al. studies rely on highly inconsistent assumptions, yet one analysis depends upon the other.
GIGO, it depends upon the model, assumptions and what the researchers want to prove.
Climate projections are distinguished from a href = «c.html #climate - predictions» > climate predictions in order to emphasize that climate projections depend upon the emission / concentration / radiative forcing scenario used, which are based on assumptions concerning, for example, future socioeconomic and technological developments that may or may not be realized and are therefore subject to substantial uncertainty.
So what may seem «logical» to you, that we are contributing «greatly» depends upon a uncertain assumption «only if there are no other sources of c12 increases which are not human caused»
She said: ``... questions of assumption of risk depend upon a wider range of factors and value judgments... Although the result in this case may be to bring about certainty and clarity... such an imposed limit on liability could easily be at the expense of justice in some future case.
The bonus rate depends upon factors such as the return on the assets and investments, the level of bonuses declared in previous years and other actuarial assumptions.
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